

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Which blend would you drink?

Hello to everyone who calls in to see me today.
Its Tuesday and its T day over at Bleubeard and Elizabeths
where we are always made very welcome with a drinks related post.

My cuppa of choice had its photo taken while I was fussy cutting some magazine images

There was a stack of colourful cups to cut out and the gal who seems to be savouring the moment .
before she picks up her cup.. She looks so thoughtful, maybe she cannot make up her mind that she made the right choice., or is just enjoying the aroma.
 I didn't have to think what  type of tea bag to use for my cuppa.....strong  Breakfast tea this morning, it may look bright outside, that is actually sun shining on my desk..... buts it is very cold.
Have you a favourite blend of tea?
The background in my journal page was random  stamped and coloured with oxide inks.
Then finished off with a few extras  in  the digital program I use.

However you spend your day I hope it will be a good one for you.


  1. Love your journal page, what a wonderful image, and the girl looks so dreamy. My fave tea? Coffee! I do quite like Earl Grey if I have to drink tea, or herbal and fruit teas on cold winter evening. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. What a lovely page Yvonne! I love the stack of teacups.
    We're visiting our daughter in Germany, and I'm drinking lots of delicious black tea. Darjeeling is a favourite.
    Happy T-Day!
    Alison xx

  3. Fabulous stack of teacups, I have a lovely stamp and die set one too, musst use it... I love my English breakfast..xx

  4. I was SO impressed with your wonderful girl with her stacked cups. Surely she will find one she likes before she goes through all those gorgeous cups. This is a beautiful journal page, Yvonne. What a wonderful and precious art journal page. Also, the mug you used belies the change in seasons. It speaks of spring or summer, which you may wish you were still part of. However, it's still HOT here, so it is perfect for my weather. Thanks for sharing your tea and your journal page with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. Your journal page is just lovely Really like those stacked cups and the lady. Happy T hugs Kathy

  6. I love your piece today. So many pretty tea cups and a beautiful girl who looks like she needs some tea. She looks a bit worried or sad so I hope the tea cheers her up. I hope you are having a great T day my friend. And Happy fall. Already! Hugs-Erika

  7. Lovely page, Yvonne. She looks like she's reflecting while she savors the warmth and aroma of her cuppa. A very pleasant image and moment.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  8. I love that dandelion cup :) I have several teas I enjoy, but I also like to try ones I haven't had before. I'm a sucker for those sampler boxes at the grocery lol

    Happy T Tuesday!

  9. A beautiful journal page. I love that stack of tea cups, each one unique. That girl looks like she is savoring her cup of tea.
    Happy Tea Day,

  10. What a beautiful page! I love the hot sunshiny background and the girl looks so beautiful with all those teacups - perfect 😁. At breakfast time my favourite tea is cinnamon orange, it's the perfect morning pick me up, which I need to get me going 😉. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  11. Your art piece is lovely. Happy T-Day!

  12. Your image captures that perfect tea moment. I think she's savoring the aroma from her cup. I love all the pretty teacups you cut out especially the Blue Willow. My favorite tea blend is Earl Grey. I like it with a splash of vanilla and foamy Half n Half (cream) A Canadian friend told me it's called a London Fog. Happy T Day

  13. So many beautiful and colorful creations at your blog. It's nice....with a cup of coffee (no tea for me this time but if I drink tea I prefer green tea..)to scroll down and see what came out of your creative brain...and hands.
    Nice to do a bit of a catch up.....and I promise to be back. Have a lovely day, xxx Plony

  14. Wonderful journal page! I am currently drinking an earl Grey Crème blended with lavender & vanilla notes. I have never had it before; it was a gift from my secret sister. It is an odd shaped tea bag, too, like a 3-d pyramid. Also it is a brand I had never heard of, Teavana. Have a great rest of the week.

  15. I think she's trying to see her future in the tea leaves... whichever she's doing, she's absolutely charming, and I just love the leaning tower of teacups! Wonderful page.
    Alison x

  16. What a beautiful page with all those cups! I love it!
    My favorite tea? It changes often but the favorite at the moment is Oolong with mint. I also love Chai tea and green tea. We drink a lot of herbal teas and I particularly like licorice tea.
    I'm sorry I am late in commenting. We've been away camping on the coast and there was no wifi on the campsite.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  17. I love your beautiful page Yvonne and that gorgeous image, together with the cups, looks fabulous xx I am a Tetley girl I have to say xx

    Sending huge hugs
    Annie xx

  18. Wow, the page looks great. As always great designed.
    Greetings Carola

  19. It's cold already over there? I would love for it to be cold here in Texas! We are barely into Indian Summer or, as we say, Hautumn! LOL Our second growing season now. Harvest in late October through mid-November. People are growing tomatoes, okra, squash and peppers. Your sweet little lady is savoring the aroma, very nice and peaceful page. I like so many teas, it's hard to pick just one. Hubby buys the groceries, so unless I request something, he buys Bigelow teas. For a wake up, nothing works for me quite like English Breakfast. But I also indulge cravings for Spiced Chai and Oolong. And I add a bag of Green tea to every cup. My night time concoction is Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime, which is Chamomile on Steroids, lol. I recently bought a sampler of Yogi tea bags on Amazon and am enjoying those as well. Not much help for a single answer, sorry. I'm incapable. xox
