

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Tea and paint

The last day of March and my last entry for Eileen's theme   'Green' at 

Would the rooster eat those macaroons,
 well no chance here,  as I;m sure  they would go nicely with a cuppa.
Which leads me to saying hello to friends over at
Each Tuesday we are made very welcome to join the gathering with a drinks related post

 So cuppa close by and a few stencils,
 all I had to do was find the green inks and paint, I didn't use the dotty page you can see in this photo, 
besides the few digital additions today, was going to be a green day.

It was also bread making day
An oven Cob bread loaf  was today's make in the kitchen,
even flour is now hard to find in our stores. 

The days seem to be longer and I have to admit I cannot seem to settle
  and concentrate  as much as usual.
 I miss our sons calling in, when they  bring our  groceries,
 they put the bag in the porch , close the door and phone us to say hello. 
We can then see them through the window and have a conversation
Its a stressful and worrying time for us all,  in our world and no one is safe. 
Our Prime Minister and Price Charles, both have tested positive to the virus  in the last week.
We have to be strong and follow the rules that have been set out for us by 
our governments and Health authorities.

Take care of yourselves my friends , stay safe and well.


  1. Wonderful journal page, I would gladly help you eat those macaroons! It's a hard time just now, that's true. Glad your sons still bring your shopping. Your bread looks good. Toilet paper and flour is hard to find here, too. People are scared and stockpiling.
    Stay safe and well! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Lovely page! Some truth in where there is tea there is hope (especially with macaroons). Really well done. I LOVE that you are making bread too. Things are going to be better- just keep creating and spreading joy.

  3. You have made a genuinely lovely green inspired page, Yvonne. It is beautiful. Those macaroons look great. Even the tea looks pleasing. It's a fun digital hybrid entry that made me smile. Thank you beyond belief for sharing this with us using Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey. I really like this.

    These are horrible times, but for me it's because of my losing my internet connection so often. I just hope I get it straightened out soon.

    I saw this morning that Charles had been let out of self quarantine, but Camilla is still in self imposed lockdown. At least you can see your sons through the window or door. It's certainly better than worrying where they are.

  4. I have tea, so there is hope! Great page.
    Yes, crazy, sad times.
    We still can go out but I only do if I have to and hold my breath a lot!
    Wash hands. Repeat, repeat.
    Hope it´s over soon, aka we´ve gotten over it!
    Happy T-day.

  5. Just saw your comment on my blog post, Yvonne. I would use the onions in a salad, or in scrambled eggs. I might throw them on a grilled cheese sandwich or on top of those nasty hot dogs everyone seems to love. Like I said, we can figure out ways to use what we have in our cupboards as long as the food isn't too old. Love this thought puzzle you offered me this morning.

  6. This is a wonderful cheery page. From it would never guess you are having a hard time focuses. The green is so cheery and happy. And I like the rooster too. Nice addition. And I also made some bread yesterday in between working. Yours looks delicious. Hope you have a wonderful T day-or are having a wonderful T day. Hugs-Erika

  7. I just can't resist the smell of bread baking, what could be better than that, a freshly cut slice with butter, yummy, my mouth is watering now, I think the chicken would have a go at those macaroons, I think they will try anything, lovely artwork!
    I hear Charlie boy is over his virus now and that Camilla has gone into isolation just in case, poor Boris having the virus and having to steer the country through this when he thought he only had Brexit to sort out!
    Keep Safe, Jan x

  8. Ah .....Green! Spring is trying to make its appearance in this neck of the woods , which are getting a bit busy these day! I totally understand what you mean about strange days, our bread delivery came on Sunday lunchtime but they are on hold at the moment as they can’t get a supply of yeast now! My mind keeps going of at a tangent and my biggest fear now is that I shall run out of glue!!! If we are indeed locked down for another 3 months I think I’d better get an order made up lol. Stay safe

    Sally xx

  9. such a delightful journal page-the images, the color of green!! Your bread looks delicious and I do have plenty of several kinds of flour in case I do have to make bread in addition to the goodies I constantly bake for hubby:) True- if there are eggs, flour, sugar, butter still in stock we are limited to 1 or 2 only. I miss having our son and future DIL over on Sundays for dinner but, this too will pass- hopefully in the near future. Stay well, and happy T day!

