

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Ginger ale for T day

Its a glass of ginger ale I have  close to hand today. 
It  has been  warm and sunny for a few days here
 and I managed a short while with the  family computer.
when husband was resting, to write this T day post., so I can join
and the folk who  gather there to share my drinks related post.
Update on the Lap top.....  it has been retired,
 I am looking forward to getting a replacement, but like many things these days
 that will be some time in the future,
when one of my sons would be able to take me to the store.
 This is one item I would want to see up close and wouldn't risk buying via the internet.
Why close you wonder, its all to do with the keyboard and how clear it looks .

So what was I working creating on the desk top computer .... another digital page

 This set of photos  shared with us by out eldest are of the remains of  Beehive coke ovens
he came across while out walking in the Riverside park that is close  to our villages.
There were a number of coal mines in our area and we still have a brick works close to where I live.
This is a link to  a bit of our local history from one of the Local History societies.

What amazed me about these photos is how nature takes over  and   area is slowly reverting to how it looked before we needed to mine  the coal  , it won't be many years before these will be covered  if we don't pass on the relevant history to our children

I will be linking the page with the faux stitching to Halle's theme .....A stitch in Time
at Art Journal Journey

Thank you for calling in today,
however you spend your day I hope it will be a good one for you.


  1. What an beautiful journal page. It's amazing what a bit of stitching, faux or real, can do to liven up a page. It's lovely and there's no way a person could make that without special stitches. This is a great entry for Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

    I was intrigued by those coke ovens. I've never seen anything like that before. Simply stunning and I agree that nature takes over when there is no one to care.

    I know what you mean by having to see, feel, touch, examine something as personal as a laptop before you buy it. I feel the same way about a mouse because of my arthritis.

    I haven't had ginger ale in YEARS. This looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing your art, the coke ovens, and your ginger ale with us for T this Tuesday, Yvonne.

  2. Beautiful page, I love your digital pages and would have no clue how to create those.
    Thanks for sharing these coke ovens, I enjoy learning history about an area too.
    We have bought computers online-but with all this update electronics now good to see in person for sure.
    Happy T wishes Hugs Kathy oh and I love ginger ale in the summer too

  3. Beautiful journal page and ginger ale sounds good, one of my fave summer drinks. The old coke ovens are very interesting, naturd takes over very quickly. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. I keep ginger ale, the small bottles, on hand. Sometimes it's just the thing. It's interesting -and encouraging- to see how quickly nature moves back in. Happy T Tuesday!

  5. What a fabulous post! I loved seeing the Beehive come ovens and finding out about their history is so interesting 😀. Ginger beer is perfect for the sunny days we've been having and your digital page is so beautiful! The yellow colour palette and pretty flower is so cheery 😊. Happy T Day wishes! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

  6. gorgeous journal page- I love that sunny yellow! Good you have your desktop PC to work with until you get out for a new laptop. I would def. prefer to look for one in person too. Interesting about the Beehive coke ovens. I think they now have a rustic and charming appeal. Happy T day!

  7. Your sunny page makes me smile. Ginger ale is just a perfect beverage. I never would have guessed that the ruin was part of coal mining. I hope you’re able to get your new computer sooner than later. Happy T Day

  8. Gorgeous page, Yvonne! The coke ovens being taken back by Mother Nature remind me of Mayan ruins we've seen across Mexico. It's amazing that archaeologists are even able to find and excavate them. I'm fascinated by ancient ruins. We've been fortuunate enough to tour ruins just discoveed, still with original paint and gold leaf on the walls. Awesome!

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  9. Wow great post. I love Ginger Ale, your art is beautiful, and the ruins are amazing. Sorry about your laptop.

  10. Happy belated T day Yvonne. Ginger ale is a good drink when it is warm, isn't it? It's refreshing. And I love your digital flower page. It has a wonderful vintage look. And those beehive oven remains are pretty cool. Hope June is going well even tough it has only been a couple days so far. Hugs-Erika

  11. Your digital page is so pretty! I love that yellow rose. And I'll have a glass of that ginger ale with you as it is my favorite soft drink.

