

Monday 28 January 2019

Work in progress and lots of cuppa's

The words on this journal spread say it all.
I've had a day when I cannot seem to catch up with myself,
or get that owl to stick to the fabric on the page.
 This spread  is still work in progress as my muse went walk about as well.

 Those words  about coffee,
 which as a tea drinker was  not 
one of my better idea's either.

Coffee didn't work for me and I had  tried it before I brewed my cuppa.

I began the pages with good intentions, my cuppa beside me, a bit of morning sun,
 shhhhh don't tell , its a rare sight here at this time of year and it has appeared a few times lately.

I added some random stencils to the  right side page, they didn't work on the fabric side.
I stamped out the bird onto rice paper and managed to get it to stick to the page. I fussy cut the stamped owl, the body stuck down fine but, those legs simply refuse to stick.
A bit of random stamping came next.

At this point I felt I was wasting my time and decided to  leave it for another time.
I added  the words and the stack of cups in the digital program I use.

So I can call by and say hello to the friends over at

where its T stands for Tuesdays
and we  always made very welcome with a drinks related post.
So my day has a happier  outlook when I can visit with like minded folk .

My last share today are a few photos of  a visit to....  an American style diner.
at a food complex, near the cinema  in  our nearest shopping center.
Never having been to  America I  have no way of knowing how authentic this place might be.

We chose to order the Breakfast bap.
Sausage ,bacon, burger, relish and topped with a fried egg and fries on the side.
 I ate it with a knife and fork as there was no way I could have held it in my hand.
I will be interested to read the thoughts of my American blog friends about this 'diner'.

Thank you for calling in, I hope you have a good day.


  1. Seems like you just had one of those days Yvonne, but your wip page is coming along nicely with textures and images. Your American diner experience looks pretty authentic to me. When I’m in the US I love the booths you can sit at and that burger is huge!!!
    Have a great week xx

  2. No way could I eat that burger, I just don’t like those rolls for a start, but it does look like one you would get in America. Your page is coming along nicely, have you tried Uhu to stick things to fabric, it works for me.

  3. I have those days sometimes and I know what you are talking about. I love the page though. I would never have guessed the owl wasn't sticking. And nice mug! I think your restaurant looks like an American place, but I have never seen a breakfast sandwich like that one. Our breakfast sandwiches here are usually one type of meat-a sausage patty or bacon or even ham, with a fried egg and if you like, a slice of cheese. And yup, those look like what we call home fries, at least here in NH. Some places here serve them like that where they are machine cut into chunks, but I really like when potatoes get chopped up with the skins on (usually fresh in the kitchen) and then fried up on the grill. Hope you have a wonderful T day Yvonne and have a better day today! Hugs-Erika

  4. Even though your spread isn't finished to your liking I love it (in digital). The goofy owl and your phrase are just perfect, Valerie.

    Your "American-style diner" is fancier than any I've ever seen in the U.S. Much nicer ambiance.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  5. Your American style diner looks a lot like many of our restaurants around here, but our dines are a bit more tacky looking LOL!
    Our diners are a little different than our this area. Your meal is something I don't think I've seen, but it looks and sounds yummy. There are a lot of breakfast sandwiches around that I haven't tried. I usually order it as a meal, and skip the bread.
    I found your journal pages beautiful.......let the Muse walk....LOL!
    Happy T-day

  6. I think we all have those kinds of days. Your pages look great though. The burlap can be a bit tricky but fun nonetheless:) As for the European diner- it is SO much nicer looking than those I've been to here in the US at least in my area, but the food looks like typical diner fare here too-not always so healthy. Happy T day!

  7. Your Journal page has lovely texture from that canvas. And I love that colorful bird

    Your breakfast sandwich looks delicious! My family loves breakfast sandwiches and I make them every Saturday morning for my tribe. They are not as thick or elaborate as the one you had but they still love them.
    Happy Tea Day,

  8. I've had many of those days with crafting/arting. The more you try the more you hate it. Don't fret...walk away and come back with a fresh mind.
    Your diner looks like some American restaurants. The burger is odd but I'd likely try it. The "fries" look more like breakfast potatoes to me.
    Happy T day!

  9. I think your American meal looks pretty authentic and good too.
    I think your journal page turned out good-but I know what you mean when things just don't go well
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  10. Lovely journal and love that texture...burgers and fries, well not my cuppa tea but looks nice.xx

  11. I love your journal page with 'coffee helps', even though it's tea for you! It's a very lovely page. You visited a fun place, and that food looks wonderful, yummy! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  12. Th journal spread looks terrific to me and worth making for sure.

    A great place you visited as well. I haven't been to America either but it looks like it would be styled on a US type of eaterie.

