

Saturday 28 March 2020

A hug

Hold me tight

One hug
 even  a virtual hug across the miles is  treasured these days.
 So many of us are  are having to stay home 
 with no contact with our loved ones and friends.
It could be easy to feel Isolated and alone.

However it is a time to be thankful for the  internet where we can keep in touch and connect with our Blog friends all over the world.  also our telephones
where we can talk and communicate with our families and friends.
Modern technical  knowledge at its best

The first version of my page I altered in the digital program I use and turned it ' Green'
so I could sneak  another entry into Eileen's.....Green  theme over at
Art Journal Journey

I used a new Jane Davenport stamp on a mop up page that had a bit of random stamping as well

This is how the page actually looks in my journal,
no words added as I think the image shows the love and trust they shared .

However you spend you day, I hope it will be a good one for you.
 Stay well and safe and look after yourselves.


  1. Hi Yvonne! Love this in both colour schemes, great idea. We all need lots of virtual hugs these days, being alone indoors is not easy. But I'm sure we will get through it. Look after yourself, hugs, Valerie

  2. These are your usual brilliant pages Yvonne - that's a great stamp!
    Hope you and the other half are coping - here we are staying inside in the gaming/craft space on the top floor - he is talking to his internet friends all over the world whilst they kill each other in some virtual war game or other and I am sat at the opposite side of the room (desperately seeking mojo)fiddling about with some inks without completing anything!
    Weather here taken a turn and gone very cold after the last few beautiful sunny days - on the upside maybe all those fools who wanted to sit out and have picnics may stay indoors!!!
    A virtual hug from me. xx

  3. What a super stamp that is, I think I prefer the colours version but they are both great. Sending a hug....

    Sally xx

  4. Both versions of this art piece are fantastic. A virtual hug is a great thing to share. Thank you for brightening my morning with this.

  5. Your page is so beautiful. Yes the internet is such a nice thing. Thank's for sharing a virtual hug.

  6. beautiful sentiment I actually love the version in your journal the best-they are both wonderful -hugs stay well

  7. A lovely new stamp Yvonne, it looks fabulous in the true colours, but colouring it green seems to send a message to be kind to the planet as well.
    Stay safe, Avril xx

  8. Oh Yvonne! Two lovely pages for the price of one!
    Yes indeed, there are lots of virtual hugs heading around the World at the moment! I wonder if without so much traffic around, both on the ground and in the air and workplaces closed it will have an impact on our wildlife. I think there may be only a handful of countries where it's business as usual, although of course one of them is a very big one!! Take care, Hugs, Chrisx

  9. These are all two adorable journal pages.
    I am also glad that I have you on the internet it is like a big family right now, thank you for getting to know you
    I wish you a good weekend and stay healthy!
    Greetings Elke

  10. It must be tough if people are isolated and even alone. And some people have lost their jobs. Never mind worry about getting sick. My husband and I have self isolated for the most part (well I need to go get food once a week or so), as his immune system is down. I feel lucky I have that. I love both of your takes on your page today and it is a true sentiment. Sending you a hug over the internet. Thanks goodness for that. Hugs-Erika

  11. Two fabulous pages, love that green.x

  12. Beautiful page. And yes, what would we do without internet and all?
    I tried to call my Brother twice now without success and I worry, though.

  13. Love it both in the original and in that vivid green... and even though it's a leopard, it still reminds me of A Tiger Came To Tea - so I'm happy for that memory too! Virtual hugs all round. Stay safe.
    Alison x

  14. Both are wonderful but I think I am partial to the green as it is more soothing. Great cat image and wonderful bg! TFS

  15. I love the original page ---- and the green variety is super for AJJ ... so clever of you!
    Elbow hugs!
    Susi xxx

  16. Aww, I'm green with envy over your green page, Yvonne. Here's a virtual hug from me. I love your page in full color too.

    Thank you for sharing another wonderful page at Art Journal Journey.

    Have a Lovely Sunday. Stay safe and well.

    Eileen xx

  17. Once again, I must apologize for being so late visiting. I've been offline due to my internet provider. I can take the stay at home orders, just not NOT being connected to the internet. I love your virtual hug. I get those from my boys, mostly Bleubeard. This is quite adorable. Although I actually like the version in your journal better, I am truly grateful you colorized the images so they would fit for Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey. Simply adorable. Lots of safe virtual hugs from the three of us today, too, dear friend.

  18. I love this Yvonne! I really miss hugs!
    Sending an elbow hug,
    Alison xx

  19. Virtual hugs are so important these days, my family are getting lots …
    Love both of these …

    All the best Jan

  20. Virtual hug backatcha, Yvonne. Those two pages look so different with the color change to green. Quite a cute image either way. xox
