

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Out and About .... at Art Journal Journey

I was thrilled and honoured to be asked  back to AJJ to be their 
 Guest Hostess for March  

The theme I have chosen is
Out and About.

So go on,  open your door, step outside,
where would you go, what would you like to see,
what would you like to do,  how will you get there,
what will you see or find when  you are out and about??????????
Lots of ideas spring to mind when I ask myself these questions.

The journal base layer paint was water colours and while still wet I sprinkled it with a little blue Brusho powder. A spray of water  allowed me to move the page to get the colours to run and blend.. 
The images are all fussy cut stamps .

Today we have  Arthur and Agnes stepping out of their home to take the  dog for a walk.

I hope you will have fun and enjoy this theme,
 I am looking forward to visiting you to see where you will go, when you go out and about.

Thank you for calling in to see me today, you are very welcome and your visit is appreciated. 


  1. We will have fun for sure Yvonne! I love Arthur and Agnes!
    Your page is such a great inspiration!
    Happy March !
    oxo Susi

  2. Congrats on your guest spot Yvonne and I love the fun outside page you have created xxx

  3. What a great challenge theme you have chosen Yvonne - really looking forward to this :)
    and I love LOVE your fun and happy page which really made me smile
    Gill xxx

  4. Happy 1st of March Yvonne. Awww! Super project. What a fun page. Love Arthur and Agnes.
    Hugs Flo x

  5. What a nice and funny page dear Yvonne, it gave me a smile on my face,thanks. Wonderful theme! Now I will see what I can do for it.
    Greetings and happy March to you.

  6. Happy Spring :)

    A terrific page to start of the month Yvonne. Well done on your choice of theme for AJJ.Got my thinking cap on to see what I can come up with.

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Love your cute page! Those images are all so fun and whimsical! That would be a happy place to live!

  8. What a fantastic theme you have chosen, and with many options Yvonne! Your page is sooooooo fabulous with such funny characters.
    Mar xx

  9. I was blown away when I saw the latest AJJ theme, as well as our new guest host. You always set the bar high, and I look forward to joining you, your imagination, and your art as we head out and about this month.

  10. Wow, wow, and double wow - I do love your page -- do you mind if I kind of grab you ideas and run with them -- different of course but I do love your page!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Sandy grab away, I look forward to seeing your journal pages
      Yvonne xx

  11. I love your quirky couple with their little dog, A lovely fun page.
    Jean x

  12. This is tremendous, such a happy picture.
    Arthur and Angus look as if they are looking forward to a very nice walk with their crazy loveable dog.

  13. Guest Hostess for March at Art Journal Journey !!! Oooohhhh Congratulation Yvonne !! Your page is really amazing !! love Arthur and Agnes, they looks super !! Wonderful page !! Big hugs.

  14. Ha-ha! I just adore this Yvonne. So much fun!!!! Congrats on being AJJ hostess- and wht a fun theme. I can't wait to get home and play along. :) Hugs-Erika

  15. Just LOVE this, out and about is a fabulous JP and lovely theme.xx♥[aNNie]

  16. I just love the whimsical feel of your colorful page. Blessings!

  17. love love love this funny happy page,so cute with arthur and agnes.
    happy week.

    hugs jenny

  18. Oh this is just too much fun!! Arthur and Agnes are so quirky and seem to be enjoying their day outside. I love the background, what a beautiful blend of colours in the sky. Love that you used this as your banner, it's such a cheery image to see when your page loads!! Adore your creativity Yvonne! hugs :)

  19. Yes, yes, off I go! This is such fun - the quirky characters are fabulous, and I love the inky background.
    Alison x

  20. A brilliant page for a theme close to my heart! Just need time now! The past 3 days have been full of appointments, meetings and hospital visiting - oh! and a cinema trip with hubby! Off to the caravan now! Phew! Hugs, Chrisx

  21. Omgosh! This journal page is just too adorable and absolutely delightful!
    I so love your whimsical and happy critters!
    Jackie ")

  22. fabulous page for a great theme!

  23. Great theme Yvonne and what a wonderful page you have given us for inspiration xx Hilda