  10. I am sorry that this is such an unsettling time for you. Yes, everything is unknown but thankfully it won't be forever. I hope you are able to find enough to do to help focus on other things. Thank goodness for crafting!
    Your bread looks delicious! And those macaroons are so colorful. I have never had a macaroon but I am really wanting to give them a try.
    Happy Tea Day,

  11. Fabulous page and I'm so glad we get to eat the macaroons rather than the rooster 😉. Your bread looks delicious, I couldn't get flour last time I went shopping either. Your story sounds familiar as I'm waving through the window at my mum and dad too when we drop of the shopping off too. Wishing you a Happy T Day, stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

  12. I love your page-I hope the rooster does not eat those macaroons-haha. Your bread looks wonderful-years ago I used to bake all of our breads-I can't eat most breads any more (gluten) and husband is wanting to eat less carbs. but comfort foods are the best right now. I need to figure out how to get our groceries now-don't think it will be safe any longer for me to shop.
    we will get through this-hugs Kathy and Happy T

  13. I'm glad your sons are there to deliver ~ Your homemade baked bread looks Yummy ~ Great journal page with humor and the promise of Hope ~ Stay positive and keep creating

  14. Thank you for sharing your great "Where there is tea, there is hope" page with us for T and at Art Journal Journey, Yvonne.

    I've been okay for the most part, but occasionally I have difficulty focussing. I feared is was due to my age, but maybe not. I'm so glad you mentioned it. Maybe it's "just" stress.

    Stay safe and well.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  15. What a wonderful page Yvonne !! I love all the details, and the feeling.
    Happy T-day!
    We are all living very hard times, and thank goodness you can see your son through the window, and talk to him. We have to be strong and patient.
    Stay safe and well dear friend, big hugs,

  16. the macaroons would be perfect with tea, and I like the quote on your page. Awesome looking bread. Since bread wasn't on the shelf last week's shopping, I've been baking bread though it's hard to find the brand of flour I like. Your boys are so wonderful to take care of you. You done a good job raising them. Take care and Happy T Day

  17. Wonderful artwork and photos. These are stressful times. It is sad that you don't get to see your sons in person, when they drop off your groceries. You're lucky you have them to do that for you. I heard about Prince Charles, but not your PM, but I've also been limiting how much news I read. I'm down to almost none now, because reading / seeing the news was too stressful for me. And some of their headlines were intentionally written to create panic and hysteria: when I read the actual article, it told a slightly different story than their headline implied. Stay healthy and safe.

  18. That is a great page! Typical English: where there is tea there is hope!
    I am impressed with your bread. I have been making attempts too.The local bread shop will sell flour in plastic bags if you ask. So I have normal and hard flour. Now all I have to do is learn....
    Please don't be stressed. The people that have now been discovered positive are those people that shake a lot of hands, and Boris has not exactly been acting what he preaches, with meetings etc. Don't shake hands with anyone, stay at home, and don't worry.
    Take care, stay safe,
    Happy belated T-Day,

  19. I'm about to try baking my first loaf of bread - I have some flour, but you're right, it's getting hard to get hold of. Yours looks delicious. Love the bright green page celebrating tea, and I'm in love with the bubbly background under way in the middle photo - gorgeous colours!
    Alison x

  20. I love this green page - I don't think the rooster would dare take even one of those macarons. Your bread looks great, I should have taken a photo of hubby's loaf the other day, there may not be many more as we can't get bread flour at the moment! Belated happy T day! Chrisx

  21. A wonderful page with the bubbly background Yvonne!
    All will be fine in the end... we have to get rid of this virus soon and the best we can to is staying at home!
    Your bread looks fabulous. If there is no flour I guess you mean wheat flower .. what about baking with grinded oats.
    There are many recipes out for oatmealbreads... I baked it in the past and remember it was quite good.

    Happy start of April once again as I already wrote , please take good care of you!
    I can imagine that you feel isolated and that you miss the sons!
    We will manage to go over this time for sure!!!

    Susi xxx
