

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Cut and Paste

Staying home......
Isolation ....a  decision many of us have not had to make for ourselves.
currently in the UK we all  have to stay home, unless working in necessary occupations.
. Both our sons  now   work from their own homes in the next village. 
 Last week the youngest came over and borrowed
my office style craft desk as  these days the dining room table is my craft-place,
 We had a last hug and from now they will leave  anything we need in the porch
 and give us a wave  through the window.
  This is allowed as we cannot get out for ourselves.
Food deliveries from the stores  have a long wait time,,
 an order I placed two weeks ago will hopefully  be delivered tomorrow, 
 thank goodness for freezers and items we may have been able to store  in our larders.

I will try not to feel low about the situation and  like so many others cope as best we can.
One plus is that  I can keep in touch with internet friends and of course still get some crafting time when hubby is resting.
This page is simply a background using stencils and some die cuts.
T day friends if you call in have  a laugh about reference to coffee, but I couldn't not use that one..
 it made me smile

Here is the photo of  my tea cup, so I can call in to Bleaubeard and Elizabeth's
for the T day gathering.

Stay safe and well  everyone
Happy T day wishes.


  1. I still hope we will not get a ban here. Hubby went to work.
    A happy T-day, let´s hope this is over soon! Hugs!

  2. What a fun page you have created. Laughter does us good. I have to stay home, too, Nathalie did my shopping for me, bless her. All the best for you and your hubby! Take good care of yourself, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Ha! That did make me laugh out loud... vivid, cheerful colours - it's the kind of relief and release we need right now. It's definitely going to be tough but, as you say, important to remember the things which can still bring us joy - the crafting time, the sunshine and the lovely spring plants flourishing outside the window. Take care of yourselves.
    Alison x

  4. It’s sad that families are having to keep apart but very necessary I think, my sons both live far away but they ring every few days to check up on us, if it was left to our son in San Francisco we wouldn’t be allowed out even to shop as he worries about us, especially my husband who has heart problems, I do the shopping so he hasn’t had to come until contact with anyone for ten days!
    Take care of yourself, sending Hugs, Happy T Day, Jan x

  5. Very fun page-and I am happy you get food in faster now. trying times for everyone in the world right now-stay safe hugs Kathy

  6. A great nice site that makes me smile.
    Oh yes, that's not all for all of us, that's why I'm glad that we are so good with all the internet friends like you !!!
    I wish you a good time and stays healthy and your family will take good care of you!
    Greetings elke

  7. Your page and caption certainly made me smile! A fun and humorous page.
    I am glad that you are able to get the things that you need despite the wait. And thank the Lord for family that can still help in these times. That's wonderful that they are dropping things off to you and that they live close. This isolation won't be forever!
    Happy Tea Day,

  8. Fabulous page! It really made me smile with the happy colours and wonderful artist 😊. It's the same with my mum and dad too, shopping for them and waving through the window! Best to stay safe though, I would have to pass it onto them as my dad is incredibly high risk. Take care and sending Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  9. It is a challenge right now, isn't it? But your page is so happy Yvonne. I ordered some of those new punch outs myself, and thank goodness they are so much fun. You page made me smile.We don't have orders to stay in yet but since my husband has immune issues we are staying in, so I agree-thank goodness for art time. My daughter is staying away and my mom's assisted living is in lockdown so the only good news is we are all in the same boat. (But is that good news?) Take care and I hope you get some answers about the hubby's health soon. And hope your T day is going well. Hugs-Erika

  10. That's the kind of humor on this page that we all need right now!
    You do well, take good care!
    Big hugs,

  11. A fabulous page Yvonne, love the fun image and you did have me wondering about the coffee quote!
    Stay safe. Hugs, Avril xx

  12. thanks for the smiles via your cut and paste page today:) That kite is so cute too. Stay well. Happy T Day!

  13. I love your description of your last family contact before the shut down :) We're not shut down as tight here in Memphis, but we're ordered to stay home except for essentials. The definition of "essentials" seems pretty broad, though lol The coffee quote is perfect :) Happy T Tuesday!

  14. I absolutely LOVE the page you created. As a 24/7 coffee drinker, I had to laugh at the gal who had high expectations. Wonderful that we can at least laugh during these trying times. Sorry to read your sons can no longer visit. I KNOW how much you depend on them. Our county is considering a lock down, but have 26 essential services that are exempt. I just worry about you and your husband.

    I know the tea looks good to you, so I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for sharing your wonderful humorous journal page with us, as well as your tea for T this Tuesday.

    BTW, YOU can drink that green tea from today's T Tuesday post. I will use it for art. I'm not a fan of green tea.

  15. Fun and colorful page you created! Love it!

  16. I just spotted this page on Bloglovin and had to come and see it. What a fun page - I absolutely love it.
    From one locked down crafter to another - stay safe
    Hugs, Neet xx

  17. BEAUTIFUL you always make the most fun projects lovely..♥

  18. I love your art piece. Please be healthy and safe. "This too shall pass." Our T-Gang is another support group, besides our families. :-)

  19. Yes, life as we know it has changed all over the world. We'll just have to go along with it. You are lucky that in the UK they have waited with the isolation measures. We have been in lockdown for longer. (It doesn't bother me)
    I love your page. Very positive and colourful!
    Stay safe dear friend,
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  20. Thank you for the laugh, Yvonne. Funny page and just perfect for T.

    We just have our first confirmed case today. A guy just got back from a ski trip in Colorado and brought the bug with him. He's in hospital and his contacts are being tested.

    So I'm going to my craft table to do something messy.

    Stay safe. I'm glad your sons can provide supplies during your isolation.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  21. Stay home, Yvonne, and please take care of yourself. All the world live in a strange period of time but this will pass too. Please think positive. Think how lucky we are that we love crafting. And you created such a beautiful page, my friend. I send you a big hug!!!

  22. It certainly is a worrying time as far as food is concerned- we have a delivery on the 2nd from Waitrose then nothing else until the 15th and that is only because we stayed up until midnight to get onto Tesco's site and struck lucky. My sons have offered to get us anything we need in between and after that if we can't get anything. I'm glad my Mum always taught me to have a store cupboard and of course these days a stocked freezer(although it's not very big) Looking ahead it seems such a long time...but we do have craft supplies! You page cheered me up and that quote is so very funny! Stay safe! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  23. Strange times that we are living through...I’m glad to hear that your lads are close enough that they can keep you safe and get supplies to your house. We are relying on a couple of people but have now managed to get a bread delivery and a milk/juice/eggs delivery sorted. The butcher is delivering as is a local farm with fruit and vegetables. Tesco delivery is several weeks away however. Please stay safe, create your art to your hearts content and enjoy the peace it can bring.


  24. Hi, Yvonne, I am slowly working my way up to speed on blog visiting, feeling a bit more sociable :-). Here it is I'm replying 4/12 and you wrote this 3 weeks prior. Our daughter and son-in-love just showed up this afternoon from 200 miles away where they live in Austin, Tx. Brought us some toilet paper and a gift for Honey's upcoming birthday. Said they just had to get out and drive. We stood on front porch and they stood on walk. VERY STRANGE to me, I kept wanting to touch them both, but it was still wonderful being with them. I love your page. That background is delicious, especially in the photo at table. XOX
