

Thursday 2 March 2017

Pull on your boots for AJJ

Day 2 for my theme choice of ''Out and About'' at.......

Its a digital page today. I saw the note to self quote and it really made me smile.

Its for sure,  'comfort',   I look for when pulling on a pair of shoes to go out in.
My walking boots are old. comfortable and well used.
I don't  think I would get far in this old pair.
Look close and you may notice that they are  both for the same  foot.

Thank you for calling in to see me, you are most welcome..

Digital information
in my side bar.


  1. You do have a wonderful ability to mix elements that work so well together. Fabulous project Yvonne. Pleased to see Arthur and Agnes on your header. It makes me smile just looking at it :)
    Hugs Flo x

  2. Wowzer, Yvonne you come up with the most amazing.xx[aNNie]

  3. Nice page. Nothing is better than some well broken in shoes and a nice walk outside. 🤓 My boots have seen better days but feel so good even if they don't look so good too Hope you are out and about today. Hugs erika

  4. That quote is so very true isn't it! Love your take on it with the comfortable boots (2 left feet, lol). The woodgrains and dirty, grungy feel to this works so well with the boots. Love the sense of dimension as well. Fabulous page Yvonne!! Sending wishes for a fabulous week and weekend! hugs :)

  5. Love the note to self quote and how you used it on this wonderful hybrid piece Yvonne!
    Just AWESOME!
    Have a good day!
    oxo Susi

  6. I like the rustic look to this page, and the wonderful quote. I have had a pair of boots for many years now, and they are still quite comfortable. Hoping to get a few more years out of them!

  7. What a great page, Yvonne - love the rich browns, the words and those fabulous worn-in boots.
    Alison x

  8. Your digital page is wonderful !!! I love the colours used on it, and all the pictures added !! Really lovely! Big hugs. Caty

  9. Hmm, those boots would be good for someone with 2 same feet! I love my boots, too. Great page! Hugs, Valerie

  10. Another terrific page and quote Yvonne. This is an amazing theme

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Yvonne, this is great! I love my boots, but when I walk it requires a good pair of tennis shoes.

  12. This is fabulous Yvonne! Not many things better than happy feet when you are out walking! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. A super page with great interpretation of a great quote. The boots reminded me of my little great granddaughters who love their pink sparkly wellie boots but both came this afternoon wearing them on the wrong feet. I don't know how they managed not to fall over.
    Jean x

  14. Wonderful page and the note to self made me smile too, it's so true :-) I tend to wear my walking boots a lot in the winter months and have just bought a brand new pair which are very comfortable. Enjoy the rest of your week! J :-)

  15. I love the note about your comfort zone. That's where we should live much of the time, at least if we wantto experience life. I think you chose a great entry today.

    I must be a dufus, because even after you told me, I still had trouble seeing both boots were for the same foot. You made a great digital entry, dear.

    When I start feeling better, I hope to join you, too.

  16. Cool page Yvonne! yep - you wouldn't get far in those boots but might be
    nice to make them into plant pots maybe - mm or maybe not :)
    Gill xx

  17. Great page Yvonne. Love the fantastic composition of images.
    Mar xx

  18. Yvonne, this is a cool page! love the boots and elements you brought together!
    Jackie ")

  19. love this saying and your composition

  20. What a wonderful page Yvonne! Brilliant take on AJJ theme.
