

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Home sweet home at TioT's

Home Sweet Home
 is the new challenge theme at Try it on Tuesdays
There are lots of ideas for the theme at TioT's ,
 please pop over and see what we all have been making.

The base layer for my card had a water colour wash and then I used stencils for the background detail, the foliage  and grass clumps were stamped.
The other images are Paper artsy stamps,  I did stamp the images on the card, then re-stamped them,  coloured and then fussy cut.

I also had a play on my computer  and made this page  for my digital journal.

Thank you for calling in to see me today, you are all most welcome here.

If you have called in on T day, please scroll down to my earlier post


  1. A fabulous and cheery post, great colours and love those stamps.xx[aNNie]🎄

  2. What a colourful and fun card - reminds me of my birdies here - they are already so hungry and I have to feed them every day meanwhile. I am prepaired and have much food for them. And a fantastic idea to make also a page for your digital journal - great !
    Happy TIOT dear Yvonne!
    A fabulous theme and I bet our participants will love it again!

    oxo Susi

  3. What a fun and colourful card, and love the journal page you created with it, too. Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Such an adorable card and page! Those birds and houses are just the cutest!!

  5. This is a wonderful card, great colours !

  6. This is a fabulous card and how clever of you to create a digi journal page too! Love the quote! I do love those Zinski stamps too! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. So so wonderful page Yvonne !! Love the birds and their so beautiful house! I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs.

  8. Beautiful page! Looks wonderful! Love all the texture!

  9. A brilliant and fun card, the colours are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Just love this Yvonne, love the quirky birds and their quaint houses


  11. a fabulou, brillant and fun card!!!!
    greetings Elke

  12. Can't decide which one I like better! Stunning projects!I love the stamps you have used Yvonne!
    Lula oxo

  13. A lovely colourful page, and the images are such fun, great as a card and a journal page.
    Avril xx

  14. So cute and full of bright lovely colors!

  15. Wow, so beautiful and super cute. I like it very much.
    Greetings Carola

  16. I have NO idea how I missed this, but I am loving it. It's so cute, it's actually awesome!

  17. Simply a treat - the colours, the fun stamps, the delightful characters... so different from the page I just saw but just as effective in its own way!
    Alison x

  18. Such a fun card! I love the beautiful colours and images you used to create this piece - perfect 😁. Wishing you a lovely week! J 😊
