

Monday 6 November 2017

Cosy and Warm and Tea with friends.

It is for sure sweater weather here, frosty mornings, very cold, I think winter will soon be here ,
 when autumn has just left us.

I have made another, but easy to create  page for Chris's theme
of..... 101 ways to keep warm..... this month at 

The page I used as my background was torn from a magazine
 called Landscape where I also  I found the girl wearing this cozy sweater . To add a little texture I used a stencil, which I coloured a little after the paste had dried.
The words were computer generated.

In case you wonder about the spelling of ,  'cosy',
this is the English version, but my computer spell check insists it should be, 'cozy', so take your pick. I'll stick to the way I have spelled it  for many a year.

Now its time to visit with friends over at

where we are always made welcome with a drinks related post on Tuesdays
I hope you have a cuppa handy as here are the promised photos from our  visit to the coast last week.
I have added a link [above the photo] if you were interested in the history of this Lighthouse.
 It is now owned by the National Trust .

This is  the engine house. It was the first lighthouse to be built specifically to use alternating current electricity.

This was a display  in the machine room to show how  the light dome  actually looked, one of the glass panels was open  to show the inside.

This is the  keepers cottage ,
the yard for washing and drying the clothes was surrounded by the building complex.. Two of the other cottages are now holiday homes. The front of one can be seen   in my first photo from the path leading to the buildings.

The rooms were very small,  but I imagine they  were quite comfortable in their day.


The cottage had two bedrooms and the Lighthouse Keepers jacket hung proudly from the wardrobe door.

Two of the notices that caught my eye were  about the number of shipwrecks on the coast between the Rivers Tyne and Tees and the one on the right about  Distress signals

It was now time to stop by the cafe for a bowl of soup, even though it was sunny, it was cold outside and  inside the building.  We do  like to use the National Trust Cafe's as well and have found the food  to be very wholesome and tasty.

My choice today was a Vegetarian Chilli pot
and of course the pot of tea.


We also visited the  National Glass Centre, which is further down the coast.

It was once a thriving area for ship building on the River Tees.
 The front of the building was very modern and as you can see the views were good..

I have to say I was rather disappointed with the exhibitions inside.
I think I was expecting to see more as its a National gallery.


The bear was full size and in the main entrance area.
The other photos show some glass  pieces that interested me for their  detail and colour.

 Some of the more interesting items for sale in the shop.......
very expensive

I  was really taken with these   plates, I am still looking for  information as to how and who made them. They have a childlike naive quality and were all extremely interesting.  There were quite a number on the walls, but these were the best photos I managed to get.

Thank you all for calling in to see me today.
Happy T day everyone..


  1. An absolutely wonderful post today, dear. I adore your coloUrful coSy sweater and the great AJJ entry as a whole. Simple is often better, but that stenciled image set it apart.

    What a glorious lighthouse. Very impressive and looks so clean, too. I saw a news post recently where the govt (US) was selling old, obsolete lighthouses to anyone who had the money to buy them. The insides were in much disrepair, unlike the one you visited. One thing, though. They were on a lake and could only be reached by boat.

    That glass was incredible. I realize there probably wasn't as much as you would have hoped but I was particularly impressed with the still life. The grapefruit was so colorful and different from the other fruit.

    I can tell you how the glass was made. It looks like children made these plates. You begin with a circular sheet of clear glass, place it on a form, then add bits of formed glass like the hand, the elephant, etc. These were glass pieces made prior to adding them to the THIN clear glass. Then you place the assembly in the kiln and add a second thin layer of clear glass. When the kiln reaches the correct temp, the glass takes on the shape of the form, which in this case is a plate. It also fuses together and created the single plate.

    Thanks for taking us to Souter Lighthouse and the National Glass Center, then sharing your tea and vegetarian chili with us for T this Tuesday. And I can't forget your lovely warm and cozy AJJ spread, either.

  2. Your post is filled with wonderful things! I sure would love a sweater like that model is wearing on your journal page:) Love lighthouses so I especially enjoyed the photos etc. Interesting glass art. Would have loved your vegetarian lunch. Happy T day!

  3. Delightfully interesting post. Thanks.xx[aNNie]πŸŽ„

  4. I love your new journal page perfect for the theme I really enjoyed the information on the lighthouse and the national glass center-your chili sounds delicious too what a fun day
    Happy T Day Kathy

  5. Your journal page is gorgeous, I need to get out my thick sweaters, too! The lighthouse is very interesting. LOVE all the glass, those plates are fantastic, as are the other exhibits. Chili is a great meal for a cold day, too. Keep warm! Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. I love your clever made journal page - the stenciling is such a super addition - another great idea for Art Journal Journey dear Yvonne! Thank you for linking and all your fantastic support always! I love lighthouses and so I really enjoyed the tour today! Thank you for sharing.I think that this glass art really is special. And I would love to have your vegetarian lunch today and didn't have to cook - my daughter wants to have filled wraps today - much work.