    Have a really Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. love the spread in your book, great texture... - and there are just days like that;)
    and i always wonder how people can eat burgers of that size!
    happy t-day, xox

  14. Days like that -lol - Your pages are fascinating! I love that phrase! Oh my gosh - very American style- nothing I would like to eat . These floppy breads always- I neither like McDonalds and was just happy as my daughter loved it so much to go and eat their happy meals that they offered at least salads. Even though I must admit their french fries are the best.
    Happy T-Day dear Yvonne!
    Big hugs, Susi

  15. Don't worry about days like that, we all have them. Just put your project away quickly before it has so much negativity attached to it that yu never pick it up again. I hope you do as it looks very promising.
    Oh that diner looks very posh. Much posher than the diners I have seen in the US. The meal looks very nice too, but I wouldn't have it for breakfast. I would like it for lunch and I would take the bread off and eat it without the bread. Those soft baps, (I call them chewing gum bread, as they are so soft) are not what I am used to. Here we have crusty bread.
    Have a good week,

  16. Nice mix of artwork and photos. That place does have a genuine American look to it, as does the food. (Now I'm hungry.) Happy T-Day!

  17. So funny, my Sunday was like this! I got nothing accomplished in my 2 hrs of art journalling time so I'm going to start something new and park the page that I was working on until further inspiration hits me at sometime πŸ˜‰. You chose a great place to eat and from my experience of American diners, this looks more like a bar than a diner to me, the dΓ©cor looks a bit too refined πŸ˜€. The food looks scummy though! That's a great "tea" mug by the way! Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  18. You don't know how encouraging it is to hear the artistic frustrations of someone who knows what they're doing. Thanks for sharing that :)

    The diner is fancier than any diner I've been in here in Tennessee, but I can see the American style in the way the booths and tables/chairs are set up. Very nice. I've never seen a burger like that. So _tall_! I have seen ones with fried eggs on top, but I'm not a fan and have never tried one. I've never seen sausage on a burger. My husband likes bacon burgers, but I'm not sure he'd be able to tackle this lol I might have to deconstruct your burger and eat the sausage and egg separately. Two meals for the price of one ;) Happy T Tuesday!

  19. I have now learnt that one cannot do comments on an ipad, so I apologise for all those occasions that I appear not to have commented (I always do) and from now on I will use my desk top computer even if it means being a day late as we are always away on Tuesdays.

  20. Lovely journal pages even with coffee instead of tea. But you make up for it with the saying on your mug! Happy T Day! :)

  21. Lovely pages, Yvonne!!!!!!!! Happy T day, my friend.

  22. I know how you feel - we came back from the gym around 12.00 (having gone out late in the first place) and since then have nothing much to show for it and certainly nothing much craft wise!! Your journal page made me smile!!! I love Coast to Coast - we sometimes go to one with our grandchildren!! I'm like you though don't know how authentic it is!! Happy T day! Chrisx

  23. Thank you for joining T yesterday. I'm so pleased you showed up, even though I was unavailable. Please check my Wednesday post I still haven't written to see where I have been. Thanks, too, for your visits and kind comments while I was away. I'll be back soon to visit, respond to this post, and see what else I have missed. For now, just be aware, I am so grateful for your visit and continued support of T Tuesday, dear Yvonne.

  24. Oh, I know those days too - sometimes coffee helps, and sometimes nothing does! I like the shift on the page spread from the white space, inky blotches and uncooperative owl across to the warmth and patterning on the right hand side once the coffee kicks in. Hope your days are going better now... sunshine and heavy frost here today, which is lovely compared to the usual murkiness. I say "yum" to the burger!
    Alison x

  25. I'm back as promised to answer your question about American diners. First, I love your journal spread. I love it because I am stuck right now for where to go with a spread I'm working on. Unlike you and your love of tea, coffee actually keeps me sane. I suspect tea does that for you. LOVE the mug.

    As to diners in the states, this place looks like a typical diner by the layout and the tufted leather seating, but the food is NOT typically what you would find on our menu. Bacon burgers are big, but not with sausage and eggs added. Those are the most unusual looking fries, too. However, it was definitely an interesting take on an American diner!

  26. Haha, Yvonne. I've had just one of those days today, so I know exactly what you mean. Yesterday wasn't much better, either, until after I managed to knock a full bottle of watered down fast drying glue on my craft mat! It flowed all across my desk, dripped all over the floor and onto my jeans and boots - agghh! I'm just hoping my jeans survived, but I won't know until they dry... Great spread, all the same!

    Cath x

  27. Love your uber-textural page. LOL about the catching up, every day is like that for me, I'm commenting 2 weeks behind! Well, as an American who has been to England and eaten the food, I'd have to say that looks NOTHING like our food, lol. Probably adapted to English taste buds. I'm still not recovered from no ketchup with my fish n chips, the NERVE of you people! hahaha The decorations looks like 50's, but did they serve milkshakes? Corn dogs? They should have served tater tots with your breakfast burger and either used the smaller slider buns or made the sausage patties as large as the buns. We break our bacon up and layer on usually with melted cheese. Oh well, if it tasted good going down, that's all that really matters! xoxoxo
