

Monday 11 February 2019

Cold sunny days and a cuppa with friends.

I'm still  thinking of ways to use ....
'The Colour Yellow' ... which is Rike's theme for the month over at

It goes without saying that I nearly always have a mug of my favourite brew close by me
 on the table.
I used the remains of a pot of crackle paste  to begin with and gave the page  a wash of yellow water colour.  I am making an effort not to add to much to my journal pages and stopped as you can see after adding, a couple of torn scrap paper, lace , muslin, a couple of photo frames [TH] and a wooden heart. Oh and not forgetting the patch of stamping, words  and the washi tape. Well I did say I was  trying...... to add less.[grin]

I  also created another digital page that my coffee loving friends over at 
Each Tuesday we are always made very welcome  there with s drinks related post
I must thank my friend Valerie for the cup, saucer and coffee pot  digital images  she kindly shared with us a while ago.

A couple of weeks ago when it started snowing I took this garden photo from an upstairs window.
What a difference from the grey to the sunshine of today 

This last set of photos  shows one of  the patches of snowdrops that are   blooming  under the trees in the garden. They are in shade most of the day and seem to thrive.

I added a photo of my small glass of silk snowdrops. I never want to pick them from the garden  where they flower for much longer than they would if brought indoors.

Thank you for calling in to see me and I hope you all have a lovely day.


  1. Loved your art and I always love seeing snowdrops :)

    All the best Jan

  2. I really love both of your art pages-especially the one for us T ladies-that's wonderful you have blooming flowers-your vase of flowers is so pretty. Valerie has flowers coming up too.
    It is raining like crazy here all day today-so much mud and water puddles everywhere. better than ice though
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  3. A lovely page of yellow sunshine and great composition Yvonne, with just enough elements. A fab coffee page too, I love the photo of the golden sky in the pot and mug. Those snowdrops look gorgeous in the garden, Spring is beginning to peek through and isn’t it lovely to have longer days again. Have a wonderful week xxx

  4. You are so lucky to have some early spring flowers. I am jealous. WE have a big snow coming tomorrow, so spring will not feel like it is coming soon. And I love both of your journal pages. The yellow one is so warm and does feel like spring. And I really like your mug. It is great! Have a wonderful T day Yvonne. Hugs-Erika

  5. I love all the bits and parts of your yellow journal page Yvonne! I am so enjoying seeing all the bright and happy yellows with the theme. Your coffee page is just beautiful and I love the pot and cup with the inserted sunrise views- so clever! How sweet to find snowdrops. Not one flower in my parts yet... happy T day!

  6. Wow! Those snowdrops are lovely! I never heard of them before visiting tea day but I really want them now that I have seen such lovely photos. How wonderful that spring is finally making its way towards you. We are in the middle of a snow/ice storm at the moment. I would love to have my backyard looking like yours.
    That journal page is gorgeous with the warm yellows, scraps of paper and stamped branch. Lovely, Yvonne!
    Happy Tea Day,

  7. Beautiful yellow and the gorgeous flowers and that snow so beautiful.x

  8. Your art is beautiful, as always. And good that you always have your cuppa with you when you create. Glad you were able to use the digital die-cuts. Snowdrops are always so lovely. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  9. awesome! i love photobooth pictures! happy t-day!

  10. My sincere apologies for visiting so late. I would have been here sooner, but I decided to eat freezer food, which included downing about a gallon of chocolate ice cream, then promptly fell asleep. Just woke in time to make coffee and admire your gorgeous next addition to Art Journal Journey. You are SO supportive of us and we are more than grateful for you. I actually LIKE the layers and believe this latest piece is well balanced.

    Your digital entry is fabulous and I will gladly join you for a cup of coffee and "milk." Of course, I know you will have your tea. After all, what else would be in that darling mug, right? Thanks for joining T this Tuesday with your beautiful art and your mug of tea.

    Those snow drops are beautiful. Sadly, I'm not sure they grow in the states, because I have never seen them here.

  11. I forgot to mention I like your springtime header.

  12. Both the pages are beautiful Yvonne bit the drinks one is amazing with the standout pot

    Nice mug with the colour and the quote

    You have lots os snowdrops and ours are only just starting to flower

    Have a great T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Two fabulous pages Yvonne, I love them both, I also love your snowdrop photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Your two pages are stunning! My favourite is the first one, guess why :) Now you tried to add less and did not stop, I think the page looks beautiful how it is, I like these two black and white portraits and the quotes!
    Your snowdrops in the garden are fabulous, it's good not to pick them and use silk flowers indoors!
    Thank you for linking your wonderful artworks to AJJ!
    Wish you a happy day! Rike xx

  15. You are on a roll - your header, this fantastic yellow page for AJJ and the digital coffee page ! All is just amazing ! You are lucky to have such wonderful snowdrops blooming already, here just the green peeks out of the earth- they don't want to come out as it is too cold still.
    Thank you for yet another fantastic yellow page for the actual AJJ collection dear Yvonne!
    Happy T-Day!
    Big hugs, Susi

  16. I'm loving your yellow pages! The layers of papers, muslin and photos look wonderful together 😁. Looking at your photo, it seems that you got far more snow than we did and it's so nice to see some sunshine after the cold temperatures we've had, isn't it! Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  17. Your artwork and photos are fantastic. Happy T-Day!

  18. I love both your pages and think you've struck the perfect balance with what you've included :) We don't have flowers blooming yet, but you give me hope our turn will come soon. Happy T Tuesday!

  19. Gorgeous yellow page, Yvonne. I really relate to the struggle to know when enough is enough (grin).

    The background of your digital page really caught my eye. I love it. I'm surprised your snowdrops are in full bloom!

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  20. Your yellow page would make a lovely valentine. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I like the wisp of steam you added to the page and sunrise being in a cup (of tea, too! =^,.^=) Your snowdrops are so pretty. The only drops we are getting here is more snow. Happy T Day

  21. Your page is so bright and cheerful. I just love snowdrops, so delicate. I do miss spring bulbs.
    I like the coffee pot and cup showing images in them, never seen that before.
    Have a great week
    Jan #17

  22. I love both of these pages - the lovely romantic page is so cheery and your digital page is just so clever! Love seeing your flowers and the change from the snowy pic! Happy T Day Chrisx

  23. 'Less is more'as they say. Your pages are great. I love the yellow, because it is sunny and cheerful. Your digital page is also wonderful with the coffee and coffee pot.Very clever how you did that.I love working with layers in Photoshop. I haven't done anything digital for years. Having Photoshop in Spanish has put me off. I ought to try again now my Spanish is better.
    Happy T-Day,

  24. What a sweet page for AJJ.
    Happy T day!

  25. OOhhh Yvonne! What a so Gorgeous page you have created !! It's amazing with th lovely background, flowers, lace, papers, heart, photos and words !! Great !!
    As great is your coffee page too, so lovely photo and background. So beautiful your cup of tea!
    The photographs of your garden with snow and then snowdrops are lovely, thanks so much for shareing them with us.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon and send you big hugs,

  26. Love the journal page!!!! But most of all I love the Snowdrops!!!! Nothing at all blooming here yet.
    Thanks for stopping by and Happy Very Late T Day!!!!

  27. A lovely romantic journal page, and what a fab coffee pot and cup on the tea related page.
    It's lovely to see the snowdrops in the garden, does make you feel that spring is just around the corner.
    Avril xx

  28. Oh your vintage journal page is perfect, not too much! Love all the texture and yellow. Nice digi page too. Oh, I would want to bring all those snowdrops inside, how tempting! xoxoxo
