

Sunday 8 March 2020

Can mice smell flowers?

A hybrid page for Art Journal Journal
with  Eileen's  theme ......Green as my starting place.
A short post from me today, I am grateful to be able to use the computer to create pages, as time in my craft room is nearly impossible just now.

This was how the page began, before I added more green paint and some digital additions.
 Questions I asked myself today were...... what can animals actually smell?
  I would like to think they can smell more than food and  other animals.
Can animals see colours among the greens of the  grasses and leaves ?
Do birds see colour or smell  the ripe berries on the bushes in winter time?
We have favourite colours or are drawn to the shades we like to see.

Anyway my little mouse friend is enjoying  the floral scents  freely given by these flowers. He found his way through the grass  to find them.

Thank you for stopping by, your visits are always appreciated.


  1. What a charming journal page, Yvonne. I've never really thought about scent, but it's easy to determine if an animal can see in color by determining if they have both rods and cones in their eyes. You bring up a valid question and it adds to the fun of seeing this lovely entry that fits Eileen's theme so well at Art Journal Journey.

  2. Beautiful green page. I'm quites sure that animals smell many scents. An interestingi topic, by the way.
    Have a nice evening and happy upcoming week 😊

  3. Beautiful journal page. I'm sure animals can smell flowers and other scents. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Fabulous bckground, Yvonne. Wow, you realy saturated the green digitally. I think you should get credit for two submissions at AJJ with these pages.

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful art with us at AJJ.

    I'm so sory you're having such a rough time.

    Eileen xx

  5. oh how cute the mouse on your green text page with the flower!
    A beautiful secretive journal!
    have a good new Week, Elke

  6. this page is so sweet-I love it-hugs

  7. Love this green piece for AJJ Yvonne. It is an amazing celor green. It made me think of one of the dogs a few week back. I had a vase with some tulips I bought on the the elevated hearth of my fireplace. Right next to the dog's bed. Well he walks over, sniffs the flowers and walks away. Won't use his bed while the flowers are there. I move them, he goes back. So I don't know about mice but I do know that one dog does not like how tulips smell. happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  8. Gorgeous hybrid page and stunning colours, eeeek a mouse.xx

  9. Hello, Meggymay! To answer the question from the title... I don't think so but, I do like the photo anyway! The other one is lovely as well :)

  10. I've never thought about animals having the sense of smell for flowers and things like that but you have me thinking now. Thanks for a lovely page and thought provoking words too. Such a vivid green sets the scene for those beautiful flowers.
    Hugs,, Neet xx

  11. Gorgeous! I am sure they can smell!
    Happy week Yvonne!
    Susi xxx

  12. Very deep thoughts on how smell impacts animals. Your mouse is adorable and such a perfect addition to this wonderful page. Changes the whole look and feel of it. Well done and inspiring! So glad I stopped by this morning!

  13. Fabulous page! I love how the little mouse is smelling the flowers and enjoying their floral scent - perfect 😁. Wishing you a happy new week! Hugs, Jo x

  14. How lovely and so so tender is your Art journal page Yvonne !! I loove it, yes, mice can smell flowers ! :)
    I wish you a very nice day/afternoon yet, and I send you biig hugs,

  15. That's a nice little question which only a mouse can answer.
    I like the starting page - it is just waiting for something and the green (chameleon) mouse illustration seems just right.

  16. Awww this is sweet.

    All the best Jan

  17. Awww, I once had a mouse. She used to climb on my shoulder and she knew what my ear was and told me stories. With at least 2 1/2 years she became quite a Grandma, too.
    She knew where to go if she had to go, she was a clever girl!
    Thank you for the memories (I am still mad the shop "sold" me only her, I was too young to know she needed a mouse-companion).

  18. I'm absolutely sure mice can smell flowers... in fact they apparently have an extremely powerful and sensitive olfactory sense - it's why using peppermint oil on cotton wool balls is one way to deter them from coming in to places where you don't want them!

    I love the vivid green of your page - one way to combat the grey skies and gloom.
    Alison x

  19. Oh Yes! That little mouse is definitely enjoying the scent of those flowers! What a lovely page! Chrisxx

  20. A. Dry interesting question and I’m always amused by Brodie when he decides he wants to sniff the flowers in the vase lol. Love the background that you started with too.

    Sally xx
