

Saturday 25 March 2017

An adventure ...and a tag

Where would I like to go  today?
If I had a choice and the weather was  warm and I could go anywhere,
The magic carpet parked outside my front door.......
[maybe it would help my fear of flying]
Perhaps I would I  join Mr E., go for an adventure and see where the carpet landed.

I didn't know how this page would evolve,
it began with sticking a variety of scrap papers in to my journal.
Mr Evolution man was stamped onto tissue and as you can see he hadn't been stuck down properly, no worries a quote would cover that hole up.
What to add next, where would he go for his outing?  I remembered seeing these small pictures in  one of the scraps boxes, I think they may have been Crafty Individuals..

Six more days to get out and about at AJJ
I have so enjoyed seeing everyone's interpretation of the theme.
you  are all 'inspirational'.

Now I am sure Mr E.  would have packed a small suitcase,
just in case he decided to stop over somewhere.
So he would need a tag  with his name on written on the back so his luggage wouldn't get lost.....

More bits and pieces were used for this tag ....
Made....... so I can join the folk at

Tag Tuesday

where the theme for the challenge is 'Birds and Nests'.
The scribbly lines were added in my digital program.

Thank you for calling in to see me today,  I really enjoy your company here..


  1. A wonderful page yet again Yvonne. You have certainly got out about with the challenge this month.

    Such a beautiful tag and anything with stitching catches my eye instantly.

    Thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Wonderful journal page with a great BG, and I love the gorgeous tag you made for TT, thanks so much for your support, even though you have so much to do just now. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Super page Yvonne and a beautiful tag. There is always something precious about birds and nests.
    Hugs Flo x

  4. A fabulous journal page and a beautiful tag.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. Interesting collage page witha magical journey. Your tag is great, too.
    Have a happy weekend xx

  6. Brilliant page and awesome tag, love it. xxx Have a lovely weekend..♥[aNNie]

  7. The maps are perfect for your background, and all the adventures that await. Just love the tag you made, the digital lines make a nice outline for it.

  8. An amazing page - love your ideas Yvonne! A fantastic tag as well - wow!
    Happy Satursday, hugs

  9. wow - two stunning projects today Yvonne :)
    Your AJJ spread is absolutely fantastic with all the details
    (love that imagery especially - I keep meaning to look for those C.I mini image pads)
    and I think that magic carpet would be ideal to help with fear of flying -
    go any where - fresh air - a great view (seatbelts of course)...and it wouldn't be claustrophobic -
    Maybe you could swing by my way if you've room... I've only flown once (I'm claustrophobic) but it was a flight to remember as it was on Concorde.
    I love LOVE your tag too - those birds are beautiful!
    Have a great weekend... nice and sunny here for a change but still a bit breezy.
    Gill xx

  10. Fantastic Journal pages Yvonne and so up my street xx the addition of the pictures really adds to the them and your stunning luggage tag too

    Tfs and have a lovely weekend
    Annie xx

  11. Fab page Yvonne, Venice is one of my favourite places to visit and wouldn't a magic carpet be great? No hanging around at the airport although it would need to be fine weather!
    Love that tag, just beautiful.
    Val x

  12. A fabulous paged Yvonne and how fortuitous that Mr E needed a tag! Love it.
    Avril xx

  13. fabulous page and wonderful the Tag all very nice!
    nice weekend!
    Greetings Elke

  14. This is a great page, and I just love that TH stamp image you added. It works perfect with your other images. I am all for adventures as you show on your page. And love the birds on your tag. Love the vintage feel. Hope your weekend is going great. Hugs-erika

  15. Another great page, Yvonne, the pictures and background are super!
    Mar xx

  16. Dear Yvonne your Mr E page evolved wonderfully with all of your artful touches.
    Really lovely.
    That tag is splendid too!
    Here's to more of life's adventures ❤🐝❤

  17. The tag is fantastic too! Love the combination of images and details. The sewing looks great!
    Mar xx

  18. Oh, I love both your journal page and beautiful tag!!!

  19. Makes me want to pack a suitcase. xoxo

  20. I stopped by to view your bird/nest tag - so lovely, with all those elements. Theresa

  21. gorgeous birdy tag! lots of lovely art here! xo
