

Saturday 4 January 2020

Break some rules.

A page for Jo's theme....
Something New
 at Art Journal Journey this month

Once again I used my new dotty stencil and had some hands on messy fun.
using watercolour paint sand die cut images. with some pre- printed word stickers
The bird and the fish cannot believe what they are seeing.
" She could see no reason to act her age", so she decided to ride off and break some rules.
 Sounds a good idea to me..
 Especially as I  had to take my computer to the repair shop yesterday and am having a very trying time using an old and slow laptop. 

Please forgive me if I am a bit late calling to see you,  I will get there eventually.
I hope you are having  a good weekend.


  1. What a gorgeous page, Yvonne!!!!!!!!!! I love the sentiments!!!!!!!!!! Kisses!!!!!!!!

  2. Wonderful and BIG fun page Yvonne. Hugs, Valerie

  3. What a beautiful, full of action and a fun story, Yvonne. Love the images and your composition.
    Happy weekend xx

  4. it looks great with the stencil and these imaginative motifs!
    A wonderful story with the site!
    It's great that you at least have the old laptop!
    I wish you a nice weekend

  5. Fabulous page! I can see that your dotty stencil is going to get used a lot, it is so versatile and provides the perfect under the sea background for your beautiful mermaid 😁. It looks like she is having so much fun riding around on her seahorse and I'm loving the vibrancy of the colours you painted them too! Thanks so much for playing along at Art Journal Journey! Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  6. What a fantastic page, background, story, images...everything

  7. Awesome page, I love the background stencil allot and very fun with the mermaid-good luck with your computer
    Hugs Kathy

  8. Stunning Yvonne, just love this. Is this a stamp by Art by Marlene? love it.xx

    1. Annie , I used Art by Marlene die cuts. They are going to be fun to use.
      Yvonne x

  9. I think it is always important not to act your age. Don't be ridiculous of course, but certainly try to keep a young heart. I love these Art by Marlene bits. Your mermaid has that twinkle in her eye like she is going to cause a bit of fun or maybe even trouble. Great page. I really think it is super Yvonne. Hugs-Erika

  10. I love this one! Never act your age! (Too much).
    Great work.
    Oh, I fear computer problems, having no car no more!
    The best to you, hugs, Iris

  11. A fabulous Journal cover Yvonne and the words are so true xx The mermaid is fantastic xx
    Hope your computer is back with you soon xx
    Happy New Year

    Annie xx

  12. Oh, I do like this page very much, Yvonne! Both the images and your page design and layout. You are not alone with Life getting annoyingly in the way of our proper work, lol. I should warn you that my daughter is getting married on Feb. 1 and as I'm getting several last-minute projects on my plate, I will be erratic online until they've said I do! It's exciting but stressful. Hope your computer is fixed up nicely soon, xoxo.

  13. In my mind, I will always be 25, no matter how old I get. You have created a page that simply confirms that! It is fun and lovely, too.

    I am sorry to read about your computer. I don't have that problem, yet I am late visiting you. Hope things are going well otherwise, dear friend.

  14. This page really shouts out to me, it is so brightly coloured and just simply scrumptious.
    Up until this last year I was that girl riding along and totally ignoring my age and I strongly advise everyone to do that whilst they can. Even if my body won't let me be 25 I am still that age or somewhere around it in my head. Stay young whilst you can and break some rules.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. Your page design and the images are fantastic Yvonne! Gorgeous!
    Big hugs, Susi

  16. Your mermaid riding the seahorse is fantastic! I love those bright colors on the blue background! The bird standing on the fish is fabulous! And the quote is perfect!

  17. Love this page, a great, fun design.

    All the best Jan

  18. I love this! That mermaid image is wonderful! What is this 'acting your age' thing??? Hugs, Chrisx

  19. It’s always fun to break a few rules!

    Sally xx
