

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Tea, mess and paint

Hello everyone who calls in to see me today.
Its Tuesday and its T day over at
 Bleubeard and Elizabeths 
where we are always made to feel at home with a drinks related post.
In current times  when we all have to stay home and keep safe
 it feels like calling in  to join a group of
like minded friends for a coffee morning,  where we can get together and have a good chat..

There is still a lot of tea being drunk at my dining room table
and as yet I haven't cleaned my paint brush in it, so that has to be a big plus.
This photo shows a bit of my everyday chaos. The journal page that I block stamped using a nearly dried out ink pad. My water bowl and brush peeking from behind the tea cup, left there from another  project that involved a big yellow flower.
In case you wonder we  have a kitchen table and  eating area   I think it would take a while to sort out  this table  each meal time..

I have managed to make another  page for Valerie's
 Art Journal Journey theme........
Geometric shapes, I think the old ink pads are going to have to be discarded soon. I also used some pop outs and a die cut circle shape.

We all need a lot of love these days, to show how much we care for  everyone as well as our friends and family.

Take care, stay safe and keep well. xx


  1. Wise words and great work. And I love that mug. Happy T-day to you!

  2. I really love that little group of figures - they are so sweet. Great stamping with the dried out ink pads too! I love the German phrase for one of those coffee mornings - kaffeeklatsch - which literally means coffeechatter or coffeegossip, and you can hear the gossipy chatter and the clinking of coffee cups in the noise of it!
    Alison x

  3. Hmmm, both of my tables and both desks are all full just now, it can only get better. Love the journal page you made, great idea for the background with the ink pads, and love the fun figures you used. Thanks for yet another page for AJJ, many thanks for your wonderful support this month, much appreciated. Have a great day, and enjoy your tea. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Tea, mess and paints all go well together like a cuppa with scone and jam...great post.xx

  5. I really like the journal page you've made with the three cute figures. I never thought of using dried out ink pads for block colour, that's a good idea. I have a few that are too dry now.
    Happy T Day
    Jan x

  6. This is a beautiful page with the shapes in the background and the details and words.
    My workplace doesn't look any different, but that's normal!
    I wish you a nice day and stay healthy!
    Greetings Elke

  7. Such a beautiful page and wise words too! Love is important at times like these and a bit of compassion goes a long way 😀. I'm loving the three figures on your page, they are coloured so beautifully! Happy T Day wishes and keep well! Hugs, Jo x

  8. I had to laugh about you keeping tea at your table and the possibility of dipping your paint brush in it. I have done that before. It's not funny when your full cuppa tea is ruined and you have to get another which interrupts your creative flow but every artist must have experienced this at least once.
    Love your cluster of people on your journal page. It really pops against your background.
    Happy Tea Day,

  9. I love the page - the background really has made good use of the worn out ink pad! The cute trio really do look like a close family - we are missing ours like crazy, although I do get to see youngest when he drops off bits I can't get!
    I am so scared of knocking over drinks on my desk that I never take them near my craftwork!
    Happy T Day! Chrisx

  10. Super journal page! I love how you used those worn ink pads to make the background. Happy T day!

  11. Lovely art journal page. We do all need a lot of love and positive vibes right now. Happy T-Day!

  12. "Make each day count" is the perfect sentiment for these days, and that sweet little family is taking it to heart :) Happy T Tuesday!

  13. I absolutely LOVE that background. The idea of using those ink pad squares was brilliant. I LOVE it. It also fits Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Words of wisdom indeed. I have not made each day count for awhile now, I fear. You have accomplished a lot. I love your fat bird on your mug. It's adorable and perfect for T this Tuesday. Thanks for sharing your art and your tea. Other than not having a laptop, my craft table looks similar to yours right now, too.

  14. Woww your Art journal page is really Gorgeous Yvonne !! So lovely background using those ink pads, and great image and details on it. Great Art that always impresses me. That´s a great word! Happy T-day ! Beautiful your cup with the painted bird.
    I wish you a very nice evening, stay safe dear friend, and big hugs,

  15. What a great page. And lovely words too. I love that background with the squares. It is putting those ink pads to good use before they get thrown out.
    It's fun to see your kitchen table and I am glad you don't have to eat from it as it looks very full with what looks like two work stations and a craft area.
    Happy T-Day,

  16. What a sweet page, Yvonne. Beautifully said too.

    Belated Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  17. We do need a lot of love right now ~ Terrific art ~ Blessings to you!

  18. I hope it was a super T day Yvonne. I would worry about drinking my paint brush water if I used an open mug. So I have to use one with a top. And what a great page. I like the little family and the almost dried out ink pad makes nice squares on the background. Its like the ink pad is a stamp. Nice idea. Hope it was a super T day. Hugs-Erika

  19. Hi Yvonne! I like your art journal page. I don't know what a pop-out is but if it's that family they are adorable. I sure hope I get my spread for AJJ finished in time, probly won't but it's another one finished to fill the journal. Stay safe, XOX

  20. A super page with a great message Yvonne! xx

  21. Great idea with the ink pads in the background, but that family is sooo cool sporting stripes, crowns and healthy faces. Great words and they are very true.

    Love your bird tea cup and your work space looks so interesting and very organized compared to mine.

  22. Much as Bill wishes I did not disappear to my craft room he could never deal with the chaos it involves so I’m always happy to be in my room full of sunlight and let him have his time in the kitchen with the newspaper lol

    Sally xx
