

Friday 24 March 2017

An Art Exhibition for AJJ

I am out and about in my imagination today for

 and going   to an Art Exhibition, where I would be able to see many paintings by my favourite artists all under one roof. 
 Now I think this outing would appeal to many folk as it does to me.

I did use my own background, but all the additions were computer additions [notes in my side bar].

So how will I spend today,,,
I will pull up a chair, beside my patio door,. If its warm I will open it, if not I can still see what is out there in my garden.  Get a few of my favourite art books close by  and a cup of something hot. Then think about these artists and how they transport us to seeing  what they could  see, when they were ,   'out and about'.

Thank you for stopping by today, your company is very much appreciated.


  1. Just AMAZING dear Yvonne! Wish you a wonderful day - hope it is warm enough and you can open the door as well!
    Stunning page !
    Happy Friday!
    oxo Susi

  2. This is a great way to spend the day! I think its perfect. And I really love your collage of art on your page. It is beautiful. I hope you find lots of inspiration and its warm enough to open your door and enjoy a beautiful day. :) Hugs-Erika

  3. I haven't been to an art exhibit, it would be nice to see so many different paintings in one place.

  4. I always LOVE your imagination, Yvonne. If it weren't for your imagination and theme this month, who knows where we would be. I so enjoy this imaginary trip you took us on today. It was fabulous, because there is nothing better than visiting an art museum, if only in our minds!

  5. A lovely pages Yvonne, love the idea of your outing today.
    Hope the sun keep shining for you, Enjoy.
    Avril xx

  6. Your page is fantastic, and you know how much I like to be in museums and galleries. Hugs, Valerie

  7. Stunning page and a dream day for a you. I hope the sun shone all days sit did here

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Love your imaginary art collection. Do you do what I do when I visit a gallery? In each room, I'm allowed to "take home" one artwork and have to decide which. This way, you can have as many as you like, I guess - lovely idea for a page!
    Alison x

  9. I love your imaginary art gallery visit today, a really lovely page.
    I hope the sun was shining through your patio door, that's one of my favourite places to sit as well.
    Jean x

  10. Your collage of different artists is beautiful and your background reminds me of a wallpaper on which these paintings would hang - perfect! It's been sunny here today and we enjoyed a walk to town and an afternoon tea at Alice's Tearooms :-) . Hope you got to enjoy the sunshine too! Wishing you a Happy Weekend! J :-)

  11. Fabulous idea - love this!
    Sounds an ideal way to spend the day with all your art books -
    hope you have managed to do that today.
    Gill xx

  12. Wonderful page and ideas Yvonne!
    Mar xx

  13. Such a pretty page and background. xoxo
