

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Tuesday musings.

Hello  everyone who calls in to see me today,
I begin to wonder where the days are all going as I never seem to have time  to spare.
However as its T Day and we meet over at
Bleubeard and Elizabeths with a drinks related post

It is also  a very special day for Bleubeard

I thought I would share my latest bargain, bought in a Charity Shop.
Now how could I walk past  this one.

I have also managed to make  a last page for Eileen 's theme at
Art Journal Journey

......Dreams or  Wishes.

I have always loved reading books, they are a way to escape and forget about what needs to be done.
Tomorrow will be another day and maybe I will catch up with the chores  then, however, if there was time to read another chapter of my book, or I was at an interesting part of the story.......
 I think the book would win.
I have just finished a book by Sue  Townsend called..... Number Ten..
She wrote the Adrian Mole stories.
I found this book in the same shop as my new mug.
It has many laugh out loud moments .  appealed to my sense of humour
 and my rather active imagination.

Thank you for stopping by,
however you spend your day,
I hope it will be a good one for you.


  1. Amazing dear Yvonne! Your art and your mug- both is so beautiful!!!
    Happy T-Day!
    Thanks for joining AJJ once again with this lovely page! Books are always a pleasure and bring us to dream!

    Big Hugs, and happy T-Day!

  2. I love your art page-beautiful quote. and wow great find with the mug-I would not have resisted picking it up either.
    I have really gotten back into reading again the last several years. My Mom always took us to the library every other saturday when we were kids and encouraged us to read. I had stopped reading for the most part when I got married because I felt it took away too much of my time-I was wrong-I love reading again and am always exploring a new book Happy T hugs Kathy

  3. Love the card for Bleubeard! I remember reading Number Ten...and laughing out loud!!
    Your journal page is wonderful - I wish my grandchildren read more but technology seems to have take over! I remember waiting for my Grandma to arrive at Christmas with the latest Enid Blyton book. We used to visit the library every week - and read all of the books we took out before the next visit! These days I always have a book by my bedside(sometimes two depending my mood) but hardly ever read in the daytime! What a great mug for your tea - have a Happy T day! Chrisx

  4. Beautiful cat on Bleubeard's card, and those soft blues are lovely. Your dreaming girl is a complete delight... curled up with a book, that's how I was always to be found as a child (and quite often now too!). What a wonderful image, and the gleaming leaves tumbling around her are fabulous.
    Alison x

  5. Beautiful card for Bleubeard and a great mug that you found, what a bargain! Gorgeous journal page, too. Have a great T day, hugs, valerie

  6. Your birthday card for Bleubeard is gorgeous and I'm loving your new mug too! Reading can often takes over my day especially when the weather is getting colder, there's nothing better than curling up on the sofa with a good book 😀. I try to spend an hour in the morning tidying and doing chores, sometimes my good intentions don't materialise though 😉. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Love your new mug, Yvonne. The page is stunning and beautiful. I wonder if you wrote the lovely poem, which I like a lot. Thank you for sharing this beautiful thoughtful page with us at Art Journal Journey. Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  8. I nearly cried when I saw the beautiful card you created for Bleubeard. He will love it, too. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    I love the poem you used on the journal page. It is gorgeous, as is the little girl. Encouraging reading puts children ahead. Those who don't read quickly fall behind and many don't graduate from high school. I love that you have focused on this as your final journal page for Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey. I love your imagination, too. I bet it came from dreaming and reading!

    You know me. I'm always happy with a bargain. And I know this new mug had your name on it from the very beginning. To think it even came in a box is unbelievable. I really love it. Not just a great find, but a fabulous addition to your collection of mugs, and the PERFECT choice for T this Tuesday. Bleubeard would say PURRFECT and give it two paws up!

  9. I'm liking the idea of a shop where you can find such delights as that mug and books. The perfect combination :) Happy T Tuesday!

  10. What a so so lovely Birthday card for Bleubeard Yvonne !! Love it, and I´ve read that Elizabeth enjoys it too. Great ! I looove your Art journal page, it´s just Amazing, nice quote. Your new mug is wonderful, Happy T-day !
    I wish you a very nice day, and send big hugss

  11. I love you’re art page, so relaxing, it’s beautiful, so is the birthday card you made for Bluebeard, . The mug was a great find for ourT party.
    Have a happy T Day, jan x

  12. Ooh, that's a gorgeous book cover. I love reading, too and can spend days lost in book's definitely a magical place. In fact, I've often cried when leaving a book because I've grown so attached to the characters - duh! A good writer definitely makes your heart sing and draws you into her/his world...I hope you're reading right now!
    Cath x

  13. I have to agree with you. A book should take priority over housework! I love the escape of a good book. Plus, the house work will still be there when you wake up.
    And I love the mug! The perfect saying to live by.
    Happy Tea Day,

  14. Lovely birthday card for Bleubeard. And I love your tea cup. Happy T-Day!

  15. I know what you mean about days flying, and it gets dark so early now it feels like they are even shorter than short. That a great new mug, and perfect for T. And I love your little girl dream page. It is sweet. Hope it was a great T day. Hugs-Erika

  16. What a lovely tribute to Bleubeard. That cat is beautiful.
    Your little girl dream page is beautiful too. It is so true.
    Oh I love reading. I have read from an early age and I have traveled the world so to speak.
    Yes, that is a lovely mug. Well done for spotting that one.
    Sorry for the late reply. I have friends from Holland staying with us and it is a bit rude to spend time sitting at the computer while they are there.
    Happy T-Day,

  17. I agree, lovely tribute to Bleubeard! And, now you could not pass up that cup at that bargain! Sorry to be late. Have a great week=-end!
