Hello everyone calling in to see me today.
Its T day over at Bleubeard and Elizabeths
where we are always made very welcome with a drinks related post.
Now I hope I haven't given you all a shock....its NOT tea in my cup.
Today I had a change and made myself an instant , Flat White coffee.
The garden is showing signs that autumn will soon be here. The blackberries are ripening in the hedge and the birds are having a feast on them. I'm sure they watch them getting plump and eat early in the morning before I get up.
The eating apples are also getting ready to eat, another week or so and they will need to be picked.
My friend called in today and took a bag of the cooking apples home for her freezer .
I share as many as I can as besides freezing a lot I don't store them in any other way and we have limited space to store them straight from the tree.
My craft room still is in its usual messy state, but I did manage to have an hour in there yesterday, before my energy levels dropped .. Thank you for all your kind wishes these past few weeks about my health issues. I am still having tests, the current tablets seem to be working as they should, I could do with feeling a bit more active. It seems to take me quite a while to get my day started and once it gets to mid afternoon, thats it, 'tomorrow is another day'.
It now will be a page for Art Journal Journey and Gill's theme of Anything with eyes
However you spend your day, I hope it will be a good one for you.