

Thursday 23 May 2019

Free as a bird

Another digital page,
and the bonus is I have clean hands today.
But I can still create messy backgrounds in the digital program I use.

This is  the first of a few scheduled posts as I may not have internet for a few days.
If all goes well we will be in a huge field with  like minded friends for the
National Landrover ' off road',  events.

Thank you for calling in and  I will catch up with you all soon.

For information about my digital pages
the notes are in my sidebar.


  1. Gorgeous page. Hope you remembered to pack your wellies! Have fun, hugs, Valerie

  2. GORGEOUS!!!!!

    Enjoy the Landrover meeting!!!! Wishing good weather for you all there!!!
    Susi xxx

  3. Fabulous page Yvonne
    Amanda x

  4. OOoh, this is a Wonderful digital page Yvonne !! Love the little girl and the sweet bird on her hair. Great quote !
    I wish you a very nice Friday,
    Big hugs, Caty

  5. A beautiful page Yvonne, I love all the elements you’ve put together.
    Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend xxx

  6. Hope you are having a wonderful holiday, dear Yvonne, because, thanks to this amazing spread, I will be singing that song all day long. I love it.

  7. Nice use of the Lynyrd Skynyrd quote. It works perfect for your page with that adorable hummingbird. I wonder what that letter says. Maybe an invite to a party at the Landrover off roads. Hee hee. Hop you get to be a freebird there. Hugs-Erika

  8. This is a real stunner, Yvonne, no matter how you made it. Love that girl :-) and the flowers are wonderful.
    Have a great time away and lots of fun!
    Cath x

  9. Wow, what a beautiful page! I'm in awe, as always, of your digital magic and I love this page, the design is stunning 😁. Happy travels and have a lovely time over the weekend at the festival! Jo x

  10. What a sweet face and classic rock lyric. Hope you are having fun on your trip, xoxo

  11. I think she looks a little sad for being free!

    Sally xx
