Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Romance....... at TioT's



is the new challenge theme for the next two weeks

 over at   Try it on Tuesdays

It will soon be Valentines day, so the  TioT's 

 team have chosen the theme of Romance for the next two weeks.

We hope you will join us and share your ideas for this new topic.

I have created this digital page, I hope she finds her true love and they can be together.

Please call over to see what the team have been making and get all the details,

 we look forward to visiting you.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

What a Night.......... at TioT's

 What a Night....


Try it on Tuesdays

I have created  a digital scrapbook scene for our new challenge  theme.

My thoughts behind this were  of  young folk having  a real fun, happy time

late into the night,  when a party could last for hours and they would enjoy being with friends.

WE look forward to visiting you and

 hope you will join us and share how you would interpret this

 theme over at TioT's

All the information can be found here and you can see our ideas for the theme.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

'Feeling Blue'......... at TioT's


Happy New Year everyone

our first challenge theme for 2025

 over at  Try it on Tuesdays is.........

'Feeling Blue'

A digital journal page from me to start  the year at TioT's.

 January , the New Year  for me in the north of the UK  meant,

storms, icy cold , wind, gales and this past weekend a lot of snow.

Easy to feel the need to stay home, keep warm,

but looking out my window to see the youngsters and their families

 playing in the snow, making  snowmen and sledging down the hill

was a real happy sight to see.

WE thank you for all your support over at TioT's  in 2024

 and look forward to seeing how you interpret our challenge themes,

in the coming months.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Happy Christmas


Happy Christmas  everyone,

with very  best wishes for the coming year.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Santa Clause is coming to Town..... at TioT's


At  Try it on Tuesdays our last  challenge theme for the year  is....

'Santa Claus is coming to town'.

I have created a digital card, this one has Santa

  with his sleigh pulled by his trusty  reindeers, 

calling at the children's homes,    to leave a special gift .

Sometimes I'm sure they must have  difficulties finding s safe place to stop .

We hope you will join us  and look forward to seeing your interpretations of the theme.

Thank you for all the support you have given us at 

Try it on Tuesdays this  year and we hope you all have a

 Happy Festive season and a good New Year


Tuesday, 26 November 2024

A Traditional Christmas....... at TioT's


Traditional Christmas...

is the theme for the next two weeks over at 

Try it on Tuesdays.

I have created a digital card showing a snow scene with the 

two girls meeting  to play on a snowy day.

Both look cosy and warm in their woolly hats , scarves and mittens.

A few days ago here in the north of the U.K. we had our first  snow of the winter

 it was lovely to see the youngsters playing and sledging

 on the hill close to the wood near  my home,

 I think a few mums and dads were having fun as well.

Please pop over to TioT's to see our ideas for this theme

 and we hope you will join us there.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Sparkle all the Way

'Sparkle all the way'...
is the new challenge theme  over at 

This was a big challenge  for me especially the sparkles. Maybe a card with glitter would be the answer but for me taking a photo would not be easy,
 A few of my design team friends  have been saying they had difficulties with photos.
  I hope you will pop over to TioT's to see how we and
our Guest Designer interpreted  this theme.
I chose to use stars on this digital birthday card, suitable for someone who has a
special day  late in the year.
We hope you will join us and share your ideas for this topic
 and look forward to visiting your blog.