Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Inspired by a Song ..... at TioT's


Inspired by a Song...

is the new challenge theme over at Try it on Tuesdays.

We hope you will join us there,

 please pop over to see which songs we all chose for inspiration.

The song I chose for my inspiration was....

We are family---- by Sister Sledge.

Families- sisters, brothers, cousins........

 have not been able to get together for many months but  imagine the joy 

and fun that  they will be able to have when  the restrictions

 we are all living with just now are raised.

My digital  journal page relates to a few of the cousins dancing with joy 

to the beat of the music, while maybe their parents are sitting  watching, talking,

 glad to be in each others company again. 

Happier, carefree days that hopefully  will return soon

.I will also link this page to  Art Journal Journey

where we are remembering Eileen with a theme she had chosen .'.Inspired by.' 
My inspiration was the song  I chose to use on the page.

Stay safe and keep well.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Make a Rainbow..... at TioT's

 Make a Rainbow.....
 is the new challenge theme over at Try it on Tuesdays.
Please pop over to see how we all interpreted this theme  at TioT's.
We are looking forward to seeing all   the rainbow colours you use to create your art or project.

This was how the page looked before I added the computer generated images in the digital program I use. Some areas were covered up with lighter shades and even though the computer is a clean way of adding colour I did enjoy creating this page.
One of these days I hope to get out paints and get properly messy again, but its hard for me to  focus after all that has been going on in my family these past months.
I hope to get  calling in to visit everyone soon.

Thank you for stopping by, stay safe and keep well.

I will also link this page to  Art Journal Journey
where we are remembering Eileen with a theme she had chosen .'.Inspired by.' 
My inspiration was the bright colours  I chose to use on the page.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Inspired by...... at Art Journal Journey.


Inspired by.....

 is the theme for April over at Art Journal Journey

This theme was chosen for us by Eileen from the Artful Crafter, sadly Eileen

didn't make it after  heart surgery and  passed away last month.. In her memory we are 

 using the theme she chose for us, with Erika and Chris hosting.

This has been a hard journal page for me  to complete. The theme wasn't the problem,  it was my thoughts going off  sideways. knowing how her family and friends must be feeling .

The inspiration for my page came from a   session in the garden.  My eldest son had fun with a  tree saw and cleared some large branches and I  got started in the greenhouse  tackling the vine that decided  it was taking over the whole space.  It was good to get out in the fresh air, I  had a few  smiles   as I remembered  my sons as youngsters going out and bringing me in bunches of flowers as well as weeds that had to be  given pride of place  in a pot on the window ledge.  

 Once again my journal page was completed in the digital program I use. It started off with paper scraps, paint and  embossed stencil layers.

I hope you will join us at AJJ we all look forward to seeing what inspired you.

Take care and stay safe.