Sunday, 26 June 2022

I'm NOT catching fish .... for AJJ



      I'm NOT catching fish  

Well its nearly the end of June and I have managed to make

 another digital journal page for Mia's theme....Fish

 over at Art Journal Journey

I am struggling to create any type of art and  journal pages just now.

my mojo went walk about a number of weeks ago  and hasn't returned home as yet.

Add to this, a theme,  that I have to admit has caused me  a  big metal block on the topic. 

I am not  someone who enjoys the sea , I'm more country, fields and woodland.

Anyway I found in my digital library this vintage bathing scene, added some fish

then decided that Molly was trying to catch a toy  boat the boys has lost earlier

 and not the fish who were happily swimming with her friends in the sea.

Thank you for stopping by to see me

you are very welcome here.


  1. I love the girl on your image and the thought of catching dreams! I love the sea, and have enjoyed this theme. I miss going to the sea. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Smile- I love all the fish you added to this wonderful vintage piece. I think the fish are happy this beautiful lady is not catching them. That is why there is so many fish around. I love the sea too, and this is a great piece for the Mia's fish theme. I hope you are having a nice weekend Yvonne. hugs-Erika

  3. You are not the only one struggling with this theme, Yvonne. Your vintage image is stunning. She is a genuine beauty. I like how she is catching the toy and not the fish. It's a genuinely fun page and just perfect for Mia's theme at AJJ.

  4. Darling page. Love the girl and all the fish! Fun! Hugz

  5. So enchantig, nostalgic summer page where also fishes are enjoying🤩🌞

  6. How lovely is that page. I adore the background colour you have used and that girl catching a toy boat is adorable in her bathing outfit.
    A lovely page Yvonne, you would not know you had no affinity with the sea to look at this.
    Hope your mojo returns soon, it's awful when it goes walkabout.
    Hugs, Neet xx