    Happy T day dear Yvonne!

  7. this journal page is beuatiful! the idea is great!
    The visit to the coast has been fantastic. This glass arts are cute!!!
    Happy Week

  8. You had a great day out! The lighthouse looks like a great place to visit. Going to the shore is a fun thing on a beautiful day. `I always wondered what it would be like to live in a lighthouse. Probably pretty lonely at times. Too bad the glass museum was disappointing since it is a beautiful building. I love your page today too. Cold weather means sweaters for sure. They say by the end of the week we are going to get winter feeling cold temperatures. Brrr. Not ready for that cold yet. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  9. I always enjoy the photos of your travels, the glass pieces are very artistic. Perfect page for the keep warm theme. I am not looking forward to sweater weather!!

  10. Great photos, & I love your cosy jumper page Yvonne! x

  11. I remember a storybook I had as a kid about a family that lived at a lighthouse. The father was the lighthouse keeper. I've had a fantasy of having a studio inside the lighthouse at the top. With the Fresnell lens removed. I imagine the light and the 360 degree views of the ocean. I realize it's not practical, but then a fantasy isn't meant to be. The glass pieces are beautiful. I'm quite taken by the bear. Your chili looks quite comforting for a cold day. Happy T Day

  12. a lot of interesting things you serve us today. i also think this glass art is cool!
    fantastic idea to jazz up the Magazine with the stencilling! it is the icing on the cake:)
    happy t-day!!

  13. Such a lovely happy page! I love the way you used the magazine picture and added the snow fall and stencilling - so pretty 😁. Souter Lighthouse is fascinating, there is so much to see and learn, and I enjoyed visiting with you! Your vegetarian chilli looks delicious too, and lovely and warming for an autumnal day 😁. The glass exhibition is so amazing, I could happily look round for hours. Thanks for sharing and wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊

  14. This is a fabulous page that fits my theme perfectly Thank You! However, I now have sweater envy - although I suspect on my figure I would look like a yeti! The light house looks like a great place to visit - I loved the keepers cottage! Yes, we like NT cafes too, our favourite is Sizergh castle! I would love to visit the glass centre so Thanks for these photos! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  15. I could understand you wanting more from a National Gallery but what you did show was wonderful.. LOVE the bear... Your chili looks yummy! Loved viewing the keepers cottage with you... small but cute and well kept Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  16. The holiday cottage would be an interesting place to stay. My mouth is watering for that chili and bread, and it's not nearly lunchtime yet lol That glass bear is stunning! Happy T Tuesday :)

  17. What a wonderful post today. I loved the visit to Souter Light house. I love light houses. I find it amazing how a (relatively) small light source (in this case a single light bulb) can be carried so far with the help of clever mirrors etc. Amazing! The keeper's cottages are fascinating. What a great place to visit.
    The glass museum looks interesting, in spite of your disappointment. I agree with Elizabeth in that the glass plates were made by children. It's a bit too naive to be the work of adults.
    By the way, it looks like you had beautiful weather.
    Happy T-Day

  18. Wonderful post, Yvonne. It's amazing to me how many great historical places you have near enough home for a day trip (I assume). And they're so well-kept! The keeper's cottage was very interesting and neat (I mean that both ways). It looks like a charming place to have lived.

    I'm glad I noticed Elizabeth's detailed description of the colorful glass plate process. So I won't repeat ;-) I've seen fancier ones here in Mexico done by fine artists. They were completely colored - no clear glass showing - and were created with just two levels: clear thin glass on the bottom and the "mosaic" pieces of glass laid on top. Then, as Elizabeth described, the assembly is heated in a kiln. I was able to talk to one of the artists. That was cool. I also wished I could have afforded one of his plates.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. P.S. And thank you for your kind comments and well wishes on my blog today ;-)

  19. LOVE those glass plates too, would like to learn more about.
    Great AJJ page, chili at night here but gentle temperatures during the day.....but I still throw a long sleeved shirt over my T shirt when I go out.
    Happy T-day

  20. Love the journal page today and all of the photos from your visit. It's definitely "chili" weather here too and yours looks so yummy. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words.

  21. Wow, love your page. And nice photos you have brought along.
    Greetings Carola

  22. Love the lighthouses, and the glass museum! Wow, and as always your journal page is great. Happy belated T(uesday) and happy T(hurs) day.

  23. Ooh, that does look like a lovely snuggly jumper for a winter's day - the holly sprigs in the corner are fabulous. Thank you for sharing another great day out with us... I have to say I rather like the look of the exhibits and, though expensive, there's also some really cool stuff in the shop too by the look of it.
    Alison x

  24. Cozy sweater art piece you've created, lovely! Enjoyed you photos of the lighthouse and museum too.
