

Monday 15 October 2018

A tea day post, pages and pies.

Autumn  is a lovely season, but  some days it is not
the right light to take photographs.

I  have been using my newest mixed media  journal book and no two pages  are the same material
I decided to use my favourite leaf stamps on both sides, adding some script stamps as well.
The stamped [Aall&create] and layered image on the right side was stamped onto a piece of mop up rice paper then onto card so I could fussy cut the dragonfly.
. I also added a few extra scraps  that were lying around the desk,
 the pile never seems to get smaller.
 I will add these pages  to
and Linda's theme of Creature Comforts.
Maybe there are no dragonflies around at this time of year, but the colours of autumn are
  and this is a season of the year that makes me happy.

The photo on the left is   closer in colour to the base layers than the finished photo .
As you can see I was enjoying a cup of my favourite brew,
 I will be  joining friends over at Bleubeard and Elizabeths
where we are always made to feel very welcome with a drinks related post.

A short while ago we stayed for a few days in the Lake District, so I will share a few more photos of another National Trust House we visited, Townend  at Troutbeck
It is a lovely 17th Century Farmhouse  with wonderful views, although the day we visited was rather grey and overcast, but  it was worth the trip .

On the right are photos of the  Barn, which we couldn't visit as it is still used  as a farm barn
A link to the house is here
and the barn is  here.

Inside the house was, as advertised , very dark and we couldn't use a flash on the camera,
but I hope the next few photo will give you an idea of the wonderful wood furniture and carving.
The Library and the Dining room.
Again food made fresh but not to be eaten.
This was the kitchen, there was an open fire and range for cooking.

This game pie had just been cooked and added to the display on the dining room table.

The pastry work looked amazing. All that work so visitors could see the kind  of detail that was  added to what our guide said was a typical family pie of the times.

Thank you for calling in , you are very welcome here and I hope you have a lovely day


  1. Those are such lovely pages Yvonne and I do love that burlap texture:) Love the pic with your bunny mug. And oh how I adore this charming village!!! I have been hooked on watching Penelope Keith's Hidden Villages of England on our local PBS- and honestly, I want to go to all of them!!! That game pie is a work of art- lots of time and patience went into that one I'm sure. Happy T day and thanks for playing again at AJJ!

  2. Lovely journal pages, Yvonne. How fun that each page is a different material. And I know what you mean about an ever expanding scrap pile.
    What a beautiful house and barn. That Game pie has really caught my eye. I would love to see the making of that pie in a video. Gorgeous!
    Happy Tea Day,

  3. I have always wanted to visit the lake region so I really enjoyed your photos. That house looks like a great place to visit and I agree about that pie. Wow. Someone is a talented baker. And I do love your latest journal pages. Fall is so inspiring, isn't it? Hope we get to see more beautiful pages from your journal. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  4. I have seen that type of journal advertised on a craft show I watch. I was thinking Dina Wakley, but maybe she was the one making art in it. I think it will be great and you certainly have several different substrates. The entire spread is wonderful. I'm sure there are still autumnal dragonflies around and if not, there should be. Yours is beautiful. And so are the leaves. It's wonderful that you also chose to share this with us at Art Journal Journey. It fits Linda's theme perfectly. It looks great sitting next to your bunny tea mug, too.

    I was enamored by that home. The table next to the fireplace in the library was to die for. Too bad it had such a dark finish. I'm suspecting walnut. It's also amazing that the kitchen's wood was lighter, and I suspect some of it was oak. Upon closer inspection of the wood around the window in the dining room and the panel behind the table, that might have also been oak.

    That pie was incredible, but I've seen some pretty spectacular piping the last few weeks while watching Halloween Wars, so I suspect it didn't take as long as those of us who aren't "cake" decorators imagine. After all, it appears that decoration was piped onto the crust.

    thanks for sharing your new journal, your mug of tea, and your trip to the Lake Region and Townend at Troutbeck with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. Beautiful journal and love the pages you did. The farm house you visited is gorgeous and that pie looks amazing. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Where do I start, the cake, yummmm, the old pics oh so gorgeous and interesting and the pages, love love love.xx

  7. Wonderful pages and the texture makes everything look so different Yvonne.

    Love the rabbit mug for T Day, have a happy one.

