

Monday 13 May 2019

Secret Gardens

Hello to everyone who calls in to see me today
First of all a page I have made for Erika's theme
In the sky/In the air.............over at............
 Art Journal Journey

In Mary's garden the flowers grow high and the sky is always blue.

A watercolour washed background, with some pop out images [Studio Lights].
Cut out paper stems for the flowers.
The grasses and clouds were stamped.
I used a digital stamp for  the blue heart flowers at the front and  for the sun bursts in the center of the flowers,  then computer generated the words.

I got the idea to create this fun page while I was sorting out some photos from our visit to Holy Island at Easter.

Hello to friends at Bleubeard and Elizabeths
T stands for Tuesday and we are always made welcome with a drinks related post.

 The mug of tea was close by , in case you wonder Mr Fox was not interested in going after the wicker bird on my computer screen.

The wicker bird was outside an observation buildings where you could view the birds.   To many folk about so I didn't see any.
I took a couple of photos of the floor where the builders had bird footprints in the stone.
When looking around new places I like to get away from the main  areas.
Down one of the lanes we came across this small narrow garden. 
There were many hundreds of folk on the Island on Easter Sunday, this was  a lovely garden to find.
You could clearly hear the water fountain, it was so peaceful and calm to stop a while there.

My last photo collage was a spot of window shopping again.
Wooden drinking bowls for the Mead and
Horn drinking vessels.
We looked but didn't buy.

Thank you for calling in today, you are always very welcome here.


  1. What a joyful journal page using Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey. I love the flowers, the sky, and of course, your hybrid art which is always fun. Thanks for joining us again and being so support at Art Journal Journey.

    As an update the water is finally out of the basement, but the walls are still damp. I have bleached everything, and don't seem to have any mold.

    I bet Valerie would LOVE to go to that island to watch the birds. Too bad so many people were there and you were unable to see any birds. That wicker bird was lovely, though, and so were your photos of the garden that was virtually uninhabited.

    I really loved seeing the mead, the bowls, and the flasks. SO different from anything you would see in the states. Thank you and Mr. Fox, too, for joining us for T this Tuesday, dear Yvonne.

  2. Beautiful page, Yvonne. I lllllllove Mary's garden!!!!!!!! I think I need such a garden too!!!!!!!!
    And the bird footprints in the stone are unique!!!!!!!! Hugs, my friend.

  3. What a fun and colorful journal page. I love those bright flowers and that adorable little girl.

    That garden is gorgeous with all those books! That must have been very peaceful to walk through.

    Happy Tea Day,

  4. I love that lady in her garden Yvonne. She looks familiar. You use her well and made a fantastic page. Thanks so much for joining in again at Art Journal Journey. It is much appreciated, which I believe I wrote before, but if it, let me say it now.
    And Holy Island looks interesting. I looked it up online to read more about it. There are some really interesting things to see there, but too bad it was too crowded to get to the bird area. Is it someplace you can go back to, maybe when it is less crowded? I hope you had a wonderful T day. Hugs-Erika

  5. That's a fun page, love the bright colours, reminds me of my walks along the Rhine, although here I am bigger than the flowers! Wonderful photos from your trip, it is such a wonderful place. I never wanted to leave when I went there, it is just magical. Have a great week, enjoy your tea from the Mr Fox mug! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. A really fun colourful page, love it!
    Amanda X

  7. holy island would be a trip after my taste! great photos!
    and your secret garden blooms in full color - how beautiful!!!
    happy t-day:)

  8. Love those super big blossoms and that woman is too cute. Enjoyed your photos, xoxo

  9. Such a cheerful page dear Yvonne! A wonderful entry for Erika's theme and as you now much appreciated there! LOL!
    I can imagine how beautiful is was to find a quiet garden area to get away from the crowds! I would LOVE to have such a horn drinking vessel for me here... gorgeous!!!

    Happy T-Day my friend!
    Big hugs, Susi

  10. Wonderful bright, cheery artwork. I'm enjoying your photos from Holy Island. The Mead and Horn looks like an interesting place. Happy T-Day!

  11. Your artwork is beautiful, I love it all, the colours are so bright,
    The garden is pretty and looks peaceful too, I hate it when there are too many people around, those drinking horns are strange, our nieces husband had one for years and took it everywhere, always looked quite strange hanging from his belt!!!
    Have a great week
    Jan x

  12. Your art is so cheerful. It made me feel quite happy just looking at it.

  13. I love this page! So bright and cheerful :) Seeing this tempts me to branch out from the little ATCs, but I think I'd better stick with them and leave the larger forms to people like you who so obviously know what they're doing :) I do love this page!

    That garden is lovely. Happy T Tuesday :)

  14. What a cheerful page! Those flowers are gigantic and look so lovely against the bright blue sky 😁. I so enjoyed visiting the gardens with you, it looks such a wonderful place to visit. I love the bird prints in the stone and the wicked bird, I think Mr.Fox on your mug was watching out for the real birds too 😉. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  15. Wonderful page for AJJ, Yvonne. Is your Mary the one from the nursery rhyme that I learned as a child?

    Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
    How does your garden grow?
    With silver bells and cockle shells
    And pretty maids all in a row.

    I still know it by heart because my Mother recited it to me a LOT - when I was being contrary - lol.

    I've really enjoyed all your Easter Day photos from Holy Island.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  16. Such a great interesting post today. Love the fox mug and wicker bird comment Lovely places on your walks! Your post brought a smile to my face. Happy T Day!

  17. Such happy flowers to brighten up the gloomy afternoon here. It's the 16th day we've had rain and it's raw and cold. The Lindisfarne Gardens looks so beautiful and peaceful. What a lovely place to spend Easter. Happy T Day

  18. What a glorious sky Mary is enjoying - a bit like the one we have today!! The photos of Holy Island really are making me want to visit! Belated HappyT Day! Chrisx
