

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Tuesday's Musings

Hello everyone calling in today.
Another Tuesday and  time to go to 
where we are always made very welcome  with our drinks related posts.
Where did last week go to?

Another week of   isolation and shielding,   is not easy to cope with.
Time seems to quietly disappear and I wonder what I have actually done  that day.
The highlights of the week are not about where we've been or who we've spoken to or seen,
 but seeing our sons  from a suitable distance in the garden .
 I do miss not being able to give them a hug.  
The grocery delivery has become an event, especially this last week when I managed to order one carrot and one leek . Thankfully our youngest gets our top up shop and we all had a laugh  about mum's latest escapade with on line shopping. 

In my ramblings with a friend [over the telephone] we were  talking about the long term effects and how mental health issues  could  be  a big issue in the future.
 Restrictions are changing  but as yet none, that would make a big  difference   have changed for us.

The crafting gals ' Miss Mojo and Miss Inspiration'
 are still taking their time to get back in the house, I hope they are enjoying themselves where ever they are.

I had a look through  a journal to see if there was a starter/mop up page that might give me some ideas and once again decided that my digital computer program would be      the  best option.
You can see  the beginnings of a stencil page by my cuppa so I do have a work in progress on the  table, I guess it could still be there in the same state two days time. 

This is my first hybrid page with a  frothy coffee  for you to enjoy.

This second page with all the stitching and  clocks in the background I will link yo Halle's theme
for June at Art Journal Journey..... A stitch in time.

However you spend your day,
I hope it will be a good one for you.


  1. I can imagine how hard it is to have to stay home for so long and hope that it will soon get better for you. Love the journal pages you made, especially the ones with frothy coffee, yummy, that's the right thing for me! One leek and one carrot? Don't overdo things! Stay safe, have a good week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Yup, we're still shielding for my mother's sake so I sympathise (and it's going to be a long time before the theatres open, so work is a long way off for me). Still, there's artwork to keep us busy. I love both your digi variations - the Modigliani woman is beautiful against the waves of colour in the lovely background. Sorry I've not been visiting much - busy with new stamp release - but hopefully getting back to normal for a while now.
    Alison x

  3. I wonder if that little demi-tasse cup with all the piled up whipped cream is from Vienna. My association is between those two. Nice.

    be well... mae at

  4. I am so sorry you are still going through such stiff restrictions. our governor had us mostly open mid May-with restrictions and now today our state is fully open-with restrictions-masks and distancing. all businesses are to be opened now. we still are very careful and are pretty much home bodies still-I do the food shopping, but we aren't getting out to restaurants and I buy allot online otherwise it would be a very long drive for other things.
    I love your latest journal page very much. stay safe and hoping soon you can get out more-hugs and Happy T

  5. Restrictions here are not nearly so strict, but we've had to back-peddle a bit on openings because of increasing cases so y'all are smarter. What a cute little cup with the froth piled high :) Happy T Tuesday!

  6. It is not easy not to be able to hug your loved ones and still have these limitations.
    Nice your journal page, great selection! the mug is pretty with the lettering!
    I wish you all the best and take care of you, hugs Elke

  7. I know what you mean about time disappearing and nothing to show for it and for me too, the grocery delivery is the highlight or the disaster of the week - I 'got' 1 onion!
    I love the green of your pages, so calming and I love the quote with the Modigliani woman.
    (hope your crafting galls haven't gone to Primark or they'll never be back!!
    Have a great week, Avril xx

  8. Fabulous spread, Yvonne. I Love the "This is not art" quote.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen xx

  9. I seem to be in the same boat, Yvonne. I haven't been off my property since March 15. I'm also worried about the opening of my state, too. My days and nights meld into each other. I even missed my friend Joseph's birthday. I almost forgot about our T Tuesday anniversary. Luckily, you have your sons to keep you grounded, even if you can't leave because of your husband.

    You have created two beautiful spreads from one mop-up spread. Both have great digital stitching and both fit well for Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey. And of course, I love both of these with their drinks, too. Thank you for your beautiful digital entries and your mug of tea you shared with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  10. I’m not sure I would be any good at ordering online, I’ve got used to shopping now, it’s quite a pleasant experience now we can go away from our Urbanización, I even know how to pay with my card, something I’d never done before,
    I think your pages turned out lovely, some days it is hard to get any ideas, I just give up and sit in the garden
    Happy T Day
    Jan x

  11. I'm with you, I went to see my mum and dad today and it would have been lovely to give them a hug! I'm happy that they are doing ok though. I did laugh at the carrot and leek shopping, it's something that I would do too 😉. Your pages are so beautiful, I'm loving the background that you created! I often just create backgrounds if I get a bit stuck creatively, normally it's because I have too many ideas though 😉. Take care and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  12. I know what you mean about wanting to hug loved ones, but not doing so to be cautious. Connecticut goes into Phase 2 tomorrow, but the changes won't matter enough for me to notice the difference. So for me, it will still seem like we're in a Full Lock Down. (Phase 1 didn't make any changes that mattered for me, either.) I like your artwork. Happy T-Day!

  13. Just so difficult to keep isolating and distancing. We are just finally moving forward albeit cautiously.
    I adore both your hybrid journal pages but I am especially loving that beautiful image of the ladies having tea. Happy T day!

