

Friday 3 March 2017

My City for AJJ

Have you ever thought about your home town
 and maybe where you would like to live if you had a free choice in the matter.
I am lucky I don't live in a  large town, but  20 minutes  down the motor way is the  nearest city.
So I am more than happy to live where I do, on the edge of a small village,
 as I can happily travel in the other direction to small market town, our destination of choice. 
Only visiting  the city if we need to. 

So for my,,,,' Out and About'  page today  at

Its a  visit to the city
... The photos on the right are of the Civic Center
 and  the old Gothic Church.
On the right is the University,  lovely old buildings ,
 and a shortcut  for folk who know the area, to the city  hospital. An area I know well from my career training years.
There is more information here   on Wikipedia about the city, if you are interested..

On the left is a few extra photos. The piece of an old map I stuck into the journal, water coloured extra shading.   A small square showing the area where the city meets the country side and the motor way that connects us to more countryside  and the  city.
The shadow couple and words were added in my digital program. [see side bar]

Thank you for calling in to see me today, your visit is very much appreciated.


  1. This is lovely, Yvonne. In a way, I wish I could move to a smaller town, but for now I am content where I am. So I can totally understand what you are talking about. The pictures and the map add such detail to your piece today. The University is lovely, and the Gothic Church makes quite a statement against the skyline. This is a wonderful day out and about and I loved that you shared it with me.

  2. A wonderful place to live - the city not too big - but big enough and near enough!
    Thank you for sharing your area with us and I love the idea behind this piece!
    Happy weekend dear Yvonne - Thank you for hosting this month ♥
    You rock!

    oxo Susi

  3. Great page and love the different looks here. Funny I live in Newcastle but in Australia.xx[aNNie]

  4. Love the shadow couple around the city, a perfect touch. You live in a beautiful place from all the photos you've shared over time. I always enjoy seeing the old buildings and countryside.

  5. Brilliant idea and beautifully created page Yvonne.
    Looks a wonderful place where you are and great to have so many interesting places within reach to visit.
    Have a lovely day and weekend... Gill xx

  6. Wonderful page Yvonne !! I like very much the photographs of the city !! I like to live in Almería, but I would like it could be more green too !! Happy day to you ! big hugs.

  7. Great page Yvonne! If I could I would live in London, but I can't so I'm happy in Kaiserswerth! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Great idea for a page Yvonne, love all the info!
    Val x

  9. We're at page Yvonne and the use of the map is a wonderful idea..nice to live in a rural area with a city not too far away

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. It looks like a fascinating place Yvonne. We have a Newcastle town near us but it is not as interesting for certain. I love your page. It's a fantastic take on your wonderful out and about theme. I am sitting at the airport making my way home so hopefully I will have some time to make a page or two to play along this weekend. Happy Friday. Or what is left of it. Hugs erika

  11. A fantastic page! Love your town photos, it has very interesting buildings and museums.
    Mar xx

  12. Our Newcastle here in australia is an old mining town and a lot of coal is exported by ship overseas..and we have the best beaches in Australia, when you have time google BAR BEACH NEWCASTLE AUSTRALIA and you will see what I meanm, 15 min drive from home.xx[aNNie]

  13. great page,the city images its amazing,love this so much.
    happy weekend.

    hugs jenny

  14. I have never visited Newcastle so this is such an interesting page - the architecture looks amazing! I am thinking it's time we visited the North East - last time was at least 18 years ago and we stayed in Sunderland for a few nights. I love how you have used the map! Hugs, Chrisx

  15. Enjoyed learning about your area. xoxo
