

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Tuesday musings

Hello everyone, its Tuesday
so I am off to join Bleubeard and Elizabeth for  the weekly gathering. where everyone is made very welcome with a drinks related post.

Here is my cuppa, close to hand
and there is a mop up journal page waiting  to be worked on close by.
I would really enjoy one of those cup cakes on the page with my tea.

However my journal page  was created on the computer[notes in my sidebar].
I am finding it hard to get settled into crafting these days, maybe its  just using the dining room table instead of my craft-room, with limited supplies close by.
 Motivation and Miss Mojo have gone walk about....big style.
Like many of us there isn't much happening in our part of the country,  
My routine hasn't changed for many weeks. 
We take each day as it comes as I look after my hubby, we rely on our sons even more just now to bring us shopping,  the hardest thing is not to be able to give them a hug, as we talk on the phone looking through the porch window. 
I am mindful that they look after themselves as well and they  smile, at the lecture they get about their own safety  each time I speak to them.

I added a few words to this hybrid journal page
 and tried to imagine these two having a conversation

Its getting closer to your bEARTHday Elizabeth
I send you many happy Birthday wishes

I will also  be joining Valerie's theme at
Art Journal Journey  with my fist journal page in this post.
Geometric Shapes my page has   quite a few of these.

Stay safe and keep well xx


  1. I love both of your pages, but especially, of course, the beautiful one with cupcakes and geometric shapes, what a lovely combination! And even coffee on offer, thanks! Look after yourself, I can imagine that things are not eactly easy for you just now, and you must miss the company of your sons a lot. Happy T Day! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Beautiful and gorgeous colours and design.xx

  3. What beautiful, colourful art! The fun, joyful "tee/coffee -ideas" is my favorite.
    Be safe and healthy xx

  4. I love all your latest art Yvonne. I get your loss of art mojo. It is easy enough to do with everything changed so much. I haven't seen my daughter since early March, so I get how you feel. We facetime every day so I see her face and voice but I still miss seeing her. That first journal page for T day is lots of fun and I like the little robot like creature with the cup of coffee. So cute. Take care! Hugs-Erika

  5. Lovely assortment of art work. Happy T-Day!

  6. That are wonderful fun dream journal and the chickens and rooster is very nice page!!!
    It was again a pleasure to look at this post and to admire your work!
    Greetings Elke

  7. Love your art especially the chicken and the rooster.
    These are very difficult times-hugs for you and your husband
    Happy T wishes

  8. Your art is lovely and colourful. I'm sure your mojo will come back when all this is over.
    I'm drooling over your dreams and cupcakes.
    It's wonderful that your children live near enough to get you your shopping. And you can wave at each other through the window! That is better than Skype or just phoning. I'm thankful for small mercies.
    Happy T-Day, (I won't tell you to stay at home. As Iris says: we are not children and yes, we got the message.)

  9. Oh that first page just sings happy- love the colors and images!
    So nice you still have your sons to shop for you even though you can't give em a real hug right now.
    Beautiful , vibrant rooster art and birthday message for Elizabeth. Keep well, and happy T day!

  10. Fabulous artwork! Those cupcakes do look good don't they 😉. I'm loving your mug, I've seen that set of tableware whilst shopping, it's such fun! Happy T Day wishes! Keep well! Hugs, Jo x

  11. Terrific pages ~ yes something fresh baked would be nice right about now ~ Blessings on your week

  12. Wonderful art, Yvonne. I especially like the two chickens talking to one another.
    Yes, I too am finding it difficult to get into crafting. Not much inspiration when we are home doing the same old thing. I would love to make the most of this time but perhaps it is a season of just being quite and patient. I struggle with that. But I am hoping the desire to create will come back soon.
    Your digital pages are lovely and you are still creating!
    Happy Tea Day,

  13. I love that chicken couple, being concerned about safety. So sweet :) Your kids are good eggs, taking care of you like that. What joy that must bring you :) Happy T Tuesday!

  14. Nothing much has changed in my world, unlike yours. However, I also have ZERO motivation. I feel I'm burned out. I can barely keep my head above water. I'm sure you feel the same way, dear Yvonne. I've also been no where since March 13. I won't chance it.

    I love your dreams and wishes journal page. You gave us two lovely choices, both tea and coffee. I also like the cupcake, and I'm going to eat one tomorrow. This is a beautiful entry and works really great for Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Your fowl are are adorable and give really sage advice, too. I like the warm colors of this one. It's a beauty indeed. I'm also SO thrilled you created this wonderful bEARTHday card for me. It makes me feel so very special. You know you didn't have to do this, but I am eternally grateful. Thanks beyond belief for making me feel special when I really should be giving You a gift. Thanks, too for sharing your lovely journal pages and your tea with us for T this Tuesday. I just hope your husband is doing a bit better. This lock down will pass in time and you will be able to hug your boys again.

  15. Your pages are great and fun, Yvonne. Were you thinking of Burns and Allen when you did the chicken page? I always loved the end of the show where George would say, "Say 'goodnight', Gracie." and Gracie would obey, saying, "Goodnight, Gracie." to the audience. lol.

    I know you're creating under the most difficult of circumstances. So I'm especilly happy that you are able to join us for a little tea break today.

    Happy T-day! Eileen x

  16. I love your cup and the pages you created. Just like Eileen, the rooster and hen page made me think of George Burns and his wife, Gracie. Made me smile. Oh, and I would love one of those cupcakes, too. Take care and Happy T Day

  17. Love your work! Despite being a tea-one.
    Shops are opening up here. Slowly, but they do. We stay safe, I hope, happy belated T-day!

  18. Wonderful art Yvonne! Hang in there!
    Alison xx

  19. Two great pages Yvonne, the second one is such fun and I love the sunny background you have used. I am sure your boys will be fine but it just reminded me of one time I said "Drive Safely" which must have been for the hundredth time over the years, to which he retorted "I am hardly going to drive stupidly am I mum?" We mums still do it though.
    Love your AJJ page, lots of geometric shapes on there and I do like the colouring you chose to illustrate your little message, and that robotic looking character is so cute. Bet he gobbles all the cakes when you are not looking.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. Yes, coffee and tea ARE always a good idea! Love your digital art work. And yes, it's hard not to give out hugs that we'd love to give. At least you are able to see them on the other side of the window/door. We are relying on phone calls, video calls and zoom. ;) take care...

  21. Such strange times but we will come out of this and be able to hug our loved ones again! I’m always full of good intentions but I don’t know where time your mug btw.

    Sally xx

  22. A lovely post Yvonne! I have the same problem not being able to hug my son when he brings food! Your art work is wonderful - I still don't have the patience on the computer! Belated Happy T day! Chrisx

  23. Love your quirky tea dreams page - the colours and patterning are so cheerful, as are the uplifting pinks of the floral bEARTHday card. The conversation between the rooster and his hen made me smile! It's hard not to hug the family (and we've had a week of birthdays - my nephew, me, and my brother) - but it's worth it if we can keep each other safe.
    Alison x
