

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Tuesday musings

Hello everyone calling in to see me on T Day.
The weekly gathering over at
where we are always made very welcome with a drinks related post.
After struggling for a few weeks on my grumpy  old laptop computer, 
the poor old thing has decided to pack its bag 
and go completely walk about.
I will coax it along gently over the next few days to try and get the photos I have prepared there, then   it will have to be stored away a family heirloom.

It has taken me 40 minutes  to upload this photo of my cuppa .

Add to my party , the internet issues I am having
 especially with emails not being sent or received
It would be good   to escape the house for  a while.
I think this week,  lock down
 and having a poorly husband has really got to me.
We have muddled along, tried to keep ourselves occupied
Our sons brought  this technical lego Land rover kit over
 for my hubby to  make up, it has taken  a number of weeks
 to finish, as he couldn't sit or concentrate  for long,
  it  has springs and lots of other attributes that took  a lot of making,
 far to technical for me.  For sure an adult toy not a little ones toy.

I  crept upstairs to finish this post on the main household computer, the lap top   has  some more photos it doesn't want to let me get to,
 to  show you what I have been up to recently.
 [ a few journal pages and a tag are waiting to be shared]

I apologize in advance that it will take me a while to visit you all.
However you spend the day I hope it will be a good one for you.
Stay safe and keep well.


  1. Poor you, Yvonne. Sorry about your lappy problems, but more so, really sorry your hubby isn't well. Lockdown has really started to get to me, too - not only the isolation, but the eternal queuing! I do hope things improve and your hubby feels much better soon. He did well with the Lego - my son's a huge Lego fan - gets Lego for birthdays and Christmas - ever more advanced, though he has all the Star Wars kits there are - and even a Lego of his own face (from the Lego shop in London, I think). He's been building it since he was 10, so that's 32 years' practice. He should be good, lol.
    Hope you manage to get your photos and feel brighter soon. LOVE your cup, by the way.
    Cath x

  2. So sorry Yvonne for these computer issues and stress you are dealing with. That is an amazing "toy" to assemble good for the mind though to get it put together. Hope things improve and you can get a new computer for yourself-hugs and well wishes Happy T Kathy if it's difficult to visit you can catch up with me later when It's easier-hugs

  3. Wow, 40 mins to load a photo doesn't sounds good! Glad you managed to join us today and your mug looks beautiful with those pretty flowers 😀. The lockdown must be hard with your hubby being unwell too, I hope you both are doing ok! I'm loving the Land Rover Lego kit too, such fun! Take care and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  4. I am so sorry everything is piling up on you as it is :( When it rains it pours :) I hope things ease up soon. I love your flowered mug and will join you in spirit with a cup of my own :) Happy T Tuesday!

  5. I'm sorry you've had all those technical problems on top of everything else, Yvonne. Do you know the saying about the "straw that broke the camel's back?" I hope you can get some of the tech issues off your back A.S.A.P.

    The Lego Land Rover is very impressive.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  6. Sorry to hear you've been a bit down dear Yvonne. It certainly doesn't help being on lockdown especially, and then with a dying laptop to boot. Wishing you sunshine and brighter days. happy T day!

  7. I can relate, Yvonne. It took over 22 minutes to upload the photos I shared for T this week, so I sort of understand your problems. However, I am truly sorry to read your husband is still doing so poorly. I hope things get better once he can get to his doctor.

    I love that Land Rover. It looks incredible, and at least it kept him busy when he felt like working on it.

    I really love that cup and it's perfect for our Memorial Day in the states. I also like your journal page you are working on. I'll be by later to see the TioT entry. Thanks for sharing your cup of tea and your husband's new toy with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  8. Sorry about your computer woes and I hope your Hubby is feeling better. That model is amazing. Take care and Happy T Day

  9. Sorry to hear of your computer problems - hope one of your children can find a spare one for you - once you have retrieved your photos!
    Hope hubby feels better soon - it can't be easy for you as I'm sure you must worry about him! I was fine until this evening, Springwatch showed a bluebell patch and I burst into tears. Hadn't given them a thought until then, although we did see some a few weeks ago when we went out of the gates! Take Care, Happy T day! Chrisx

  10. Happy T day Yvonne. MY daughter and her beau are big Lego fans too. I got him a lego mustang for Christmas and it was the same type of build. The Land Rover came out great. Hugs-Erika

  11. The puppies next to your cup is lovely! How annoying that your internet is giving you issues. Isolation is SO hard on people. I am sorry that you are struggling with everything. I would love to send you some mail. If you would be willing to share your address with me, email me at
    Happy Tea Day,

  12. I'm sorry to hear about your computer problems. I like your artwork and mug. I hope your husband is doing okay. Happy belated T-Day!

  13. Do all computers freak out atm? I´m in, too.
    Also with the lego-stuff, Hubby´ll have to do it.
    Belated happy T-day and hugs!

  14. I read that you are not in a very good place at the moment. I'm sorry hubby is still not well. How wonderful that he has been able to make the Lego car. It's a real beauty and probably an exact copy of a car he owns or has owned. Well done, tell him. I love Lego too, but I'm not that technical. Given half the chance I would still play with it today. I am watching the Lego Masters series (European ones) and I love it.
    I hope you are able to get another laptop soon. Can you send distress signals to adult children? They might sort you out.
    I love whatever it is that you are crafting and is lying beside your mug. A dog and a cat. A great cut image.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,
    Stay safe,

  15. So sorry to hear you have these problems and still a poorly hubby... sending all my good thoughts in your direction dear Yvonne!

    Hugs, Susi

  16. Computer problems and a sick hubby make for some tough times! Glad to see you still found a way to create and post. Hoping things get a bit better soon! That Lego car is amazing! So cool.

  17. I hope your husband will feel better very soon Yvonne, it´s good for him to be occupied, the lego is fantastic then. Yesterday and this morning too, internet was a pity, didn´t have connection, neither wifi worked, bahhh. this afternoon, it is better, cross my fingers :)
    Love your mug, and the wonderful page with pets, Happy belated belated t-day dear.
    I wish you a very nice Fiday, stay safe and creative, and
    Big hugs

  18. I love the Lego land rover Yvonne, your husband did well.
    Hope he and your laptop feel better soon.
    Alison xx

  19. Amazing Lego Landrover, and what a great looking Crazy canine/feline page. What a pain to have to take so long to even load a photo... technology is both a dream - what would we do without it - and a nightmare!
    Alison x
