

Monday 3 December 2018

Winter moments

A page from my digital journal today and if all goes well I will   have added  a version of this  as my new blog banner. It  has been a few days in the making to get all the image layers in place.

I liked this quote , it is to easy these days to speed onto the next task
 and not take time for the now.
Moments should be remembered and treasured.

In the meanwhile I have been on a mission to ... First.....  finish making some Christmas cards.
Next..... make some inserts.
Last... get them written.
Finally..... get myself to the local post post office later in the week and get them on their way.

All this did involve a number of cups of my favourite brew,
so I will say hello to friends at
where they always make us very welcome  on Tuesdays with a drinks related post..

I will also add my page to Bleubeard and Elzabeth's theme...
.My favourite seasom  or Tis the Season for the month at
 Art Journal Journey

There is nothing better than returning home on cold  winter days.

This photo is from our upstairs window on Sunday.
We couldn't see the valley for clouds , but peeping out through the cloud was the spire of  the village church on the other side of the river.
The wire you see is the telephone wire.

Thank you for calling by to see me , I hope you have a great day.


  1. That's beautiful, Yvonne, and so true! We've had cloudy, foggy weather lately too. It has it's own beauty. But I prefer the sun ;-)

    Happy T-day! Eileen xoxo

  2. Wow Yvonne, that is simply stunning ! you are right about the quote too, we should appreciate each day. I think I have finally done my Christmas cards, now to get them posted.


  3. such a beautiful winter scene and sentiment Yvonne. The fog was all around our northeast coastal area the last few days but to me there is a lovely mysterious atmosphere that surrounds it. I love how the church spire is prominent in the photo. Happy T day!

  4. Your quote is ever so true and adore this beautiful journal page..xx

  5. I love your digital page very much would make a pretty card too
    we have had many cloudy days here too-loved the photo-I think about living in the moment-when I see people at events just making videos etc on their smart phones-instead of just enjoying the moment instead.
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  6. A lovely journal page and wintry scene for your banner. I hope that you are able to get all your cards finished. I admire anyone who makes and sends handmade cards.
    What a gorgeous picture of the buildings through the mist. I love fog. It makes every picture look magical.
    Happy Tea Day,

  7. Your journal page and banner are beautifully wintry Yvonne, I love the scene which actually makes me feel so warm and welcome as I look st it. You have captured a wonderful moment. Xxx

  8. First, I added your link to AJJ. I understand you are having trouble linking. It is a beautiful entry and lots and lots of wonderful layers. I was also most impressed with all the intricate details you used. It's also a great blog banner. I love the cardinal and the quote, too.

    You have a lot of things going on this week, and I am so envious that you have your Christmas cards finished and nearly ready to mail. Were I so lucky. I can see why you would need several cups of tea while working on this task. Thanks for sharing your tea, your journal page, and the photo of the low lying clouds with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

    1. Thank you for linking for me Elizabeth. I couldn't add this to AJJ last night
      Yvonne xx

  9. Beautiful journal page, and I love the photo of the spire peeping out from the clouds, so beautiful! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  10. Very beautiful page you made Yvonne and it looks like you are so busy with your card making. Tea will keep you going I'm sure.

    Love the Atmospheric photograph you took.

    Have a very happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. you positioned the elements so well in your journal page, such a perfect winter wonderland. and a good quote!!
    the photo looks like an impressionist´s painting... i love fog to take photos - but not for staying over days and days and not letting through the sun.
    happy t-day:) xox

  12. That's a wonderful and so rich layered digital page Yvonne, and such a true quote added! Thank you so much for linking it to AJJ! We had very foggy weather lately as well. Even though it is a beautiful atmosphere I do prefer the sun and clear views, much better when driving-lol! Great photo! Good luck and have fun with card making. I found some I made last year and didn't send out--that is my rescue now as I don't find any time to create some new ones.
    I will brew myself a cup of tea now - you inspired me!
    Happy T-Day!
    Big hugs, Susi

  13. This is beautiful, Yvonne and looks fantastic as your banner! So many lovely layers and looking at it makes me cold...brr! Love the view from the bedroom window - truly living amongst the clouds ;-) Well done on getting your C cards done... I really ought to be thinking about mine.

    Cath x

  14. Very cool photo! You must have a wonderful view from your home. And pretty journal page. It looks so peaceful and very holiday-ish. Good luck with your cards. I hope you get them in the mail as you want. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  15. A beautiful Wintry scene Yvonne, it looks lovely as your blog banner!
    Alison xx

  16. A Peaceful and beautiful winter scenery. Looks nice as a banner, too.

  17. Lovely artwork and very true quote. (And one of these weeks I'm going to take a photo of some beverage, any beverage, to participate in the T is for Tuesday drinks challenge. I keep seeing and enjoying everyone else's posts, and then I always forget to do something myself.)

  18. Your page and quote are perfect together.And I like the sentiment in your Christmas cards. I may have to appropriate it. =^,.^= Your photograph looks like you're floating in the clouds. Have a Happy T Day!

  19. What a fabulous page! Well done for getting all of your cards done! I still have a few more to make - hopefully before the weekend! The photo of your view looks magical! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  20. Your banner came out beautifully. Well done you. I love the quote. It is so true. ('carpe diem')
    And also well done for getting your cards done on time. The inserts, writing and going to the post office sometimes takes more time than we think. (well, I found that)
    We are usually away on Tuesday and I would use my ipad, but so many comments have not come through that I have given up on that and I just do the comments a day late. Better late than never!
    Happy belated T-Day,

  21. Such a lovely, nostalgic winter scene - the cottage looks so cosy and welcoming. I adore your photo of the view across the valley - so mysterious.
    Alison x

  22. A chilly wintry scene you've got going there Yvonne! I'm glad that things thawed out a bit today as it was -4 yesterday! Beautiful view from the upstairs window!!!!

    Sally xx
