

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Flying Creatures and a bit of History.

Its getting close to Halloween, those creatures will be about and flying around soon..
This page isn't quite how I wanted it to look  the uneven surface of this journal pad doesn't give a crisp image, but  I decided to share it with you
 as we all have these kind of days when nothing goes to plan.
It is an inky background and I used a variety of stamped images as well as some stencils.
Well the bats are flying around and the owl is looking rather sinister so I will join the folk again at
Art  Journal Journey
 and Linda's theme of
Creature Comforts

Now I will call in to
 Bleubeard and Elizabeths
where we are always very welcome each Tuesday if we share a drinks related post.

One of our trips our recently was to visit Durham Cathedral.
This is a link if you are interested in its history, it is a  UNESCO World Heritage site

There is renovation work going on and one of the towers was all wrapped up
Taking photos inside were not allowed.

The green outside the Cathedral looked beautiful on this autumn day,
These photos will give you an idea of how it looked.

The main door, shows a replica of the Sanctuary knocker.
The photo I took of its history isn't so clear so I have added another link.
The last two living floral displays,
  represented the badge of the Durham Light Infantry.

At long last I am including photos of my drink of the day
In Durham's indoor market there is a very nice cafe,
 set up a flight of stairs at the back of the hall, in the roof space   and looks down onto the  stalls.
Its always busy and the food, wholesome and delicious.
I had vegetarian quiche and my usual pot of tea..

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you all have a super day. 


  1. I really enjoyed your Halloween page Yvonne. I couldn't tell that images didn't stamp clearly. And I have heard of Durham Cathedral. It is great to see your photos of it. Too bad we can't see the inside, but I do get why they don't allow photos. And your quiche looks delicious. I have been wanting quiche for awhile now, hmmm, guess I need to make one soon. Have a fabulous T day. Hugs-Erika

  2. Love your beautiful journal page with the scary owl. Durham cathedral is beautiful, I visited there a lot when I was studying, my room mate came from there. Your food looks great, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. A fantastic journal page Yvonne with wonderful ideas.

    Great to see Durham Cathedral again as we haven't been for such a long time. We pass through Durham on the train everytime we visit Linda and the cathedral stands out on the hill top. Thank you for sharing the photographs

    Have a happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. I love your beautiful page - it looks wonderful - I don't know what you mean by nothing went to plan. A fantastic entry for Linda's theme ♥ thank you dear Yvonne!
    And thank you very much for taking ne with you to Durham Cathedral chairwise - a wonderful place!
    Your meal looks delicious - but I had my lunch already - otherwise my mouth would get watery now!

    Big hugs and happy T-Day, Susi

  5. Gorgeous place. Thanks for sharing your photos today!
    Happy T day!

  6. fantastic Halloween themed page! The bats flying about are so cool! Another great addition to AJJ-thank you! Of course I love your cathedral photos and appreciate the links. Great story about the sanctuary knocker! And i would of course love to have a slice of that quiche and cup of tea with you. Happy T day and have a great week!

  7. I like your page, I think the not so crisp stamping gives it an edge that fits the theme. Fun to see your visit to the cathedral. The lunch spot you picked sounds perfect for people watching,

  8. I think you're far too critical of your work. Wonderful page. I like the use of an alternate Halloween color palette besides the traditional black and orange. The cathedral is impressive and the grounds lovely. Your pot of tea and quiche must have been welcoming after all the walking around. Happy T Day

  9. Fabulous Halloween page! I love the colours and wise old owl; I think the uneven surface creates a lovely grunge feel adding to the Halloween atmosphere 😁. Durham cathedral look magnificent and so beautiful with the blue skies and autumnal trees, the planting is amazing too! Your yummy quiche and chips is making me hungry 😉. Wishing you a very happy T Day! J 😊 x

  10. The UNESCO World Heritage sites fascinate me. Thanks for posting these photos.

    I love the shape of that little pot, and the food looks delicious. I'd enjoy such a great place for people-watching :) Happy T Tuesday

  11. Your page looks crisp and clear to me, Yvonne. I love your creative stamping.

    The living floral displays are impressive. Of course any castle is as well.

    Very cool cafe. It's always fun to have a high view, in my opinion.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  12. Your page is GORGEOUS Yvonne !! Absolutely wonderful, love love the so beautiful background, and the lovely flying creatures!! Great ! Thank you so much for sharing those fabulous photographs, Durham cathedral is wonderful, really flowers !
    I think your vegetarian guiche may have been very delicious, and tea, of course. Happy T day !
    I wish you a very nice Wednesday,
    Big hugs, Caty

  13. Durham is a beautiful place! ILove the old buildings.Some really love photos. And the purple and green on your Journal page make a fabulous background.
    Happy Tea Day,

  14. Love your journal page! Great Halloween colors; I love purples and greens for Halloween lately instead of the stamdsrd black and orange, Thanks for the Durham Cathedral tour! Happy Tea Day!

  15. Great photos and I love your page Yvonne! Xx

  16. I love your journal page! We haven't been to Durham for...I don't know how's great to see these photos - and a lovely blue sky! We have had grey skies for two days now! Belated Happy T day! Chrisx

  17. Great journal Yvonne, I love all of what you do...fantastic photos, always find them so interesting.xx

  18. I don't know why you are not satisfied with your page - I like the owl and the flying bats and this wonderful colour in the background, and these fine stamped images and stencils!
    Beautiful photos of the Durham Cathedral!!
    Wish you a happy rest of the week! Rike

  19. I'm not quite sure how much later I can get, but I'm finally visiting with your T Tuesday post. You have NO idea how many times I have photographed bent pages. No amount of cropping makes it any better, either. So don't fret over it. I suspect we have all had that same problem in the past, unless we used a scanner which holds it flatter. I really like it and it fits well with Linda's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Durham Cathedral is impressive and so are your photos. Too bad they don't allow photos inside the Cathedral. The exterior was certainly impressive and your photos were clear and showed the everything to its advantage.

    LOVED your veggie quiche and it wouldn't be T day without your pot of tea. Thanks for sharing the journal page, the Durham Cathedral (loved those floral displays), views of the indoor market, and your tea of course, with us for T this week. Again, I apologize for being so very, very late getting here.
