

Monday 7 January 2019

Made with love

 Tuesday  is  T day over at
where we are always made very welcome with a drinks related post.

I used gesso on this kraft journal page, adding some of my favourite go to stencils.
The colouring are shades of distress oxides.
I also added some washi  tape strips..
 The tag was made separately and watercoloured  before I added it to the page.
I was gifted the sweet mouse stamp and I love it.

My  tea photo today was  taken in one of our large super store cafe's. A welcome stop before our journey home , after doing the Christmas grocery shop. OH had taken the picture on his phone and I  forgotten  he had, until he asked if he could delete it. ' Not until I get a copy',  was my reply. That was a very good cuppa of my favourite brew.

Thank you all for calling in  I hope you have a lovely day.

I will also link my page to the challenge theme at
the theme is Anything goes or/New.
Thank you Annie for letting me know about this theme.


  1. That's such a cute mousey stamp, Yvonne - love how you've used it and it's perfect for T for Tuesday - even if it is Monday, lol. I have to point out that I Had to check which day it was when I read that - duh! Thankfully, it's below this on my laptop screen ;-)

    Love your background, btw - great colours and lovely stencilling.

    Cath x

  2. I just love those house mouse stamps they are so cute

    Nice pottery on your drinks picture it makes it look so homely

    Happy T day

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. Happy New Year Yvonne! How adorable is that House Mouse stamp...lovely the way you made it the focus of your lovely collaged page. Cheers, and happy T day!

  4. I love your house mouse-too sweet!
    what a nice tea pot and cup to be served in
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  5. Such a cute journal page. Love the sentiment! I'm going to have to remember that one.
    Happy T day!

  6. Adorable just love this and you should enter into my theme over at House Mouse and FRiends Monday Challenge...xx

  7. I love the quote and those cute little mice. Sweet! What a nice treat that tea setting looks :) Happy T Day!

  8. My friend Theresa (with the pink hair) loves the House Mouse stamps. She would LOVE these mice with their cup of tea (I don't have to ask, I know you). You colored them perfectly, too. SO glad your hubby didn't delete that photo, because it, and of course, your gorgeous mice, are perfect for T this Tuesday.

  9. i imagine the mice are having some hot chocolate with cream (well, the whipped cream already licked away) - that would be perfectly fitting the weather here;)
    have a cozy happy t-day:)

  10. Beautiful designed creation and lovely stamp used, great colouring. So happy you joined in Yvonne, so nice. Thanks for entering our challenge and good luck in the draw.
    [aussie aNNie Design Team Member for House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenges]

  11. I'm loving your page, blue is my favourite colour and those little mice are so sweet! The stencil is wonderful, I can see why it's one of your "go to" ones, I'll have to look out for one like it for my wish list 😉. Such a great cuppa and teapot too! Thanks for the inspiration and wishing you a very happy T Day! J 😊 x
    p.s. seems like your diary last year was such a success, so many people were inspired by your pages and are doing something similar this year! I so enjoyed seeing your pages too! Well done, you are such an inspiration - Happy 2019! Jo x

  12. The House Mouse page is darling, Yvonne. The background is beautiful. Thank you for your comment on my blog. You're my comrade in arms (grin). Yes my neck and shoulder get sore if I'm out of the sling too long. I've been using a plastic glove - the kind that come in hair dye kits - when I need to wash dishes or work with wet media. A bag would be a better idea for some tasks. So thank you for that tip.

    Happy T-day! 1-armed hug, Eileen

  13. Love the adorable mouse stamp. (I had never seen that one) and the handwritten quote. It is true.
    The cafe cuppa looks just the ticket. Just the thing for the T party.
    Happy T-Day,

  14. So cute are these stamps and I love how you used the adorable motif on your page ! LOVELY!!!!
    Happy T-Day dear Yvonne. This brew looks after my taste! Early Grey with a hint of milk and just a little bit sweet .. that's something I love from time to time!!!

    Big hugs, Susi

  15. LOVE your mousy page, but then I adore the House Mouse collection.
    I still have quite a few, wonder if they will still stamp at such an old age???
    Happy T-day

  16. Love all the blue, Yvonne, especially...are those fabric strips or washi tape that looks like fabric strips. Yummy! Also confused...OH? We use DH in the states for Dear Husband. I assume you are referring to yours and further assuming he's not Odd, bwahahahaha, Odd Husband, OH I Crack Myself Up, solitary confinement would have no effect on me, heehee. Have a good one! xoxo

  17. That quote would work perfect for my hot cocoa photo for my T day picture. :) I love the page today and I love that quote. The blue is great and those mice are very cute! Good thing your husband asked you before he deleted the photo.It is perfect to for T day. Hope it was a good one. I am finally getting around to commenting. Hugs-Erika

  18. What a cute little mouse on your page. I love how you a fixed the tag to your beautiful background. And your little pot of tea is so adorable.
    Happy Tea Day,

  19. I love how you used this house mouse stamp - they are so cute!! My, those mugs look to hold a substantial amount, good job hubby asked you before deleting!!! A belated Happy T Day to you! Hugs, Chrisx

  20. Gorgeous card Meggy :-) the little image is super cute and I love the background and blues, my fave colour, very pretty :-)

    thanks for joining us on the House Mouse and Friends Challenge
    Lols x x x

  21. Love this gorgeous mousey card, stunning b/ground stencil design, adorable image super entry..

    Thanks for sharing with us @ House Mouse & Friends Mon chall.

    mousey hugs Christine xx

  22. Those shades of blue mirror the skies we had here today! Shame that it's been -8 for most of the day.....

    Sally xx

  23. The icy blue color is stunning. Beautiful work, and the little mice enjoying a warm drink is adorable.
    Thanks for joining the fun and sharing your card with us at the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge.


  24. Just had to stop by …
    Love this mousey card, it's great!

    All the best Jan

  25. Ah, sweet! I love the dreamy background and the House Mouses (Hice Mice?) always make me smile.
    Alison x

  26. Such a lovely 'warm' card ;) Thanks so much for playing along with us in our challenge at House Mouse & Friends. Hope to see you again in our next challenge.
    Dorte x