  14. Happy T day Yvonne. Your page is wonderful and those ladies are beautiful. And you do have a great collection of mugs. I like this one. And I have to laugh at your carrot story. I've have a few online faux pas also. Like getting my husband conditioner but not shampoo. He doesn't even conditioner. And ordering 4 bottles of canola oil when I only needed 1. Oh well. Hope you can soon hug your sons. Hugs-Erika

  15. Massachusetts where. I live was the second highest epicenter of Covid behind New York. Our state is slowly opening. I appreciate the caution our governor is taking. We have done online shopping two. I ordered 2 pounds of tomatoes and got 2. You have to laugh. Looks like your muse stopped by . Lovely journal pages. Green is the color of hope. Hopefully, we’ll be back to normal soon. Take care and Happy T Day

  16. Yes, I agree the 'shelter at home' or 'lockdown' or whatever term you use has been quite a challenge. I don't normally have much anxiety, but I eventually have felt the effect as I go out a bit more. Honestly, I've just been like "Hey, I can do this...stay home and make more art!" but you're right, I miss seeing my kids and grandkids! Lovely digital art you've made...enjoyed seeing your creations. Happy T day!

  17. Gorgeous much telling spreads. Love coloring, too.
    Have good healthy summer time xx

  18. Most stunning spread, love the gorgeousness shown here, just beautifully designed too.xx

  19. What would you do without the option of online shopping?
    I´m glad I can go to the store just like that.
    Love your work. Funny enough I have some light green spots on my monitor, very confusing!
    Happy belated T-Day xx

  20. Love the green and how you transformed it in both your digital creations. Lovely girls and great coffees/teas. Love the addition of clocks in the background too.

    I ordered one potato a few weeks ago and hubby was a little shocked. I ended up cutting it up and putting it in an omelet so we both got some - lol. I also saw they had dill pickle relish for the first time in months so ordered three jars. I forgot to put no substitutions and got sweet pickle relish which neither of us like much. Will have to google some sweet pickle relish recipes.

    I think there will be long term effects from this, but then I wonder about other similar events where people had to completely change their habits - Spanish Flu, polio outbreaks, the big wars. What did they do to recover or were they stronger than us? Such interesting things to think about. Hoping you get a chance to safely get out and refresh soon! Hugz

  21. Being home endlessly is hard on everyone...even my introverts here at home. Glad you have someone looking out for you getting some groceries...a carrot doesn't go very far. :)
    Happy T day!

  22. To quick with the enter key... I didn't get to say how much I enjoyed your piece for A Stitch in Time!

  23. 2 great pages on that lovely shade of green! Time goes by, who knows where, and another day/week/month has gone somewhere...I’ve still not been out other than to walk the dog & once to have a socially distanced drink with some friends. As you say, mental health issues are going to be an issue that we are going to have to get to grips with, I a. So grateful to have my art to keep me sane.

    Sally xx

  24. I completely undserstand when you say time is disappearing. I don't know where it goes and I have nothing to show for it. Oh well, we're healthy and fine so I'm not grumbling.
    great digital page, actually I should say pages as you have done two different one. Perfect for T-Day!
    I'm sorry I'm so late in commenting. I never got round to it.
    Sending you hugs,
    and a belated Happy T-Day!

  25. I love your pages I love the green on them, it is just right, exactly what is necessary, sometimes less is best and the way the paint lies on the pages sets the pictures off to perfection. The last set of pages has a certain stillness about about them and the figure reminds me of a French painters work, but I cannot think who I mean. I love it!
    I had a few smiles when starting to read your blog post - the single veg - we have been so close to things like that with deliveries. My Chiropractor told me to order some ice cold spray for my shoulder and I thought I had done so but they sent me cream instead. The stir fry veg (fresh we thought) came as a tin! Too late to do anything about it but so annoying at the time. Ah well, the food bank will be glad of some of the things.
    And yes time does seem to go quickly, I don't understand that, I thought it would drag more. As for seeing family I am not sure which is better, not seeing them or having them visit but not being able to touch. I do wonder what life has in store for us in the months to come. But, we just have to put our big girls pants on and get on with it, don't we.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  26. I laughed at your veg delivery, we did the opposite and ordered two courgettes - they came as two packs of three, fortunately we had enough room in the fridge for the extras and changed what we were going to eat on delivery day! My youngest son has been coming each week for topping up short date stuff midweek! It has been so hard to see him just out of reach! He has to return to work the week after next, although says he will still come to top us up! We are not ready to go shopping just yet but have been able to go for a walk each week! You green page is so versatile, I love both of your spreads! I totally get the art quote!! A very belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  27. Oh my. I'm so glad you wrote about your mental state coping with all tihs. Even so many miles away, my life is so similar. It helps to hear I'm not alone! We've always ordered everything we can from Amazon except food, but Honey insists on getting it himself at the store so we haven't ordered from local groceries. I hear stories, though, substituting whether you want it or not is a big complaint. I have not been anywhere in so long I fear I've forgotten how or how to act via the new rules. Well, at any rate, your Mod woman is my fave page, those faces grab me every time! Great composition and colors on both spreads, XOX

  28. Funny, I had the same conversation about mental health issues with a friend yesterday. It is true. And then there are all the people who don't think and go out and about as if nothing is going one. One friend told me over the phone she is off for Florida, and I didn't want to say it, but I am thinking she is nuts. Thanks goodness for the little pleasures in life! I hope you are having a wonderful T day and some little thing makes you happy today. Hugs-Erika
