

Monday 4 March 2019

Its Tuesday and its T day

My first photo today is  a journal page   for Jo's theme..... Hello Springtime .... over at 
 I used my 8 x 8 inch Kraft journal.
The base is simply torn papers. The fussy cut cat  and birds pictures  from a magazine.
I  loved this happy looking cat, it made me smile.
Splashes of paints a small amount of stenciling, I added the words  via the computer.

They weren't the words I intended to use, but this afternoon I received some mail
that did make me feel very happy.
 Spring shows itself in many ways.

Travelling many miles to get here  this is the beautiful hanging that arrived 
from Bleubeard , Squiggles and  Elizabeth.
It was  huge surprise.

Thank you so much for sending me  a piece  of your awesome  art , it will be treasured .

I have pinned it  in my craftroom where I can see it  as I am  working/playing, but not in direct daylight as I don't want to let the sunlight [when it chooses to arrive again]  fade the beautiful colours.

Now before I forget I must say hello to  everyone calling in to see me today.

Its Tuesday and that means its 
T stands for Tuesday  over at
and we are always made  very welcome with a drinks related post

More fussy cutting in this photo ,  it was stamped images of birds ,
but it will be a  couple of weeks or so until this particular bird makes an appearance on my blog.
He needs time for his leg to mend as I cut it off and by then I decided that fussy
 cutting for one day was over. His friends   will be used soon.

I have a brew close to my computer now as I type up this post
 which I hope to get  scheduled for later today.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you all have a good day.


  1. Hi, I love your spring page very much-the kitty looks very happy and I really like those birds.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful piece from Elizabeth. Happy T hus Kathy

  2. delightful Springtime art Yvonne! Love that beautiful fabric art from Elizabeth, and oh that poppy mug- divine! Happy T day!

  3. I do like that happy cat Yvonne. I bet that kitty is just loving soaking up the warm and longer seen sun. That is a cool tea cup-are those balloon hearts? I hope the bird's legs heal soon. It must be hard from him to land with no legs. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  4. I adore that journal page you created for Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey. It is a lovely cat and Bleubeard gives it two paws up. I love the background and the tiny birds that joined your cute cat. I like how you used the washi tape to stand the bird on. That was clever. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, Yvonne.

    As I said in my note to you, this tiny gift pales in comparison to the beautiful napkins you sent me last year. However, I am so glad you like the little quiltlet. Thanks for sharing it on your blog. I never dreamed you would receive it so quickly.

    Your poor little bird with the chopped off leg. I've had things like that happen to me, especially now that my detail scissors are so dull. However, at least you have your tea in your adorable poppy mug to compensate. Thanks for sharing the poor bird and your tea with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. I forgot to mention that the babies in the tea are actually ones that get baked into Mardi Gras King Cakes. If you get the baby, you supposedly have luck throughout the coming year. Only one baby to a cake, though.

  6. A wonderful journal page. I love that background paper with the birds and the tea cups. And what a wonderful gift from Elizabeth. She made a beautiful wall hanging.
    Happy Tea Day,

  7. I love that cat too especially with the bird sitting on his head, a lovely layered page in your journal. How lovely to receive a surprise gift in the post, that’s a beautiful hanging to brighten your day. Enjoy the rest of the week xxx

  8. Gorgeous journal the tea cups and everything are amazing. Lovely gift from Elizabeth too.x

  9. Love your cat page, what a super cat you found. Glad your wall hanging came safely, it is lovely. Fussy cutting can sometimes be dangerous, I've often severed pieces, too, probably because I like to watch TV while cutting! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  10. I L*O*V*E all abaout this post! The amazing whimsical collage page - that simply makes one happy - gorgeous art Yvonne, so pleased to see it linked to AJJ - THANK YOU so much! And I am happy with you about this wonderful gift from Dr.E. and her boys! I got such a wonderful hanger for my birthday and Christmas from Elizabeth and it hangs here at my right side at my workplace - and I often look at it - it gives me power for my heart!
    And lastly I have to tell you how pretty this mug is!
    Happy happy T-Day Yvonne!
    Hugs, Susi

  11. your spring page is so cheering up, wonderful! the cat was a perfect find and the birds are reminding me to the chirping that awakens me every morning. your coffee mug is so beautiful, as is e´s heart-hanger! happy t-day ♥

  12. Beautiful artwork. I like that cat. And your coffee mug is very pretty. Happy T-Day and Mardi Gras!

  13. Love the cat Yvonne! The saying is sooo cheering - that's what we all need after the cold winter!
    Lots of hugs

  14. Such a fabulous page! I love all the beautiful detail including the background papers as the "hello" and "birds on the branches" are perfect for our Hello Springtime theme and the "tea service" is perfect for T Day 😁. The cat is super cute too! Wow, the gift from Bleubeard and Elizabeth is stunning! Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey and sending you happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  15. What a happy spring page to see this morning - a relief from the grey and rain out the window. You received such a nice gift from Elizabeth, something to keep for sure.

  16. What a lovely spring page, I love the cat, he looks like he’s thinking happy thought! You mug is very colourful, I still use a mug my eldest bought me over twenty years ago for mother’s day, can’t believe it’s lasted this long.
    Enjoy your week
    Jan no16

  17. I love your happy bird and cat, and the mug is a happy sight too :) I'd find it cheering to drink from it :) Happy T Tuesday

  18. That's a darling spring page, Yvonne, plus a fun quote.

    What a beautiful quiltlet from Elizabeth. Sorry to hear about your poor bird's leg - been there, done that.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  19. What a lovely Springtime page! I just love that cat! It makes me smile too.
    That is a beautiful little arty hanger you received from Elizabeth. I'm sure she will enjoy knowing it has a prominent place in your work/play room.
    Your stamped bird is beautiful. Shame about the leg. I hope it hasn't put you off for good. Stick it back on! And stamp some more...
    Happy T-Day,

  20. Your post is very much Spring, too. Love the bird on the cat's head and the one beside your cup. Makes me smile. Happy T Day!

  21. Isn't Happy Mail a delight?!! Love your journal page...Spring?...yes, please! I had to laugh about the fussy cutting accident, if you only knew how often I have to patch things up or cover things up!! ;) Happy T day!

  22. Your Spring page is very happy and welcome after the foot of snow outside my door. The kitty just made me smile. Elizabeth's quiltlet is awesome. Lucky you. Happy T Day!

  23. I adore this Spring page! Elizabeth's quiltlet looks beautiful - no wonder you are smiling! I have mine hung where I can see it every day too! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  24. How cute, your welcoming springtime expression ~ love it!

  25. Love that fat cat and little bird, the ribbon for branches. And Elizabeth's fabric wall hanging is precious. xoxo
