Monday 27 June 2016


This is a  ' just because',  page, sometimes I think about what to create,
 most times I just get started and see what happens.
I'm sure many folk here in the UK are thinking at the moment about what happens next.
My family certainly are....

So this is my page  for Europe.

 It is an old antique map I used as a base.
The Thinking lady is an image from Dezinaworld.

I will be joining the folk over at Art Journal Journey
where there is only a few days left for us to join in Mary's theme of Maps.

Thankyou for calling in to see me today.
Your visit is always appreciated.


  1. Lovely page, I think we are all sitting and waiting to see how things develop, I'm alternating between mad and sad! Thanks for joining us again at AJJ, hugs, Valerie

  2. Lovely thoughtful collage Yvonne!
    Getting started to see what happens is how I mostly create too although I am always thinking about making things.
    The world seems to be holding its breath a bit to see how things materialize in the UK.
    Sending all good wishes for the very best outcome.

  3. I often start pages the same way Yvonne! I believe that you are sad about the brexit - I was shocked as well.
    oxo Susi
    Thank you so much for joining us again at Art Journal JOureny!

  4. Wow, your page ist beautiful again.
    Yes, I was shocked...
    Greets Carola

  5. Yes, just getting started often produces something.
    Your page is very appropriate just now, I think a lot of people are sitting and thinking.....
    Thanks for all your very nice comments at Orange E.

  6. Great piece. I love the old map background and that lady, she is thinking quite seriously from the look on her face. Hope she comes to some good conclusions. Hugs-Erika

  7. I love your thinking lady page, and the beautiful antique map. It is certainly a time of reflection for all of us just now.
    Jean x

  8. This is a truly lovely entry, Yvonne. One thing I know is, you are not the only one thinking about this latest development in the UK. Believe it or not, there are several of my friends and I who are talking about it, too. I feel for your country right now, and I feel for you as you sit and reflect on these current times.

  9. wonderful piece representing the emotions of so many I believe. Here's to wishing a bright and happy outcome for you all!

  10. Beautiful page, indeed we have all to think about Europe, especially the politiciens , I'm so sorry you left EU, not only for you but for all EU countries, I hope this won't give still more problems for ordinary people!!

    Have a nice stamping time!!

  11. Very up the minute Yvonne Well dome for this brilliant collage

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Wowzer absolutely love this collage, the colours are amazing...xx {aNNie}

  13. A thought provoking page here Yvonne, it's quite astonishing how the polls seem to get it wrong so often. I hope this won't mean a Donald Duck Trump page on the cards too! My French pals have promised I won't need a visa when I go over in a couple of weeks, let's see how long that lasts.... All I know is there are a lot of angry people up in Scotland & Europe is now running scared due to a lot of discontented people in the heartland.

    Sally xx

  14. What a poignant page Yvonne, I have to say, I know completely how your lady feels. I am not usually very political, but I think Brexit has left most people quite shaken whatever side of the divide they were on.... I love how you put your page together, it is truly beautiful!

  15. This is so touching Yvonne! I love the thought behind this page and your vision to put it in art form!

  16. I think there's going to be a lot of wondering what next! Very unsettling! Your page reflects the uncertainty very well! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. Wonderful. Theres a message! Very inspiring!
