

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Cold. cold. cold at TioT's

Its ..........Cold, Cold, Cold.
A winter theme for the challenge , we wonder how you will interpret this topic , we had fun, please pop over to see what we made and we hope you will join us there.

I have created a winter scene in my digital journal. It won't be long before we get winter snow, everything seems calm  in the countryside, but thoughts should be spared for the animals who find a way through the winter in some awful conditions
. We are so lucky to have our warm homes.

Thank you for calling in today,
you are always very welcome here.
I will also be joining in at......
AEDM day 12


  1. Lovely piece, snow always looks calm and peaceful, till you need to drive in it! Hugs, Valerie

  2. This is gorgeous Yvonne. It does look like a peaceful place to be. Hope the deer can find food. Happy Tuesday. Hugs-Erika

  3. Gorgeous cold scene, everything white and so calm and peaceful. I do love that silence when snow's precious. Beautiful page.
    Cath x

  4. Such a beautiful winter scene! With all the snow it looks like a cold wonderland and your animal have found the perfect place to shelter and stay warm 😀. I'm loving the quote too - perfect! Wishing you a wonderful new week! Hugs, Jo x

  5. BRRR! This is definitely making me feel cold. I agree that the poor animals need a place for shelter in the winter weather, too. I just wish dog and cat owners would make sure their pets stayed inside during times that look like this beautiful art you created as inspiration for us. That's a beautiful quote, too.

  6. A truly beautiful scene Yvonne! Not so much snow yet but Oh! the frosts!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. a beautiful snowy landscape with the deer!
    Greetings Elke

  8. A beautiful snowy scene, and it looks so peaceful. I do love freshly fallen so, but as you say, it can sometimes be the animals that suffer.
    Avril xx

  9. Beautiful snowy scene. Your page is sheer delight on our hot day here.xx

  10. This is totally beautiful my friend. Your cards are fantastic. XXX

  11. Wow, the snow looks so white and real. I just had chills! (OK, it's in the 40's here and I'm a weenie about cold.) Anyway, bravo, the effects of the sun on the snow, very cool how white it is. Yes we are lucky you are so right. We have a community cat and she does not come inside. So right now she freezing her tail off on back porch. But we built her a sheltered spot, won't be too bad, she came through last night like a champ. xoxo

  12. This is lovely and cold, a quiet cold. The deer seem to be listening.
    Isn't it great when it snows and the world becomes quiet and light.

  13. Lovely quote and such a beautiful page.
