Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Join me for a coffee today

Hello and welcome to the folk who call in to see me  today.
Its Tuesday, so it just has to be T day over at

Those of you who visit with me know my preferred brew is Tea.
But when I saw the latest freebie magazine in the supermarket, I  just had to get cutting out to make this collage page which may appeal to those of you, whose brew of choice...... is coffee.

As I was having a bit of a rant at the latest changes  to behind the scenes with Blogger....her Ladyship  was my choice of mug .

How are you all finding the changes?

It seems to be  taking me ages to access my Reading List  and I don't really need to see my own post lists each time either. 

I wonder if they ever ask, the folk who do Blog for an opinion.
However like most things we have to get used to change
and no doubt the folk behind the scenes think this is all, a very good  way forward.
So I will not say any more about it....for now.

I will share the  collage with friends at
 where there is only a couple of more days to join Susi's theme for the month..

Happy T day and thank you for stopping by.


  1. Ah yes, Blogger has made life difficult for us again! LOVE the coffee collage, so pleased you are serving coffee today, a large one for me please! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. I am in LOVE with your coffee collage. It's a beauty. I always prefer coffee, but I am more than willing to drink tea at least once a week.

    Please don't get me started on blogger. I tried to access one of my blogs looking for an address. FOUR hours later, six different google sites, I finally got the answer. Then I had to play around with the answer awhile until I figured out what they were trying to tell me. SHOW me, not tell me. I'm often a visual learner. OK, off my high horse now, too. I'll join her Ladyship and enjoy a cup with you for T this Tuesday.

  3. A wonderful coffee collage and the free magazines are amazing with terrific quality paper--I have lots of them now--a bit of an addiction.

    Agree about the daft changes to Blogger. I can only assume that someone thought it was a good idea????

    Happy T Day Yvonne

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Fabulous use of the freebies. I only use the blogger reader and that seems to take ages now.
    Hugs Flo x

  5. What a fantastic collage for coffee ! I love your collage! Thanks a lot for sharing it with AJJ as well!
    Blogger is sometimes very confusing - but I am sure they just want to make things better ... but not knowing if for themselves or for us...lol???
    Happy T-Day dear Yvonne!
    oxo Susi

  6. delicious Collage - i love the various Fonts on the Cup.
    happy t-day, Yvonne!

  7. Wonderful image for a journal page. Love the saying on the large cup. Took me a couple days to get used to the new blogger format. I don't see my own posts though, but I haven't posted since last week!!

  8. So fantastique collage for your Art Journal page Yvonne !! Love it !! and love tea like you, but, also like you, sometimes I prepar coffee for my friends and enjoy these so beautiful moments.Happy day to you ! big hugs. Caty.

  9. a brilliant coffee collage Yvonne! I happen to be both a coffee and tea drinker. The first time I happened non Blogger's changes I near panicked but eventually figured things out and found my reading list, comments etc. Not so sure I like having to move around so much for everything though. Happy T day!

  10. Fantastic collage page Yvonne - brilliantly designed and executed!
    I thought it was just me not finding things easily - I preferred it when I could see straight away if any new comments on my 3 blogs. I've not been able to fathom out for ages why when I follow anyone now it shows my name but not blogging name. :(
    Hope its not too cold up with you - lovely and sunny here - but an even colder night predicted for us all I think. Gill xx

  11. I haven't noticed too much difference in my use of blogger; but I don't use the Reading List feature, preferring to subscribe to blogs I read using a separate feed reader. And I just have one blog while I see many folks keep several. Those things would make a big difference.

    I loved your collage. Happy T Tuesday!

  12. An awesome collage...I love it! that's a great quote in the coffee cup too...happy T day!

  13. I think the blogger changes are annoying. They didn't need to do them, especially seeing they still double post everything-once in final form and once as a draft. It would have been nice to fix that at least. But I LOVE the collage today. I prefer tea but the cookies looks yummy to me. Happy Tea day. Hugs-Erika

  14. Fantastic collage and I would gladly eat one of those snowflake cookies - yum! Wishing you a very Happy T Day your ladyship ... tee hee! :-) J x

  15. A great journal page, I prefer coffee myself and only drink tea occasionally. Lovely festive looking cookies in there too.
    As for blogger, the changes seem to be a bit unnecessary and I can't say I like them very much. As you say you don't need to see a list of your own posts.
    Jean x

  16. Yes! Blogger at it again - very frustrating going around in circles to get to my blog! Your collage makes me smile though! I will pop back tomorrow for a catch up! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. I haven't noticed any changes in Blogger (yet) but then I don't do much with it apart from writing and posting my blog.
    I love your coffee collage! I can almost smell the coffee.
    Happy T-Day

  18. My beverage of choice is tea, too. As to Blogger changes, I don't use the reading list. Use my blog roll so I know when someone posts. As a former programmer, changes to software keep us working. (-; Was nice meeting you

  19. Good selection of coffee products there!


  20. What a wonderful page Yvonne, I can almost smell the coffee!! With regards to Blogger. I'm not a fan of change unless it's for the better, and I don't see how anything they did is better. No better, just different and that's the problem with most of these updates. I think they do it to make it look like they're improving and taking strides, but really it's just rearranging for the sake of it. Ding dongs!! Sorry I've been so scarce, November has been a bit challenging. sending hugs :)

  21. Blogger has frustrated me to the max this week....my addled brain just can't handle it and hopefully I'll get it all figured out when I feel better. Love the page you created ♥♥♥♥

  22. Love your page! And my brew of choice is coffee. :) I was not happy to see the changes by blogger.... they are always frustrating and often wonder why they just don't leave well enough alone...But then i don't like change... and one of these days they are going to do something that i just can't figure out and then i will be done with blogging i guess.. but so far ... knock on wood i've been able to figure them out... Happy Belated Tday to you! Hugs! deb
