

Monday 21 January 2019

Mosaic art

I have been gifted some photos from old calendars  and decided
 to use one for a page in my  8 x 8 inch Kraft journal.
This calendar featured Art Nouveau posters.

I meant to get more photos but as usual when having  messy, crafting fun I forgot and   the sun was actually  shining  on Sunday,   I had to even close the
 window blinds a little .

First of all using gesso  to create a square in the center with some random leaf stamping.
The picture I wanted to use, I cut into geometrical pieces using the guillotine this gave me much neater edges than the scissors would have done. I was aiming for the page to look  a bit like a mosaic .
A bit more random stamping came next and I couldn't resist adding a couple of stencil corners  using modelling paste.

I will link my page to Alison's theme at
Art Journal Journey
for her Geometric shapes theme.

While the  sun was shining through the windows I took   photo of another of my kitchen herb plants...Thyme
I have had this oversized cup for many years and we always smile at the words.
 I will  join the friendly,  folk over at
 Bleubeard and Elizabeths
T stands for Tuesday
  we are always made very welcome with a drinks related post.
My cuppa on the craftroom table  was filled with my usual brew.

Thank you for calling in and I hope you all have a lovely day


  1. I had go laugh at the big cup, that was my nick name when I was teaching! Love the calendar journal page, some great ideas there and art nouveau is always beautiful. Have a happy T Day, keep warm! Hugs, Valerie

  2. You've put the Art Nouveau snippet to good use. Lovely artwork. And I like your bird mug. I chuckled at the words on your Thyme mug. Happy T-Day!

  3. Love how you meld the calendar page into your journal-beautiful. Always nice to be able to get a snip of fresh garden herbs ! Happy T day!

  4. That calendar page is beautiful and lucky you to get lots of images to use. You made it much more interesting cutting it into rectangles. ANd lucky you to have fresh thyme. Mine didn't make it through the fall for some reason. Have a happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  5. He, he, he! I love your cup with the Thyme in it!
    What a clever idea to use old calendar photos in your art, it turned out awesome.
    Happy T-day

  6. I love that it thyme that is growing in it?
    Happy T day!

  7. Gosh, Yvonne, that photo of your cup and journal page reminds me of many of my December photos. It was like the art was behind bars (grin). But the main entry was fabulous and I love it. You did a great job with the stencils and the paste, too. I was delighted to see you have shared it with us at Art Journal Journey, too.

    what a fun cup full of thyme. That's an herb I have been unsuccessful growing. Looks like yours is healthy and maybe it's because of the fun cup it's in! Thanks for sharing your cup of tea and your cup of thyme with us for T this Tuesday.

  8. Beautiful love the journal page..xx

  9. beautiful page,love the lady with the big cup,i have a smilie of my face.
    happy day,dear yvonne.

    hugs jenny

  10. A wonderful way to use the picture Yvonne and great to see your robin mug in the sunshine.

    Such a good idea to have the herb plant in a mug as well

    Have a great T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. I am impressed with the concept and how you skilfully arranged everything on the page. A fabulous recycle project as well. You never cease to amaze me! This kraft journal is going to be a fabulous artpiece in the end! I am sure! Your thyme mug let me giggle. I should buy such a cup for my hubby that he always reminds the rules!
    Happy T-Day Yvonne!
    Thank you for another fabulous supporting post for Art Journal Journey!
    Happy Day!
    Happy T-Day!
    Hugs, Susi

  12. you incorporated this calendar picture so well into your journaling! bravo! herbs in the kitchen on the windowsill are a must and thyme and rosmary are my faves. great mug:)) happy t-day, yvonne♥

  13. What a great way to alter calendar art to use in a journal page, Yvonne.

    Love your herb cup. It made me smile too. Rumpole of the Bailey is a very funny series.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. Good morning, I really love your calender page journal as well. I need to look into how to use gesso
    Great planter for your thyme-perfect
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  15. Honey and I found some old coffee cups from when we were first married the other day. I'm gonna ask him if he wants to try planting some herbs in them. He's the one with the greener thumb. Your page is quite nice. Squares in a square and rectangles in a rectangle was what I always was told, or it won't look right to your eye. Because you have formed a square with your cut rectangles, that is what my eye sees, so score one for that old saying. ;-) Congrats on the sunshine! xoxoxo

  16. A great way to re-purpose an old calendar. A beautiful Art Nouveau inspired page. Your texture, stamping and color choices are perfect for this style.
    And your Thyme looks very healthy in your large cup. I have never had success with growing herbs indoors so I am a bit jealous. Do you use it for cooking?
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Yes Kate we do use the herbs in cooking , even a little fresh on the top of a salad is something we enjoy.
      Yvonne x

  17. Your mosaic art is wonderful and reminds me of Alphonse Mucha's women. Your herb mug made me laugh as I have the same one! Happy T Day!

  18. I like the Art Nouveau images and the idea of turning them into mosaics. I've done tile mosaic before but nothing like this. My thyme suffers outside during the winter. That big mug would be a perfect safe haven for it to stay inside during the worst of the cold :) Happy T Tuesday

  19. That's so effective - the slight dislocation of your mosaic image tiles is perfect to reveal just a touch of the background behind, and adds real interest to the whole page.
    Alison x

  20. Beautiful page! I love the Art Nouveau image and how you turned it into a mosaic, so clever 😁. Your robin mug is so pretty and IIthink I would smile everytime I saw the wording on the Thyme cup made too 😉. Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  21. I like the way you cut the art nouveau image. It's very effective.
    Your robin mug is beautiful as is your herb mug. We are fortunate that we don't have to have thyme on the window sill. I can pick it anywhere in the country side when I need it. I chuckled at the quote on the mug.
    Happy T-Day,

  22. I love your page - reminds me of our trip to Albi! I love your robin mug - they always seem so brave! Happy T day, Chrisx

  23. Love your journal art. I keep saving calendars to use and then forget about them :( Love the mug too and the plant looks happy!! My kitchen herbs all died while I was at my parents house. Hubby remembered to water the big house plants but not the kitchen ones :( He tried so I won't be mad at him.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yes it is hard to give up all of the things you used to do. He was always a very active man with lots of hobbies to keep him busy. I keep telling him I"'m going to teach him to crochet :)

  24. Love your cup with the bird on it, as well as your journal art. Happy belated T Day!
