

Monday 29 April 2019

What is reality

What is reality...
is a question I  should  ask myself.
Is it touchable, can you see it, is it all imagination. is it happening at this point in time......etc
So when it comes to creating in my journals these days, I have no plans ,  just a lot of paint, stencils and stamps to hand and go with the 'flow' the  reality of  the  messy moment.
Well not moment in this case it has taken me a couple of days to  get to this stage.
There was a lot to catch up on when we came home at the weekend, like washing and ironing.
Journals are fun, time is not an issue and you can escape  the  world around you.
This page is a paint sprayed and splashed  base, with some stamping.
The flower and the ALL&create Frida were fussy cut.
It was good to be reunited with my craft room.
My last page for Wendy's theme of Having Fun ....over at
Art Journal Journey.

Time to say hello to friends over at
 Bleubeard and Elizabeths
 where T stands for   Tuesday and  we are made very welcome with a drinks related post.

This was definitely Real
 I am sharing more photos with you  this week from our  family holiday travels.
Easter Sunday saw us visiting Lindisfarne along with hundreds of others .
I hope these photos will show you what a lovely  place this was to visit.
We will go back sometime soon, and get to visit the castle, but as its a tidal island,
 it does take a bit of planning.

The church service was in progress when we got to this area,
many folk just standing and listening, it was quite moving to hear the organ
 and the singing outside the church. 

Walking around the fishermen's  area, even the old boats were used as store huts. 

I liked the names of these boats... Faithful....Moody.....Sea Witch

Back over to the mainland and time to have lunch.
Its the first time in years I have been given a cup full and an extra jug  of hot water  with  a tea bag to brew my own. It was worth the wait and the  ham sandwich was very tasty as well.

Thank you  for stopping by and I hope you all have a super day.


  1. Dont you love it when they do tea properly?. I love Lindisfarne and love that part of the coast. Your journal page is fantastic. Love the flower in particular. fabulous.

    Hugs June x

  2. Another fabulous page Yvonne, thank you. Lindisfarne is on our want to go list if we manage to get up your way this year. It looks fabulous.

  3. I love your journal page! I usually do not have a plan, just start spraying and stenciling, etc! Fun! Yours is lovely.
    Happy T Day!

  4. Some very beautiful old stone buildings from your travels! There is something magical about walking through buildings and ruins of the past.

    And Your journal page is whimsical with that adorable image.

    Happy Tea Day,

  5. what a lovely holiday! I love the old buildings, and get such a kick out of some of the clever boat names when walking around a dock:) Your journal page is delightful - sweet imagery! Happy T day!

  6. First of all that is really fun art today. What is interesting to me about reality is how 2 people can witness the same event and have really different views of it. And wow, Lindisfarne looks amazing. What a beautiful view. And I like the boats, and even the little boat hull house too. Add some windows and it would be an amazing studio. And yummy lunch after all the visiting. Happy T day Yvonne. Hugs-Erika

  7. I loved the way you posed the question about reality. It is one to ponder. I really enjoyed how you painted your OWN reality. It was quite charming and fun to see this bit of whimsy you shared with us featuring Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I was laughing when you said "this is real." Especially after my last two posts about traveling, but only in my journal. I was really impressed with the old castles and I thought the names of those boats you shared with us were clever and fun.

    WOW, you got a full cup of tea, then another pot of water and a new tea bag all for the price of one cup. That must have been such a bonus. That sandwich looks good, too. Of course, I'm quite hungry, so may have to stop and get some food soon. Thanks for sharing your art, the castles, the boats, and your tea and sandwich with us for T this Tuesday, dear Yvonne.

  8. I'm fascinated by art backgrounds these days and love yours here. That looks like a lovely vacation -those scenic views made for great photos. I always enjoy English Breakfast tea, and it'd go well with that tasty-looking sandwich. Happy T Day

  9. Both is magical to me today! Your amazing page with this fun and fancy Frida image- just gorgeous, and those wonderful photos of your trip and these buildings and landscape speak to my soul! Thank you for sharing your talent and tea and your amazing way to post for us!Thank you for all! Art Journal Journey would not be such a wonderful place without you Yvonne! Happy T-Day! Susi xxx

  10. Wonderful journal page, love Frida. The reality is sometimes harsher as we would like, especially after a holiday when there is a lot of work to do. I loved the time I spent on Lindisfarne, it is a wonderful place. You got a great breakfast, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  11. i can see how much you enjoyed the easter days, you had a great trip!
    and your artwork is fantastic! yes, sometimes i think making art throws us back into our own reality (and saves a psychotherapist, btw;)) love your piece♥
    happy t-day!

  12. Wonderful artwork and photos. I love stone architecture like that. The church is fantastic looking. And those boat names are great. Happy T-Day!

  13. I love your page and your muse about reality and how art takes your mind to fascinating places. So true.

    That was a lovely way to spend Easter Sunday. Thank you for sharing pictures of Lindesfarne. It's e inspiring to think of the history and holy people who walked those grounds.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  14. Oh, Lindisfarne! A calligrapher's dream. Ewan Clayton used to take a group out to the castle to study the Lindisfarne gospels and their writing. A bit rustic, but so cool to sit in the shadows of the scribes. Thanks for sharing the area as that's about as close as I think I will ever come.

  15. Lovely art and very nice photographs of your trip to Lindisfarne.

    All the best Jan

  16. Such a fun page! I like having no plans when I create too and even when I do have plans my pages just create themselves even as any plans often fall by the wayside 😉. The castle looks a beautiful place, I loved exploring the ruins with you and those views across the sea are fabulous! The sandwich and cuppa looks delicious too - Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  17. I love your Frida page! It seems that my comment got lost on my phone again...or maybe because of my jealousy of being on Lindisfarne on Easter Day!
    Your food looks delicious! Belated by now, Happy T day! Chrisx

  18. I have just been made aware that my comments this week have not got through. I don't know why. I'm really sorry.

  19. Oh my that background texture is just too yummy! Glad you survived to tell good stories! xoxo
