

Monday 27 May 2019


A page  created as a thankyou to all the folk  who over the years
 have contributed to making TioT's a happy and friendly challenge blog.

To the current DT 
Avril, Susi,  Chris, Marjut. Joan, Rosie. Jo, Cath, Erika
 to all my other friends out there in Blogland.
Your friendship means the world to me.

So about the page.... inky and messy, random stamping  for the base.
An AALL&create main image, with added  doodling by me.
I think this is the style of crafting I like best.

This is my last page  created to celebrate
 Try it on Tuesdays  10th Birthday.

there will be a new theme beginning tomorrow
and I hope the start of many more years where folk can gather there to share their art.


  1. Wonderful page Yvonne, love the quote, too. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Absolutely love this page - so full of movement and life. Congratulations on 10 years of TIOT - I'm sad I didn't manage to squeeze in joining in with the celebrations, but here's to at least another ten years' worth of fun and inspiration there!
    Alison x

  3. Beautiful arty page Yvonne - love the quote as well.
    Sorry I didn't realise about 10 yrs TIOT anniversary - wow.. many congrats!
    Gill xx

  4. It has been a fabulous celebration for certain Yvonne. It is great to have art friends who share the same joy and pleasure of playing with colors, images and designs. (Plus a few other things too). Thank you for inviting me to be a part of this team and getting to be a part of the party! Happy new week. Hugs-Erika ps-I do love your page also.

  5. Thank you to you and the DT for all the creative fun and friendship Yvonne and huge congratulations on your 10th Anniversary. I've not been around for that long but wish I had been as you are all such a lovely group with a kind word and inspirational artworks. I love your page today, it sums everything up just perfectly. Wishing you many many more blogging years to come. I always love to join in with the challenges when time always.
    Creative Hugs Tracey xx

  6. Inky fun and goodness, dear Yvonne. You are the perfect DT at TioT. You are such a great artist and absolutely LOVE this latest entry. You have created some miraculous entries there these past two weeks.

  7. Not sure how it happened, but my comment posted before I was finished. I wanted to thank you for your always friendly attitude and your wonderful art. Here's to many, many more years of you hosting TioT, dear.

  8. This such a brilliant page Yvonne and I adore that quote! Love all the layers here too! It really is great to be part of this team and 10 years is such great occasion to celebrate! Hugs, Chrisx

  9. TioT is one of the most non-judgmental and inclusive and supportive challenge groups I know of and to me is so valuable to be part of. Like minds who just want to create and share the joy of creating. I feel very fortunate to be a participant. xoxoxo

  10. God bless all our blog land friends indeed.

    Sally xx
