

Wednesday 24 April 2019

By the sea

A  page for Wendy's theme ,,, Having fun...over at
The background is  spray paint splodges, with a little random stamping and the images are cut outs.
I took a few things with me in my travelling craft stash.
The phrase doesn't relate to us bathing in  the sea,  we like visiting , being typical tourists,
 but not a toe gets wet,  in the sea off our Northumberland coast.  The North Sea is COLD.

We are currently in the caravan and have been enjoying some 
rather warm and sunny weather.  Its all set to change as the week goes by,
 On Easter Sunday we visited The  Holy Island  of Lindisfarne.

 The island is tidal with a road causeway, so you have to time the visit with the tide.

I will share more photos when I get them sorted out.

Thank you for calling in today, your visit is always appreciated.


  1. Lovely journal page. Lindisfarne is so beautiful. Big storm here just now. Hugs, Valerie

  2. I remember visiting Lindisfarne a couple of summers ago with Bailey when we stayed at Wooler, he loved it there! Such an amazing place although I didn't get to visit the castle as it was closed for a wedding.

    Sally xx

  3. What a fun and happy journal page you have created, dear Yvonne. It is clever and fun. You really make the most of your limited craft supplies while on holiday. Thanks for sharing it with us using Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I also wanted you to know I now have regained control of my original blog and have even posted on it.

  4. I love how you have used the spray paint splodges to bulid such a fantastic scene- this is AWESOE and really fun !This cut outs are so fancy! A fantastic on road page Yvonne and it seems you have great weather on your tour!
    I would LOVE to visit this island and am looking forward to see more photos of the trip!
    Big hugs and thanks a lot for yet another wonderful entry linked to the AJJ April topic!
    Enjoy your journey furthermore!
    Hugs, Susi

  5. fabulous background and great piece. Also i have to say i adore Holy Island and the Northumberland coast is my absolute fave place to be. Hope you had a lovely time xxxx

  6. I love this page Yvonne! That bathing beauty stamp is on my list!! We have never managed to visit Lindisfarne - what a perfect day to visit! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. Fab fun page Yvonne. Feeling envious of your trip to Lindisfarne, I so miss our caravan and the lovely holidays we had each year in Northumberland, oh well have my memories and photos to look back on


  8. Looks like a fun week and I love your page! The North Atlantic is the same way, even in summer usually. Those characters look like they are the same ones from Studio Light as I used on my page. Have fun on your adventure. Hugs-Erika

  9. Lovely artwork and the place you visited on Easter looks fantastic.

  10. Such a wonderfully fun page Yvonne, I love it!
    How lovely to visit Lindisfarne, I long to return there, we had such an amazing stay on the island a few years ago, when we were holiday volunteers at the castle. Hopefully all the renovation work is complete now.
    Alison xx

  11. Lucky you, going to Holy Island - one of my favourite places. I love Mary Fleeson's art and buy a lot of her stuff. Hope you got to see some of it.
    I love this page - I've been looking at that image and you may well have convinced me to get it... lol. I think it's so much fun. It's about time they started celebrating women of all shapes and sizes ;-)
    Cath x

  12. What a fun and funny page, Yvonne. I'm glad you're enjoying your vacation. I look forward to seeing more about the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. Eileen xx

  13. What a fun page and a great reminder of your hols by the sea too ๐Ÿ˜‰. I've heard that Northumberland is a beautiful place, I seem to remember it being classified as an area of outstanding natural beauty although I have never visited myself. I can't wait to see more of your photos. Creative wishes! J ๐Ÿ˜Š x

  14. Wow, Yvonne, you had quite a symbolic Easter traveling to a HOLY island! So many wonderful little places near you, bravo for exploring them! I love your page - I'm currently finishing up a card with a water theme. I'm blued out trying to match up shades hahaha. I received my dALER rOWNEY mixed media spiral pad like you have, it's nice! I was excited because the return address on package was Sweden, lol. Thought it was gonna be UK, which was also exciting for a Texas girl. xoxo

  15. This is a so so Gorgeous Art page Yvonne !! Love this wonderful background, and the so funny text ! Your visit may have been lovely, this is a very beautiful photograph, thank you very much for sharing.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send big hugs,

  16. Love the currents and whirls in your watery background, and the woman is wonderful... For some reason, I jumped to the conclusion that she was a mermaid! Sounds as though you've been having a lovely time away - hope the weather held up for you.
    Alison x
