

Wednesday 30 January 2019


 A trip back to a simpler style of journal page for me today.
I do always want to add more, so today my aim was  to
 leave as much space as I felt comfortable with.
I used my 8 x 8 inch Kraft journal, adding a white gesso wash as a starter..
Just a few random stamps.
 Then I sprayed this and a plain piece of white paper with some home made  colour.
 Don't ask what colour, it could even have been some paintbrush cleaning water that
 I liked the look of  to use in the spray.
The flower stamps [Carabelle] were coloured   and I cut these into three panels. 
A few word stamps and I decided to stop and stuck down the pieces, edging them with an old Spectrum Noir broad nib pen.

As this is made up with some
 Geometrical shapes
  The theme  that  Alison's  has been hosting this month at....
I will go link the page over there.

Thank you for calling in to see me today.
Your visit is always very much appreciated.


  1. Gorgeous page, very beautiful and elegant. I think we learnt at school to always fill the page! Look after yourself, hugs, Valerie

  2. It is geometric and I love it Yvonne! I woke up to a good dumping of snow (and a 2 hour delay at work) so flowers are perfect for me! I am ready for them in real life. Have or hope it was a wonderful day. Hugs-Erika

  3. This is beautiful Yvonne! Love those flowers - looking forward to Spring especially today!! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. A lovely page Yvonne, I like the way the flowers are framed on the page.
    Avril xx

  5. This simply looks GORGEOUS Yvonne! I love your kraft journal pages so much - this one is no exception!
    Fantastic that it fits the GEOMETRIC SHAPES theme so well! Thank you for yet another fantastic entry!
    Big hugs, Susi

  6. You have made many lovely creations in the past week.....I admire how you design so much beautiful pages or cards. Nice to see how things are used and given a place at your papers.....O how I wish I knew more english to tell exactly what I want.....but as I said before....I think you understand what I try to tell you.....I simply love visiting this blog.
    xxx Plony

  7. A fabulous page Yvonne, won’t it be wonderful when we see beautiful blooms like these appearing in the garden? Xxx

  8. Bloomin beautiful love this and the gorgeous flowers.x

  9. It may be a return to simple style but it's still a very nice spread nonetheless!

    Sally xx

  10. I love your journal page Yvonne and the background swirls look perfect behind your beautiful blooms x TFS and huge hugs
    Annie xx

  11. Love the simple elegance of the three panels against the more rustic background. And I'm very tickled by the idea of using paintbrush water in your spray bottle. I've sometimes used it to splatter (by mistake, usually), but that's a whole other level of thriftiness! Gorgeous.
    Alison x

  12. Simply gorgeous Yvonne! Thank you for supporting my theme at AJJ this month.
    Alison xx

  13. Just AMAZING Yvonne !! I love love it, it´s simple but envolvent, irresistible, the colours, composition and shapes are gorgeous, really fantastique !!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send you big hugs, Caty

  14. Beautiful page Yvonne - love your stamps.
    Hope its not too cold up there with you.
    Have a great weekend.
    Gill xx

  15. This is really inspiring!!!!!!!!!

  16. I love it all, from the sprays to the random stamping to the geometric shapes. Thanks for always joining us at Art Journal Journey. You are so, so supportive of this blog, dear friend.

  17. Such a stunning page! I love the simplicity of the background, it showcases the flower panels beautifully 😁. Happy and creative wishes! J 😊 x

  18. So calming to look at. Orderly and beautiful. My kind of page, xoxo