    Another great place you found to visit and the pie looks delicious.

    Thank you for commenting at Jumbled Crafts

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. oh, we still have dragonflies around here (well, it is still summery, unbelievable!). love your pages, the fabric and the corrugated texture are awesome.
    nice to get impressions from the lake district - beautiful photos! and this "cake" really is impressive!
    have a great week and happy t-day:)

  9. Beautiful pages! I love how you stamped onto the fabric and the dragonfly looks amazing 😀. My pile of scraps never seems to go down either, I can't bring myself to throw anything away 😉. Looks like you had a wonderful time in the Lake District and Troutbeck is a lovely place to visit, such amazing views! I love the cute bunny rabbit on your mug - Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  10. Fantastic autumn spread with great texture. Thanks for sharing the interesting photos.

  11. I really love your journal pages very much.
    and I love 17th century homes-so I enjoyed all the photos.
    Happy T Kathy

  12. I love this journal spread Yvonne! I don't know what it is about scraps, no matter how many you use, the pile doesn't diminish much! Townend is one of my favourite houses to visit - as much for the house(where we always spot something that we hadn't noticed) as the birds and the fabulous views! We saw it from a different angle when we went to pick friends up the other day but the rain spots on the window meant no photos! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  13. Charming and so lovely are those pages Yvonne - This whole journal looks great and in your hands it will become a unique art piece for sure! Love the pic of your brew in the lovely bunny mug. I often have Earl Grey with milk and a hint of sugar here as well. One of my favourite beverages! And wow I adore this very charming old village!!! Such great place - I enjoyed seeing this place through your lens. What a pie! Happy T day and thanks a lot for supporting AJJ with this extraordinary beautiful entry! ♥♥♥
    Big hugs and lots of LOVE


  14. Oh what a beautiful house. Even though you were not allowed to flash, i can see very well and the furniture is so beautiful. I loved seeing the kitchen and the old range. Also the fact they showed real food, the way it would have been served back in the day. The meat pie is spectacular. Someone mentioned piped decorations. I’m not sure hot water pastry can be piped. (Meat pies are made with hot water pastry) What do you think?
    Thanks so much for sharing Townend and your journal.
    Happy T Day,

    1. Hi Lisca,
      yes I do think these pies were decorated by hand as we had been talking to the cook and agree hot water pastry needs to be worked by hand.
      Yvonne x

  15. Beutiful spread, Yvonne. I've never thought of or seen a journal with pages made of different materials. I bet the differences inspire. I think they would inspire me because each surface needs a different treatment and thereby guides your choices. Great idea.

    I love seeing the trust houses and the way they're made to look as they did then. I can't believe they go to the trouble of cooking/baking in the old ways just for show. It's fascinating.

    Happy T-day. Hugs, Eileen

  16. Lovely Autumn pages in your book. The old farmhouse and furnishings are beautiful. If that is the very day family pie, can you imagine what was served to company? Happy T Day

  17. What fun; thanks for the tour of the house! I love your journal pages. Lovely work. Happy T Day!

  18. You brought a smile when you said favourite stamp as I too have a favourite leaf stamp as well as that fab journal, it's a good size to work in. Super page Yvonne. I bet it smelt so homey with all that wooden panelling and home made foods.. so comforting. I've never been to the Lake District, say every year it's somewhere i'd like to go, maybe next year *Sigh*
    Happy T Day Hugs Tracey xx

  19. such pretty journal pages! and love your mug with the bunny...lovely photos of the historical house too. The pie pastry is amazing! happy T day!

  20. I bet that journal is a challenge with all the different surfaces! The farm looks a treat to visit even though the light made it tricky to photograph and that pie.....what an art piece!

    Sally xx
