

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Time Flies at TioT's

Time flies....
is the new challenge theme at

Please pop over to the TioT's  blog to see what we have all been making
and we hope you will join us there.

We are also sharing some 'good news',  there  this week.

This is how the page as it looked after adding the stamped images to the stencil background.
I wanted to add the TH found relatives to the page as children and then growing up , with the romantic in me thinking they may fall in love and spend the rest of their lives together.

The news print was a digital addition, I had pondered over adding some actual print but  took the easier way for me, because once stuck in place there would be no going back, in 'time'.

Thank you for calling in to see me today , you are always very welcome here.


  1. Great page Yvonne and one of my fave themes. Love all the details and the digital add-on. Hugs, Valerie

  2. I love this from the beginning to the digital additions at the end! A lovely romantic idea behind it too! Hugs, Chrisxxx

  3. I love the colours on your vintage page Yvonne!
    Alison xox

  4. loving your vintage page,telling a beautiful memory,love this big clock too.
    happy day,dear yvonne.

    hugs jenny

  5. A gorgeous Vintage page, Yvonne

  6. Wonderful splashes of yummy colour here, Yvonne - a great design. I love the idea of it being a postcard :-)

    Cath x

  7. I'm really digging your little stamped collage on the left of your page. It's funny how we all see things differently, I looked and saw a couple with their children, lol. Time flies everywhere, in everything. Great theme. xoxo

  8. Fab page Yvonne and I love the idea of the couple being childhood friends


  9. Such a beautiful page! I love all the page designs with the layers of stenciling, stamps and colours šŸ˜. They just seem to get better and better with each piece that you are, the TH dolls are perfect to depict the passing of time and you captured the romance beautifully šŸ˜€. Thanks for the inspiration and wishing you a wonderful week! J šŸ˜Š x

  10. A sweetly nostalgic page - the clock image is wonderful, and the digi book page layered in looks fantastic. Love that Paper Doll pair too.
    Alison x

  11. This time I am in love with the original without the digital addition of the newsprint! I am in love with the colours and the lovely details ! Happy Try It On Tuesday dear Yvonne! Hugs, Susi

  12. A fabulous page Yvonne and I love your take on the theme with the 2 sets of photos, such a romantic idea.
    Avril xx

  13. How lovely to envision the children growing up and living happily ever after. It's a great entry and I absolutely adore it.

  14. Really love this, the colours and the happy pages.xx

  15. I love the little children sitting on the clock. Perhaps they are childhood sweethearts and they have then grown up and are still a couple. That would be a wonderful story, wouldn't it? Thanks for all your help and support getting used to TIOT too Yvonne. Hugs-Erika

  16. I love your concept behind this Yvonne, a true romantic. I was thinking exactly the same as Erika, maybe they ARE childhood sweethearts... only time will tell!!
    Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Sorry i've missed so many posts been under the weather for a week or more x

  17. A beautiful creation, super selection of colour and images.

  18. Fabulous page Yvonne. As soon as I saw the paper dolls and the title I imagined those two children growing up and becoming adults together and the romantic in all of us wishes for a happy ever after scenario. Your stamped and stencilled background with the added newsprint works wonderfully as their backdrop xxx

  19. That's a lovely idea, totally showing how Time flies.
    It's great how you combine Real and Digital art.

  20. I love everything about this Yvonne and really adore both versions - the colours and imagery are gorgeous.
    Happy Friday and wishing you a wonderful (not too cold ) weekend :)
    Gill xx

  21. A fabulous page Yvonne, just love the background and layout.

  22. What a smashing Found Relatives " spread!

    Sally xx
