

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Its Tuesday and its Tea Day

Hello everyone, its Tuesday so  it must be time to go over to
 Bleubeard and Elizabeths and share a cuppa.
 This photo shows what I was getting up to on the dining room table yesterday. 
A digital page on the computer, which I shared in the previous post.
A stamped image, coloured with watercolour paint and of course my mug of tea.

I love this image  showing  the tenderness between
 the lady and her feline friend. 
I thought of Bleubeard and Squiggles and how much your fur babies must  mean to you Elizabeth
 as I was creating this page. The companionship our animals give to us, cannot be told in words and I treasure the memories our animals gave to us over the years.

I added the background colouring  and leaf frame in the digital program I use

Stay safe and well  everyone.


  1. Gorgeous hybrid page - wow!
    Stay safe Yvonne!
    Elbow hugs,

  2. That#s a wonderful image. Animals are such good companions and family members. Enjoy your tea. Take care, stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  3. My respect, you do this on a laptop?!
    Wow. Happy T-day!

    1. Yes the lap top you see in the photo is the one I used. I would prefer the standard computer we have upstairs, but I must be close to look after my husband.
      Yvonne x

  4. It is such a loving, beautiful image. Gorgeous journal page Yvonne. happy T day!

  5. I love your image-I agree animal family members are the best-we have had a few very special ones, I miss them very much we are in our 70s so I don't want to get another animal now as they might outlive us and that wouldn't be fair to them
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  6. Very pretty ~ mojo approves of your picture and adoration of felines as well.

  7. Oh Yvonne, you had me nearly in tears as I read your wonderful post. It's amazing that both you and I have blogs that honor our beloved animals, whether alive or not. Your coloring of the image is adorable. I was so deeply impressed. Bleubeard gives it two paws up, too!

    I really like that mug you used. It reminds me of spring winds that are blowing seeds into the air to create the next generation of flowers. It's beautiful and I think it's spring appropriate, too. Thanks so much for this incredible tribute to Bleubeard and Squiggles, and to all animals living or not who have touched our lives. Thanks, too, for sharing this and your mug of tea with us for T this Tuesday.

  8. Beautiful art and it’s true that our animals give us lots of love, I still miss our dog even though it’s been 26 years since he died but we couldn’t bear to replace him as we were so upset, his photo still has pride of place on our wall.
    Happy T day, jan x

  9. I love your puffball mug :) Happy T Tuesday!

  10. What a gorgeous page! I can see how it reminded you of Squiggles and Bleubeard too, perfect 😁. Sending you Happy T Day wishes! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

  11. Beautiful touching page and words, Yvonne.

    Wishing you a healthy and happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  12. beautiful pages,i loving this a lot.
    the ladylooks so beautiful.

    hugs jenny

  13. I take my hat off to you for doing digital pages. Clever or what. How did you learn? Did you go on a course? What do you use? Photoshop, or Photoshop Elements o Serif?
    Your 'lady with the cat' is gorgeous. Yes, our fur babies are very special.
    I love your mug with the dandelion puffs on it.
    Happy T-Day and
    Take care,

  14. Lovely. Take care and Happy T Day

  15. I think that is a fantastic stamp Yvonne. Snuggling with fur babies is such a good thing to. (Mine are really enjoying me being home, that is for sure.) And I like the flying dandelion seeds on your mug. I hope it was a wonderful T day since I am finally able to get on to comment. Hugs-Erika

  16. Absolutely gorgeous journal, love that delightful sweet image, as always coloured to perfection...Thanks for your congrats on my DT, [have another one coming up, I need to be kept so busy, stops me from worrying] xx

  17. Lovely stamping and watercolors! I am not partial to cats but your images are so pretty.
    Happy Belated Tea Day,

  18. This page is stunning! Gorgeous image and I love how you added the leaf frame, so beautiful!
    Stay safe, Tammy x

  19. A beautiful page Yvonne!
    Good Friday blessings to you,
    Alison xx

  20. Wowww Yvonne !! This is a really Gorgeous image, great Art page !! I love the leaves around it, it´s espectacular !
    I wish you are well, stay safe dear friend,
    I send you biiig hugs,

  21. OOh, I have forgotten, Happy Belated T-day ! ♫ ♪

  22. Beautiful page Yvonne! I love your mug!
    Very belated Happy T Day!Hugs, Chrisx

  23. What a lovely stamp that is!

    Sally xx
