

Sunday 29 December 2019

Let every day count.

Its nearing the end of   the year and my theme choice for December  of....
.....Words and Numbers

We are so happy to see all the fabulous  journal pages everyone has shared with us there and
 I really appreciate all the support you have given  to me.

My page began as a mop up of green paint, some stencils, then  digital stamps and computer generated words and numbers.

Its been a busy time of the year and if I made New Year Resolutions.
one would be.... Make each day count.
I often say tomorrow is another day and wish for more time in my days.
However  I will  let each day count for me, be thankful when the new day dawns
 and treasure each moment.

Thank you for calling in, you are very welcome here.


  1. That is a really wonderful view of life Yvonne. And you translated it so nicely into this page. It is perfect not only for today but as a good resolution for the new year. I hope yours is wonderful. Hugs-Erika

  2. What a fabulous way to wind down the days of 2019. You always have such a positive outlook on everything, including life, and your art shows it, too. It's a lovely entry. The monochromatic feel to this journal page is wonderful and the attention to detail is great. Thanks for being such a great host this month, my friend, and thanks for being such a supportive co-administrator of Art Journal Journey, too. Thanks for this latest entry, too.

  3. Wonderful page, and a good way to get through life. Have a great week, and enjoy the last days of 2019, hugs, Valerie

  4. Wow! This is stunning!
    If my Dad was still around... he´d jump for joy!
    This is beautiful!

    Our kitchen is red-green and this would be perfect!
    Dad was a watch-maker, amongst other professions, and I am always So.On.Time, I freak people out (even Hubby).

    Yes. Let every day count, every singly one.

    I am sorry I don´t have the skills to join! I bought water-color-pencils, though!

    Each day does count. So sad we at times forget about that!

  5. A wonderful page Yvonne! You did an excellent job this month again - you are just such a pro!
    Wishing you a Happy New Year - I hope it's the best year ever for you that wait around the corner - thanks for all the wonderful inspiration .
    All the best for Art Journal Journey I am so happy you are managing AJJ now with Elizabeth!!
    May it bring much joy to you and all who meet there and inspire each other in such a wonderful way!

    We had to put our younger ( nearly 10 years old ) Ridgeback girl to sleep on 25th. She just felt so good until a few days before Christmas. We visited the vet and saw that the cancer was just big big big and metastases everywhere. We were so shattered.
    The Vet was so nice and came then after calling him to our house to put her to sleep. Now we have just our pourly nearly 14 years old Liyongo here who obviously misses her.

    I am not so sad as my hubby. He misses her extremly and can't believe it until now that it went so quickly.

    I am just thankful for the many years with her.She was such an angel!
    Her mother died at the same age and also abruptly and unexpected - the same illness - we heard it just now.

    Big hugs


  6. This is a fantastic Art journal page Yvonne !! I love it. Great colours and details.
    I wish you a very Happy New Year 2020 for you and your family, with my best wishes.
    Big hugsssss, Caty

  7. "Let every day count." Yay, I'm all for that as we head into a new year of new opportunities. Lovely page! Eileen xx

  8. How beautiful this page has become!
    I wish you a happy new year 2020
    Greetings Elke

  9. Beautiful page! Making each day count is a great resolution and so true, perfect 😁. Thanks so much for hosting and providing so much amazing inspiration over at AJJ this month, it's been a fabulous theme and I've enjoyed taking part! Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  10. Lovely creativity...Popping in to say Happy New year and thanks for being a great crafting on line friend.xx

  11. Wow - that vivid green is a real shot in the arm! Such a true sentiment and I love that it's reflected in the number detailing on the page. I really did mean to come and play much more often in your fabulous theme at AJJ - time just ran away from me... that'll be December then!
    Alison x

  12. Another great quote!

    Sally xx
