Hello from land rover land................
I am just sharing a few photos from the Rally event.
One of 3 camping fields, My eldest son stood on the trailer to get this shot.
All clean and ready to go [Friday]....
The cup of tea is always to hand.
It soothes the mothers nerves when they go off to play.
If I can I will link this post and join
for T on Tuesdays
Tea and coffee has been drunk in copious amounts over the past few days.
Our two sons enter CCV [cross country vehicle] competitions.
There she is waiting for the off.
these are not speed events, more skill and faith in your driving.
A very brief summary of what they do.
They complete 12 sections..... aiming to pass through 12 sets of narrow pegged gates on each.
If a gate is contacted with any part of the car they have to stop and take the relevant score.
It is hard to do as the gates, generally are situated between trees or in muddy pools etc.
If they stop the engine, that is also an elimination from that section.
Watching is limited , for safety reasons. occasionally the cars roll over.
Our younger son driving through a muddy section, with only one gate to go to complete this section and......
yep.... he got well and truly stuck.
Our eldest son didn't get to this part when it was his turn to drive. the section.
Most times another land rover pulls them out, this time it had to be the farm tractor.
Later in the day the front bumper was pulled off, when it was being towed out of more mud.
So here she is the beloved toy, covered in mud,
minus her front bumper and loaded ready to go home.
We are now all going to enjoy the company and relax for the rest of the week.
Now if you have managed to get this far, I haven't forsaken my messy crafting,
this is a piece I did before we came away.
It was a photo of a paint sprayed and stencilled background in my journal,
which I have altered digitally while the boys have been playing with their toys.
Thank you for calling by to see me.
I will call in to see you soon.