

Monday 1 October 2018

T day .....Destinations.... Have bag will travel

Recently I was  able to visit the  house in Cockermouth where
William Wordsworth the  poet was born. 
 This was somewhere 
 I had wanted to see for a long while and we were lucky to go on a day when they were using the kitchens to prepare the food on display through the house.  

So as its T Day over at Bleubeard and Elizabeths
and we are always made very welcome with a drinks related post 
I   will share some photos of the food on display.
Starting off in the kitchen with the cook busy  making her food for the table.

Dining room...... the wine glasses on the table were beautiful

Every thing on display was edible although,as the ingredients used,followed the the old Georgian recipes, no one was allowed to taste anything.
 Some things looked  did look rather unpalatable and I enjoyed looking at what was available in those times.
I have more photos to share  with you in another post

Now you may be wondering what my drinks reference is today...
Have bag will travel .... also may have you thinking....what is she on about ....
I have a new shopping bag....

I just couldn't resist buying myself  this and it was at a bargain price as well.
Thank you for calling in today, I hope you have a Happy T day.


  1. What a hoot. LOVED the bag. And I simply adored seeing the home where Wordsworth was born. As I was perusing those images, I thought how uncomfortable it would have been to wear that hat while cooking. It's probably better you didn't taste anything. I have an old 1800s cookbook, and some of the ingredients don't even SOUND palatable, much less edible. Everything was beautiful, though, and the tables were set perfectly. Thank you for taking us on this journey with you for T this Tuesday. I look forward to more lovely photos from this home and garden.

  2. Ha- love your new tea bag!!! I have always loved England and one day wanted to live there- or somewhere in Europe where it's so easy to get anywhere with the brilliant train/tube/metro systems. Picky a bit about the food though so I'd be prone to examine it more. Happy T day!

  3. Ha-ha-I love that bag! ANd to visit Wordsworth home is a great destination. I always wondered about breakfast rooms versus dining rooms. I guess it is something to have 2 separate rooms. But I guess no different than eating in the kitchen and then having a dining room. Thanks for taking us along Yvonne. I enjoyed my visit very much. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  4. I'm impressed there's a working kitchen as part of this place. Fascinating! Happy T Tuesday -that bag is quite a find :)

  5. LOve your new bag, and Wordsworth's birth house you visited is fantastic. Lovely to see everything in action and being used. I wish I had a kitchen like that! Glad you didn't have to eat the food though. I went to an 18th century banquet many years back, with food cooked to original recipes, and it was awful! Happy T Day, Hugs, Valerie

  6. i love to see such old arrangements like in this museum-like house! well, would be good to taste the recipes of former times...
    i can understand why you couldn´t resist buying this bag:) happy t-day!

  7. Love those photos of the olden days, really do, and love the gorgeous Tea bag.xx

  8. How delightful to see inside the property, I visited Cockermouth a number of years ago and had a wonderful time there!

    Sally xx

  9. I so enjoyed visiting the house where William Wordsworth was born! It's a beautiful place and so interesting, great exploring and looking around 😁. Your new bag made me smile too, I love it! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  10. How fun I Love your new bag-I would have grabbed that one too.
    I would have really enjoyed visiting that kitchen. I always thought it would be amazing to have a fireplace like that to cook and bake in. I am surprised they did not figure out a way to also share the food with the visitors instead of just being on display. Happy T hugs

  11. Your new bag is fabulous Yvonne! And wow thank you for sharing this lovely photos from that beautiful old place!
    Wishing you a happy T-Day!
    Big hugs, Susi

  12. Happy T day to you too Yvonne! I loved seeing the old place. It would be interesting though wouldn't it to be able to taste it?! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  13. We haven't been to Cockermouth for a while and last time we did Wordsworth's house was closed! What a great day to choose for your visit! I love your new T bag! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. I loved seeing the pictures from Wordsworth's house. The gardens are beautiful and so is the interior of the home. Thanks you for sharing the pictures with us. Your bag is adorable! I love it.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. What a darling "tea bag," Yvonne. It's fascinating that they cook the old fashioned food for display. I would love to see that as well as the recipes. I'm bet they use a lot of ingredients I've never even heard of.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  16. I love going to the living museums and watching how cooking was done. What do they do with all the food? There's a living history museum nearby of life in New England in the 1840s. When the kitchen is open, the food prepared is made for the workers at the museum. Your new tote bag is so cute. Happy T Day
