

Friday 17 March 2017

A visit to the Dentist for AJJ

How many of us have a fear of going to the Dentist.
Something that I don't worry about, but many still do.
A short while ago I visited Beamish [ here is the link to my post]
its a living history museum,
 one of the terrace of houses was reconstructed as the  town dentist's.
So my ...  Out and About...

is a digital  page today,  a visit to the dentist
Mr Jones had his  sign  up on his wall as you can see in my photo strip on the journal page

The waiting room

The dentist chair.
  No electric drills in these days the drills were worked with a foot treadle.

......... a gas bottle or two,  only used as a last resort,
you can just see the dentist working on a set of false teeth
in the left hand corner of the photo

His workshop. 

This photo shows the terrace of houses, The Dentist was situated  here,  close to the pub.
Now, no guesses needed about the location. Maybe folk needed a drink before they went in.
but the probably would need something when they came out.
We were told that folk would be in severe pain before they visited the dentist,
 as they couldn't afford the cost of going.
Another interesting fact was.... parents often offered their daughters a set of false teeth for a 21st Birthday gift. So their  husbands wouldn't have to pay dental costs.

The Sun Inn, .
I think this would have been very popular back in the day.

Thank you for calling in to see me, you are most welcome here.


  1. As I kid I went to a dentist that had a scary room like that. I am ok now, but seeing all that dental equipment, I can see where the fear came from. I'm sure its the same for lots of people too. Nice idea for a page though. Hope its a great day Yvonne. Hugs-Erika

  2. The quote on your page is so true. Seeing all that old equipment reminds me of the Sherlock Holmes era, just watched those movies a couple days ago :) Definitely industrial grunge looking.

  3. Ouch! Those picks are just like Pam said...scary...great page though.x ♥[aNNie]

  4. Oh gosh - that were for sure scary rooms - good that I life today !
    They also and that is good,
    got so much better since I was a child.
    I am a brave dentist visiter normally.
    Thank you for the reminder - I have to fix a dentist appointment soon for controlling .
    Your page is cool! Your ideas are limitless!
    Happy Friday Yvonne!
    oxo Susi

  5. My dentist caters to children. He is gentle and kind. He always offers me laughing gas and I NEVER turn it down. I think your trip to the dentist is a great out and about place today. I had to laugh at the 21st birthday gift, though. Today, there are so many strides in healthy teeth, it has certainly made that practice obsolete. I admit, the cost is still pretty steep if you have any work done other than cleaning. This was a wonderful AJJ entry.

  6. I like the idea of the dentist being near the pub! I am glad the equipment today is so much better, but great to see that old treatment room - scary! Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Great page and interesting photos Yvonne. I don't mind going to the dentist but I would have back then!!
    Val x

  8. Terrific page that shows the pain and worry as do the pics from Beamish. A medical museum in a hospital in Leeds has the instruments and also many of the other horrors people suffered in times gone by. We are lucky these days

    Love Chrissie x

  9. Wowwwwww wonderful your page Yvonne !!! I don´t like to go to the dentist too, ayyy... but we must go, of course. Happy weekend ! Hugs.

  10. A fabulous page Yvonne, we were there about a month ago - Beamish - not the Dentist!
    I'm so glad my Dentist's surgery doesn't have drills like that.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Avril xx

  11. Love how you incorporate your visits out into your work Yvonne, great work. Have a great weekend xxx

  12. I love your page and the trip to the dentist at Beamish - although I don't think I would like to see that equipment at my own dentist(who BTW has the most gorgeous blue eyes!) Hugs, Chrisx

  13. Aaaarrrgh, Yvonne! I'm sure the dentist I had as a child used all this equipment and his favourite method was using the gas.
    What a lovely day out that was, haha!

  14. I'm really enjoying the Beamish visits - I think I'd even be okay with visiting the dentist there! Thanks for sharing all the photos, and your page is a treat.
    Alison x
