

Saturday 4 May 2019

Can I fly high?

A journal  page for Erika's theme  of, 'In the sky/In the air
over at...
It is a watercoloured background with  some spray paint and blobs of blues.
Not the colour of the sky here in the UK today, but I can dream.
Nor is the sun shining and sending us warm golden rays.
I used a stencil and modeling paste  for the rays.
The birds are stamped images, some fussy cut.

Tweetie the bird on the ground is wondering if he will ever fly as high as his friends.
It must take a lot of courage for a young bird to spread out its wings and fly for the first time.

Thank you for calling in today, your comments are always appreciated.


  1. These are certainly happy spring birds! They are loving the sunshine-I don't blame them. (We have barely seen the sun in weeks so our birds will be doing the same happy flight once ours finally returns). Very cool sunbeam texture! I like how they come off the page and through the air. And Maddie's tail is back and wagging today. The vet said she had swimmer's tail or cold tail, which I had never heard of. You probably know this, but they get muscle pain in the tail that makes it really hurt to lift or wag it. A couple of days of rest and some analgesic and she is back to herself. Hurrah! Thanks for asking. And thanks so very much for linking up this super page at Art Journal Journey. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  2. Beautiful piece with your happy, playful birds. Love the sunbeams. Hugs, Valerie

  3. This is amazing - I love all the details and how you arranged the sunbeams and all other objects so elegant on that super watercolor background!
    A wonderful entry for Erika's topic dear Yvonne! Thank you!
    Happy weekend!!!
    oxo Susi

  4. Great quote, great stamps and a lovely page, Yvonne. Love the bird at the front :-) The modelling paste looks really good, too. I recognise those AALL and Create flowers... great way to use them. Happy weekend!
    Cath x

  5. How beautiful, great design. Love it.
    Greetings Carola

  6. Beautiful-love all the elements and textures

  7. A beautiful birdy page Yvonne! xxx

  8. I love your sunny sky, dear Yvonne. It puts this very cloudy day out of my mind. We may even see sun today, but until then, I will bask in the sunshine and warmth of your glorious journal entry. Those birds are fabulous, too. Thanks for sharing it with us honoring Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  9. We got sun to cover you here in Texas today. No worries, lol. I love the shade of blue on your page, reminds me of the beach. I'm still fascinated by how you work in that journal and how big it is now that I have one. I'm trying to complete my first two journals before starting another one or else I'd have already played in my new one. It feels nice to hold, somehow that is an important thing. :-) xoxoxo

  10. This is lovely and I especially like Tweetie the bird :)

    All the best Jan

  11. A lovely little scene, the blue of the sky looks like the summer we always dream of! Love the little bird, he does look envious of the ones that can fly.
    Avril xx

  12. Wonderful scene dear Yvonne. The fine background stamps look wonderful and the collage elements make it perfect.
    I like that much.
    Dear Greetings

  13. OOhhhh What a so Gorgeous Art page Yvonne !! I love love it, this background is so wonderful, love the sweet birds, love the colours, love every detail.
    I wish you a very nice Tuesday,
    Big hugs, Caty

  14. Still awaiting the unshine here to go fly high in the sky! It's been positively baltic of late....thank goodness for a week in Spain coming up very very shortly!

    Sally xx
