

Saturday 18 March 2017

A weekend out and about for AJJ

Saturday 18th March

Its a weekend  Out and About   for

and a visit to London.
 Somewhere I have not been to for years, but the last time was for a weekend and it took me a nearly week to recover when I got home.

The background was similar for both pages, first of all sprayed with ink. The page above had some texture paste smeared over it. The images I used were from a Mischief Circus kit.
The first thing to be decided, would be how to travel and I think I would have taken a train to get there like the last visit, then  use a bus or a taxi to get around.

Sunday 19th March

Day 2
Sight Seeing

Where to go...
Westminster Abbey
Tower bridge and the Tower of London.
Buckingham Palace.
All the usual places.......... but if I were to go again 
 at the top of my list would be  Galleries, Museums and the theatre.  I know it would be a much longer visit than a quick weekend.
You will have guessed that this is a dream outing.

Would I travel there again, probably not, though it never should stop you having a dream destination.

All the images on this page were cut from an old calendar.

Thank you for calling in today, you are always welcome here. 


  1. Both pages are gorgeous, especially as they feature my home town. I would like to go for a visit again some time. It looks like you really had fun with your pages here. Have a nice weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Two brilliant pages Yvonne and I could never leave London, I love it 😀 We love the theatres, restaurants and galleries and have just booked to see Diana's dresses at Kensington Palace.
    Val x

  3. The two sides are beautifully succeeded .. because I get an insight from there!
    Have a nice Weekend

  4. Great pages Yvonne, I like the way incorporated the calendar pictures. I don't go to London very often although we live close enough to get there and back in a day by coach or train. I enjoy a visit occasionally but I do find it very busy, noisy and tiring.
    Jean x

  5. So Wonderful pages Yvonne !! Love both of them, I would also like to visit all these beautiful places. Amazing your art ! Happy Sunday ! Hugs.

  6. Oh how I would like to visit London again! A fabulous page Yvonne! Wonderful depth!Happy Sunday! oxo Susi

  7. Fabulous pages Yvonne - love the imagery and love the places to visit.
    Have a great weekend.
    Gill xx

  8. Amazing pages Yvonne. Your pages get better and better. So much of interest

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Love both fantastic pages Yvonne. Fabulous places to visit and great ideas on your designs!
    Mar xx

  10. You get the BEST calendars, Yvonne. I adore the imaginary outing, and I agree that even if you have to take it in your imagination, it's still a nice trip. Both of these pages are incredibly beautiful, and I really want to visit London, if for no other reason than all the iconic images you shared above, including the old phone booth. But I would probably need a month, especially if I were to see all the wonderful museums and such. So glad you shared this today, because now my imagination is fired up, too!

  11. What a fabulous page and a great quote! I enjoyed my little trip there last year when we went down to Essex but we didn't have plans to try to fit in too much! Chrisxx

  12. Fabulous AJ it's fabulous, I felt like I was away from humid Australia.xx ♥[aNNie]

  13. Fun travel pages, I like the quote on the second one. I've never been to London, or overseas for that matter, but I enjoy my travels here in the states.

  14. Beautiful travel pages - it is very good having a dream destination! You have collected almost all places you want to visit into these two pages, wonderful!

  15. Travel stories are always the best- even when they were not the best at the time they happened- they make good tales later on. Love your pages, and how you used postcards on the second one. Getting around in a city is always an issue, and even walking is always further than you think it might be. What fun pages though-I enjoyed them. Hugs-Erika

  16. Beautiful travel pages ....and colors !!
    I Love London ...The Theaters and Covent Garden superss
    Hugs Doris

  17. Both pages are amazing Yvonne you have added so may delightful things to see x Hilda

  18. I like these imaginary outings, they are the best.
    I fully understand that it could take a week to recover from a visit to London. Just the thought.......
    I like your happy page with the red box and the Mini, and of course we can now take a virtual tour of the places in your second piece, much more relaxing.

  19. WOW, beautiful travel pages. Great design and colours.
    Greetings Carola

  20. Wonderful London pages Yvonne, I love London and on a good day I can be in the city centre within half and hour of leaving home.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. Such lovely pages which make you dream of travelling! The blue sprayed background looks perfect and you have layered the images so beautifully :-) . Hope you had a lovely weekend and wishing you a great start to the week! J :-)

  22. Yup, London is full on and exhausting, but worth it! Love both these pages. Again there's a real energy and dynamism to that first one - love the signpost with the arrows going in all directions and all the diagonals you've used expand on that imagery - very clever. If you ever do manage your dream trip to the museums and theatres, let me know... I'll come and play too!
    Alison x
