

Saturday 25 May 2019

The Mouse in the Moon

This  digital page was fun to create. 
No mater what your style is.... or the mediums you use, always  be happy
 that the art you create is part of you.
Its unique to you, you are the artist who had the vision
 to put what you see and imagine onto paper.
Well in this case it was into my digital scrapbook.
Computer crafting is an easy option for me when we are away in the caravan.
I can still, 'play',   with the bonus that there will be less actual mess.
Another page to add  to my file  that I am creating for the
Try it on Tuesdays.

10th Birthday celebrations.

If I have the internet I will also link up to Erika's theme at
Art Journal Journey
In the air/In the sky
We often talk about, 'a man in the moon'.
Wouldn't it be fun if it were a mouse.
After all, in one of the Nursery rhymes a . 'cow jumped over the moon', so why not ,
that's what imagination is all about.

Thank you again for calling in.
I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Information about my digital
pages can be found in my sidebar.


  1. This is lovely and funny at the same time. I like him asking that question of Minnie.

  2. So cute Yvonne, I hear those words everyday from everyone of the family. I'm hoping one day I will be able to ask the same question heee hee!! Happy Weekend Hugs Tracey x

  3. What a cute page Yvonne! Have fun in the caravan! Hugs, Valerie

  4. What a so Wonderful and funny digital page Yvonne !! REally I love it, you always create gorgeous art digitaly and handmade, that´s awesome! Please, another cup of tea for me too Winnie ! :) ♫ ♪
    I wish you a very nice weekend, biggg hugsss,

  5. What a lovely page. I like the mouse in the moon.

  6. I love your imagination and how your mind works. This is adorable AND so clever, too. I'm so glad you can still create while you are away using your digital art and program. This is a super entry for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

  7. I love this imagination piece and the quote. It is so cute! How true about the fear of failure, with anything really. But art in particular. You need to be fearless to try certain color combinations or ideas, don't you? Thanks so much again for joining in at Art Journal Journey. This is such a great piece. Hope the races are going well. Hugs-Erika

  8. Oh I so agree Yvonne every piece of art is unique and personal to the artist and part of their ongoing creative journey. Love your sweet page, the quotes and ideas. Enjoy your time away xxx

  9. Oh wow, what a funny page. Looks great.
    Greetings Carola

  10. Well, some say the moon is made of cheese!!! I love this fun page! Chrisx

  11. Sooo lovely and most imaginative dear Yonne! I LOVE ♥♥♥ it! Your fancy and artful pages this month amazed me so much!

    Thank you!!!!!
    Susi xxx

  12. I had a giggle at the thought of a mouse in the moon!

    Sally xx
