

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Do mice eat mushrooms?

This is  my digital page for AEDM

Day 6
Once again I have used one of my own hands on  painted and mop up colour backgrounds
before adding the other images in the digital program I use
I  used lots of autumn colours and wonder if the little mouse is looking around for something to eat.
I do know[ after an internet search]  that wood mice would eat some edible fungi.
 It is amazing that they would know which ones were poison and which ones  could be eaten.

I will also be linking this page to Art Journal Journey
where  Rike's theme for this month is Fruit and Veggies

 add a reminder for the current Try it on Tuesdays theme
The colours of Autumn

Thank you for calling in today,
your visit is very much appreciated.


  1. Intriguing as well as beautiful, Yvonne. That's a wonderful background. I love your shrooms...lovely variety and colours. You've captured that messy look at the base of trees that I love so much.
    Cath x

  2. Lovely piece Yvonne, my fave colours and pretty toadstools. I often see fungi that have been nibbled by small creatures! This really is a bumper year for fungi. It's bedtime here so I'll wish you a good night! Hugs, Valerie

  3. You really set my head spinning with your question, Yvonne. I had no idea whether mice eat fungi. But humans have done the same thing - figuring out which foods are poisonous and which are edible by observing people get sick and die from the bad ones. I think other animals also learn in the same manner. Wonderful page and biology lesson! Eileen xx

  4. I wonder if they do eat mushrooms? They seem to eat everything else. What a gorgeous page Yvonne. It has a fantastic fall feel! Hugs-Erika

  5. Lovely artwork. I like the Autumn colors in this.

  6. fABUlous work and yes they eat anything from mushrooms to foil.xx

  7. Mice are wise! A fantastic autumnal beauty is this page. Terrific! A wonderful piece and a scene that fits the season and all the challenges! Thank you for supporting AJJ again dear Yvonne.
    Susi xxx

  8. Well thought out and adorable entry today, Yvonne. The mouse is so cute and I loved that you made it realistic by doing an internet search to get the details correct. It's also a great entry for Rike's theme at Art Journal Journey, too. BTW, those mushrooms look SO realistic. I had hoped to get here sooner, but real life got in the way today!

  9. Very interesting that wood mice eat special fungi, they have better instinct than people, we have to look in books which one is poison!
    Your handmade background is gorgeous. the digital addings too!
    Thank you so much for linking another besutiful piece to my theme at AJJ! Rike

  10. Wonderful Art journal page Yvonne !! This background is super gorgeous, love the layers and colours. Your mushrooms look delicious, I don ´t know if we can eat them all or not, and perhaps mice will choose the best mushrooms. :)
    I wish you a very nice weekend, and send big hugsss,

  11. A beautiful autumnal page! The colours look amazing with those mushrooms and I didn't know wood mice are mushrooms, how clever is that 😉. I hope you've had a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x

  12. Fabulous journal pages. Love the mushrooms with the little mouse.
    Hugs Wendy

  13. Cute little scene there! I Googled, too. Yes they do. And apparently, unlike goats whose mothers teach them what is safe to eat, mice will eat a tiny little bit of a foreign to them food first and wait to see if it kill them! This must be why human-laid chemical poison gets them every time. A teany bit does the job. Honey puts out the kind that makes them thirsty and when they drink water they basically explode. Over the years, I've seen countless field mice come onto our property, eat the poison and then frantically run for our pool to drink and then drown in it. xoxo