  12. Striking page love the yellow and it's beauty...xx

  13. I´m a tad late, sorry! To the drink, yum!
    And a wonderful page, too.
    I love the docu-series "Abandoned Places", awesome how nature gets it all back!
    Belated happy T-day, hugs!

  14. I'm sorry your laptop is dead, and you need to get a new one. Your art piece is lovely. And I like those beehive ovens. It is amazing how nature slowly retakes what mankind abandons. I think there are some oven type things like that farther north of where I am in Connecticut. Last year I meant to make a day trip to the area, which has a trail, but time got away from me. Maybe this year, although with covid-19, I might end up staying within a very close radius of my home base. Happy belated T-Day!

  15. Lovely faux stitching and page. Love the color and flower. The stitched leaves are wonderful and have inspired me. Ginger ale is one of my fave drinks - that looks so refreshing. Super cool landscape pictures too - reminders that we only make a mark temporarily in this world... TFS!!!

  16. My husband looked over my shoulder by chance and said he would like some whiskey in his ginger ale, thank you very much!
    What a lovely digital page! So colourful!
    Good luck with getting another laptop. It is quite daunting isn't it to buy another one.
    I am impressed with those coke ovens. A piece of industrial archeology as they say. I will take some time later on to read the link. It sounds interesting.
    Sorry for the late comment,
    Happy belated T-Day,

  17. Sorry to hear the sad news about your laptop, especially now when it’s not easy to go out to buy a new one.
    My husband used to have ginger ale on his whiskey. Your artwork is very pretty and lovely bright and colourful.
    Sorry I’m so late,I’ve been confused trying to find everyone
    Take care, jan x

  18. Gorgeous digital page. Love how you added the faux stitching!

  19. Yes, I would want to see the keyboard too, laptops can have varying styles, some easier to use than others! I love the journal page, beautiful yellow rose and very clever to add digital stitches! I hope that the coke ovens will be left alone! Apologies for the late visit, our internet, which hasn't been so good lately suddenly went right down yesterday and was only restored mid morning today(a local issue)Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  20. Love the photographs of the old coke ovens - how fascinating - good to have recorded them before nature finally takes over.
    Your page is gorgeous. I love the yellow of that flower, it is beautiful and the way you have displayed it is great - good idea to add some stitching to it without it looking at all out of place. I really do like this page Yvonne.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  21. Wonderful journal page, i love this flower and idea is fantastic!
    Greetings Elke

  22. Ohh I loove your Art journal page Yvonne !! It´s really happy and bright, great flower and love your stitched leaves !! Sorry you have some problem with your computer, Mine doesn´t work too, ufff, and I´m using my sons computer, for now.... let´s see if we go to the shop for if they can repair mine.
    Sure you spent a lovely t-day, with this ginger ale, great photographs of the mine, thanks so much for sharing.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, stay safe and
    Big hugs, Caty

  23. Beautiful digital page!
    Have a nice weekend.

  24. Beautiful digi art Yvonne! Great photos of the old coke ovens too.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  25. I do like the yellow of that flower, looks so beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  26. Sorry to hear that you have had to send the computer to the retired heap :-(. At least you still have one that you can work on!

    Sally xx

  27. I live in an old mining village, too and one of the disused mines is about ten minutes away. There was a disaster there, though and it's a strange place because no birds sing and not much grows around it. I didn't know about it until I commented on the strangeness one day, when walking my dog over there and was told the sad story. Black faces and the sound of clogs were a regular feature in my very early years and the lives of my parents. It's very much a pit area around here. Sad, but a lot of history, as you point out.
    Great page. I'm so pleased you're able to lose yourself in your crafting for a while. It's definitely the best therapy you can get - as well as walking. You'll soon be able to get out again :-)
    Cath x
